Commissioned with Power Part 2 (The Mandate) by Apostle Joshua Selman

Commissioned with Power Part 2 (The Mandate)|| Ownership Conf. 2023 DAY 4|| House of Treasures Ministries || Jo’Burg-South Africa

Commissioned with Power Part 2 (The Mandate) by Apostle Joshua Selman

Commissioned with Power Part 1 (Introduction) by Apostle Joshua Selman

Commissioned With Power Part 3 (Impartation) by Apostle Joshua Selman

Foundation Decisions For Your Destiny by Apostle Joshua Selman

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God’s Intent and God’s ordination for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is that we be a people of power, wisdom, and a people of grace.

The endpoint of a believer’s life should end in glory. If you keep walking with God, the end of it will be glory.

Hebrews 2:8 KJV

We know we are as believers but we don’t have a revelation of who we are in light of who Christ is.

Ephesians 1:3 KJV

Questions Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak will be answering

  1. Who we are in light of who Christ is
  2. Our corporate mandate as God’s people
  3. To help provide an understanding of the vastness, of the resources that have been given to us in Christ.

Ephesians 1:19 KJV

Our Corporate Mandate

Every right and every privilege in the kingdom was supposed to be taught in connection to responsibilities.

Purpose is what gives value and perspective to every gift and every blessing in the kingdom.

Everything God gives man only finds its meaning and its fulfillment to man when it serves a course bigger than that individual.

It is not pride to acknowledge all that God has given you.

Philemon 1:6 KJV

So when God anoints you, he anoints you for the nations.

Luke 11:1-5 KJV, Ecclesiastes 2:9-10 KJV

The Corporate Mandate of the Church John 1:6-7 KJV

There are 2 regalia that every man must wear

  1. Regalia of a witness
  2. Regalia of the platform that helps you to be a witness

The corporate mandate of the church is a three-fold mandate (The Great Commission)

  1. Mark 16:15-20 KJV
  2. Matthew 28:18-20 KJV
    The goal of preaching is awareness
    The goal of teaching is understanding
  3. Acts 1:6-11 KJV
    The gospel is our foundation but we build upon the knowledge that has come through the epistles.

When we put Mark’s account, and Matthew’s account, then we will understand God’s intent for the church.

See also  Redefining The Great Commission by Apostle Joshua Selman

Three Components Of The Great Commission:

1. The Global Harvest. World Evangelisation (Mark 16:15 KJV)

God’s desire is for all men to be saved. The problem was not the harvest, the problem was the scarcity of true laborers. Matthew 9:35-38 KJV

Soul-winning is not just for evangelists, it is an orientation that all believers must have.

Use what God gave you as resources to bring people into the global harvest.

Soul winning is not something you should be part of, it is your assignment.

The Holy Spirit is in charge, he is called the Lord of the harvest.

Three (3) ministries of people to discern and watch out for:
1. The ministry of the madman of Gadara. Take note that someone who was once considered mentally ill may have been healed and assigned to a mandate.
2. The ministry of the woman at the well. Having lived a troubled life in the past. We should be careful not to judge such people.
3. The ministry of Apostle Paul. The ones who at a time persecuted the church (chief persecuted of the church)

See also  Navigating Prophetic Seasons 2 by Apostle Joshua Selman

If we do not take soul-winning seriously, a generation will come that will outrightly reach Jesus. Joshua 24:15 KJV, Mark 8:36 KJV

Gifts without purpose will destroy and wreck our lives.

You secure the support of heaven when you are ever committed to the ministry of soul-winning.

The ones we call God’s generals were first God’s evangelists.

When it has to do with soul-winning, numbers matter.

For every time you communicate laxity, one soul perishes.

We need to reexamine the Jesus we are preaching to the generation.

There needs to be a restoration, we need to REPRESENT JESUS.

2. Discipleship (The Maturing of the saints) (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 2:42)

Discipleship is a system that converts a follower to reproduce and replicate his master. The intent behind discipleship is replication not information.

They become a representation of who Jesus is. Becoming transformed believers.

When you come into the kingdom, there are keys of the kingdom.

There are 6 foundation doctrines according to Hebrews 6 that every believer must be methodically guided by to stature and power.

  1. The Doctrine of Christ and the foundation of it. Repentance from dead works and faith towards God.
    Doctrine is a set of truths, beliefs, and information that convert a disciple to become as powerful and dexterous as his master.

There are 2 main things you are mandated to deal with:

  • Sin – You deal with sin immediately after you confess Jesus
  • Flesh – It is a gradual progressive work.
    It is dangerous to have people that are saved and not transformed.
    Longevity in church does not equal transformation. Transformation occurs through the truth that builds. Acts 2:42 KJV

Discipleship means the mentorship of Believers to attain maturity and stature through doctrine.
It involves helping Believers understand the principles of God’s Kingdom through the teaching ministry.

The end result of discipleship is transformation and maturity.
Discipleship is a major reason for the physical convergence of believers.

As far as the purposes of God are concerned, the church is a place where Believers are mentored to become effective witnesses and agents of transformation.

God leads people to the church to be mentored and taught for a variety of reasons, among which include the faithfulness and preparedness of the teaching Priest.

Learning the ways of God is a process that takes time.

Poor or unbalanced mentorship is a major cause of the decline in the quality of Believers in today’s world.
The level of mentorship or discipleship a believer receives is demonstrated by certain criteria, such as knowledge of The Word of God and a commitment to prayer..

Discipleship is the only hope for the maturity of a believer.

The mandate given by Jesus Christ requires proper discipleship, in order to raise a great army for a bountiful harvest.
Mentorship is the key to stature and transformation.

3. Territorial or Societal transformation.

The missing component in the Church.

Jesus called us the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Matthew 5:13-16 KJV.

Good men will look like evil men and even act like evil men in an evil society.

Societal transformation means that the gospel, as designed by Jesus, is penetrated into society, thereby bringing an end to every form of decadence.

When your life and ministry begin to have an impact on society, you begin to attract the attention of great people from that society.
It is at this point that individuals become likened to nations.

Proof of Territorial/Societal Transformation:

1. Impact on the moral fabric of society.
2. Impact on the quality of lives of the people within that territory.
(John 10:10, Matthew 14:16-17)

All we should ask from God is to the end that:

  1. The nations be saved
  2. The saints be equipped and matured
  3. Territories and society be converted and improved


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