Striving For Mastery Part 2 by Apostle Joshua Selman

2 Corinthian 13:14 (KJV)
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.
Koinonia means sharing, fellowship, partnership, and participation.

The Holy Spirit’s primary assignment is to guide us into all TRUTH.

Fellowship with the Holy Spirit is in two dimensions;

1). Intimacy: That you get to know the Holy Spirit and everything that He brings. The Holy Spirit’s primary assignment is to be able to guide us into the truth.

2). Partnership: You and the Spirit of God doing exploits together the Kingdom.

The aim of the Striving for Mastery series is to help believers rise to levels of excellence in the Spirit, to open us to the systems of the Kingdom, and to be aware that the possibility exists where you can rise from being an amateur into levels of power and victory. (2 Timothy 2:5)

And if a man also strives for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strives lawfully.
You can command victory perpetually through knowledge.

Life is spiritual, more than sociological, more than physical. You cannot obtain the concept of mastery unless you understand the spirituality of life.

Acts 6:4 (KJV)
But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the Word.
A major part of your victory and your excelling in this life depends on the level of your prayer life.

Place your hand on your chest and pray against the spirit of death!

A major part of your victory and excelling in life depends on the health of your prayer life.
Say in the Name of Jesus, I receive the grace to pray!

The first key to contending for Mastery is the Ministry of Prayer. (1 Thessalonians 5:17, Acts 6:4, Philippians 4:6)

Every believer must submit himself to the ministry of prayer. In this season, you must obtain the grace to pray.

The second key to contending for Mastery is Understanding and Engaging the Laws and the Ministry of the Kingdom. (Luke 11:52)

When it has to do with seeing the glory of God in your life there is always a part you have to play. There is a relationship between the ways of God and His glory.

The first law of dominion as far as gaining mastery is concerned is the law of Total Surrender. (2 Corinthians 5:14-15)
Salvation is receiving the life of God. Giving your life to God is an activity for matured believers that denotes the willingness to serve and be used by God. Total surrender entails losing the ability to tell God “No”.

To be great in life, you must overcome sin and self. When it comes to self, you have to die daily.

When you surrender everything to God therein lies true liberty.

Commanding mastery requires complete, perfect, and unassuming surrender; death to self.

To die to self is to come to a point where God becomes the epicentre of your life such that nothing and no one will ever have the ability to replace Him.

It is burdensome to try to take the place of God in your life. You can only handle the burden of stewardship, not that of an owner. Hand over everything in your life to Him.

The second law of dominion as far as gaining mastery is concerned is the Law of Mental Transformation. (Proverbs 23:7, Deuteronomy 28:1)

We derive our mindsets primarily from culture, environment, and associations. Never downplay the extent of limitation a faulty mindset can bring to your destiny.

Deuteronomy 28:1-2 (KJV)

Your first assignment after an encounter with the Holy Spirit is to work on your mind.

The limitations in your life may not be from demonic oppression, but from the programming of your mind. The failures you have embraced in your life came from your programming.

Pray: I curse and uproot every negative mindset that is not consistent with the Word of God!

Champions have determined focus; Do not let anyone downplay the grace of God upon your life. Stop looking down on yourself.

The difference between you and anybody you admire is:

1). The quality of the information the person has

2). The kind of association the person possesses

3). The level of grace upon that person

Fear is proof that you have not gained hold of certain laws spiritually and mentally. The moment you gain mastery, fear leaves. The Word of God is a seed, you must plant it in your mind.

Laws of Dominion as far as Contending for Mastery is concerned;

3). The Law of Value and Contribution.

Your relevance in life will always be a reflection of your value and contribution. Until your life can solve a problem, you will not be regarded as necessary and people will see no value in you.

If no one places a demand on you, it is an indication that your value and contribution are low or not there. When all men seek for you, then you’re making a significant contribution that produces results. (John 14:6)

Nobody invests in your life indefinitely unless at the instance of value.

Skill and competence are the cure to a life of lack; Your value must match the level of hunger and thirst that the people have.

When you become valuable, those who need you will find you.

When God wants to lift you, He energises you to work on your value and contribution so that you can be a blessing to people.

Laws of Dominion as far as Contending for Mastery is concerned;

4). The Law of Authority. (James 4:7, Matthew 8:6-13)

You are as powerful as your relationship with the authority that sends you. Authority plays a vital role in dominion and commanding mastery.

Authority provides three things in the life of a believer; provision, protection, and promotion.

You are as powerful as the authority that backs you.

When God calls men, there are covenants He has with them that become the platform for certain possibilities to happen of which you can tap into.

When you understand the advantage that authority provides, your life becomes a sign and wonder.

Laws of Dominion as far as Contending for Mastery is concerned;

5). The Law of Faith. (John 11:40, Mark 11:22-24)

There is a relationship between believing in God and seeing His glory. Faith is a combination of your conviction about God alongside your obedience to the Scriptural demand that commits Him.

Laws of Dominion as far as Contending for Mastery is concerned;

6). The Law of Relationships. (Genesis 13:14)

You are a relationship away from the next level of your life.

There are three (3) types of Relationships;

1). General Relationships
2). Seasonal Relationships – the key to receiving from this relationship is discernment.
3). Covenant or destiny Relationship – these are relationships you must protect at all costs because a part of your success is connected to it.

Be fruitful means be relational; There is no fruitfulness in life without relationships. Woe betides a man who is left alone to carry his vision.

Laws of Dominion as far as Contending for Mastery is concerned;

7). The Law of Honour.

Honour is the key for access. Anytime a door closes over you, dishonour closed it. Dishonour is the trivializing, the demeaning, and downplaying of people’s uniqueness and value.

There are three reasons why people fail in life;

1). Dishonour to God
2). Dishonour to Men
3). Dishonour to Principles

Laws of Dominion as far as Contending for Mastery is concerned;

. The Law of Favour. (1 Samuel 16:20-22, Proverbs 13:15)

Favour is the number one reason why people prosper. You will never rise without it.

Favour is merited. You can initiate favour.

Laws of Dominion as far as Contending for Mastery is concerned;

9). The Law of Spiritual Empowerment. (Luke 4:18)

It takes spiritual empowerment to rise and achieve certain things in life.

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  1. Thank you for the good teachings .
    May God almighty bless you and take care of you.may he be kind and gracious to you.may his face look on you in favor and give you peace in Jesus mighty name AMEN 🙌

  2. Very insightful. Thank you for this eye opener. God bless you richly.

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