Foundation Decisions For Your Destiny by Apostle Joshua Selman

Time (Foundation Decisions For Your Destiny ) || Ownership Youth Conference || Ownership Conf. 2023 DAY 5|| House of Treasures Ministries || Jo’Burg-South Africa


Commissioned with Power Part 1 by Apostle Joshua Selman
Commissioned with Power Part 2 (The Mandate) by Apostle Joshua Selman
Commissioned With Power Part 3 (Impartation) by Apostle Joshua Selman

Watch The Message

At any given point in any society, you will always find Fathers, Young people, and Children.

1 John 2:12-14 KJV, Lamentations 3:27 KJV, Ecclesiastes 12:1-2 NLT

A man’s lifetime is fragmented into 4 seasons
There are 4 seasons in a man’s life

  1. The Morning Season
  2. The Afternoon Season
  3. The Evening Season
  4. The Night Season

Every season in a man’s life is broken into 4 25-year cycles
These seasons are fragmented into 25-year circles

  1. The Morning Stage – The Learning Stage. (First 25 years of your life)
    Found Jesus and Found purpose for your glorious destiny.
  2. The Afternoon Stage – The Execution stage (From 26-50 years)
  3. The Evening Stage – The Legacy Stage – Maximum Kingdom Impact (51 – 75 years). You are not successful until there is a generation that becomes loyal to your thoughts
    Be careful with over-seeking comfort at a young age. If you sleep 8 hours every day, by the time you are 30 years old, you would have slept for 10 years.
  4. The Night (Rest) Stage (The Last years of your life)

Time is a means to measure destiny. Destiny is measured as a function of time.

Whatever you give your time to, you are giving a portion of your life too.

Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV, Joshua 24:13-15 KJV

Decisions decide the kind and the quality of destiny that happens to you. Jeremiah 29:11 KJV. Decisions decide Destiny.

Every decision is a consequence. Any decision you take there is always a consequence connected to it, you do not have the liability to pick the consequence, you can only take a decision that leads to consequences.

Time has a tripartite expression:

  1. Past (Yesterday)
  2. Present (Today)
  3. Future (Tomorrow)

You cannot do anything about yesterday but the only way we correct yesterday is to take advantage of today and reprogram tomorrow with it.

Time waits for no man.

Yesterday is very jealous that it tries to reproduce itself in your today. The jealousy of yesterday tries to replicate your today.

Isaiah 43:18-19 KJV

There are decisions we all have to make, these decisions directly affect the quality of your destiny.

Decisions every man must make:
Foundation decision if you want a glorious destiny.

  1. A decision to know the Lord and serve him all the days of your life. 2 Chronicles 26:5 KJV.
    It pays to serve Jesus. With Jesus, you are more than a majority. You must stand strong. Jesus the maker and lifter of men. 2 Chronicles 15:12-15 KJV
  2. The decision to be transformed. To contend for transformation. to utter the way you think and to utter the way you speak. Your thinking and your speaking then comes pro-kingdom and pro-scripture. Isaiah 8:20 KJV.
    When you are a carrier of light, it utters your mind and it utters your speech (speaking). Proverbs 23:7 KJV.
    What do you believe about God?
    What do you believe about satan?
    What do you believe about Yourself?
    What do you believe about failure?
    What do you believe about Success?
    What do you believe about Destiny?
    What do you believe about Those around you?
    What do you believe about enemies?
    What do you believe about Friends?
    What do you believe about poverty?
    What do you believe about Prosperity?
    What do you believe about The Word of God?
    Transformation means you become more Pro-Scripture. Psalm 107:2 KJV
    Men are programmed in two ways:
    Genetical and Environmental
  3. The decision to discover and fulfill your God-given/ordained Assignment. John 4:34 KJV
    We have a purpose and destiny in Christ. Hebrews 10:7 KJV
    At the end of your life, you will be remembered for the problem you solved or the one you created. You are either a solution or a problem. Everybody is interconnected through purpose.

Purpose gives you the legitimacy to say no to many things.

Books you should read: 

  1. Discovering Your Purpose by Dr. Myles Munroe
  2. Rediscovering the Kingdom by Dr. Myles Munroe

You have to make prayer investment, word investment.

Decisions every man must make:
Foundation decision if you want a glorious destiny.

4. The decision to be healthy and physically vibrant. 3 John 1:2 KJV
You have to be alive to serve God.

5. The decision to be financially empowered. Proverbs 22:7 KJV

You cannot be able to serve God productivity when you are economically disempowered.

In the presence of desperation, any option is worth bringing to the table.

With Wealth:

  1. You buy deviance
  2. You can redeem time
  3. You can become a blessing to the world

You are not truly wealthy until you can give to the kingdom and it does not affect you.
The name of Jesus is very heavy, it takes resources to lift it high for the nations to see.

6. The decision to build quality destiny relationships. Genesis 1:28 KJV. Be fruitful means to be relational.
In this kingdom who hates you does not matter, who likes you matters.

4 words you should learn:

  1. I am Sorry
  2. Thank You
  3. Please
  4. God Bless You

3 Relationships you must build:

  1. General Relationships
  2.  Seasonal Relationships – The key to receiving from this relationship is discernment. Discern and receive what they should give you on time.
  3. Covenant Relationships (destiny relationships) e.g. Your relationship with God. Matthew 4:18 – 19 KJV. Destiny helpers are men and women ordained and commissioned by God and sent by GOD to actualize your destiny. these are relationships you must protect at all costs because a part of your success is connected to it.
    Never give people access beyond their last level of honor.

When you see these kinds of people in your life be very careful, These are people the enemy can use in one’s life.

  1. A wicked person
  2. A Selfish Person
  3. An ignorant Person

4 kinds of men you need in your life

  1. Divine Connectors (They do not have what we are looking for, but they know who has it. The key to receiving from divine connectors is discernment. They might not come in the form that is desirable.
  2. Men of Influence (They are called gatekeepers, they are the ones that control systems and structures. You need their credibility and Endorsement) Watch the Messages The Grace called Favor and Helpers of Destinies by the Apostle to get a better understanding.
  3. Gifted People
  4. Burden Bearers

Foundation Decisions For Your Destiny by Apostle Joshua Selman



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