Commissioned With Power Part 3 (Impartation) by Apostle Joshua Selman
Commissioned With Power Part 3 (Impartation) || Ownership Conf. 2023 DAY 4|| House of Treasures Ministries || Jo’Burg-South Africa
Commissioned with Power Part 1 by Apostle Joshua Selman
Commissioned with Power Part 2 (The Mandate) by Apostle Joshua Selman
Foundation Decisions For Your Destiny by Apostle Joshua Selman
Ezekiel 37 KJV
Ephesians 1:3 KJV
Every believer in Christ has access to all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
Ephesians 1:18-20 KJV
The highest dimension of God’s power ever displayed in the world of men so the power that was exacted when Jesus was raised from the dead. If we understand this power, we can lift any man from anywhere and lift him to a position of glory.
The church that God ordained is a church of power.
When God calls a people:
The first thing he does is to reveal himself to them.
The second thing God does is to give you a mandate on the strength of that revelation
The third and final thing God does is to empower you with the requisite dimension of grace to carry out that mandate.
In the beginning God. God does not call people to ministry. Follow me and I will make you. Just because you are God does not mean that you are sent.
When God calls you, he calls you to himself. When you come out, the dimension you see of God becomes your mandate.
Then you become empowered.
Acts 4:33 KJV, Acts 10:38 KJV
It takes more than compassion to do good, it takes power.
Being empowered means:
- Having the capacity to produce God’s dimension of result even though you are a man.
- The ability to shift the climate of nations
Acts 8:5-8 KJV
The generation that will bring glory to Jesus will be a generation that understands and must power.
Hebrews 11:38 KJV, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 KJV
We were not just commissioned with a mandate, we were commissioned with power.
The world of men was not designed to ignore the miraculous.
John 3:1-2 KJV, Mark 5:9 KJV
Don’t downplay the true power that comes from God.
1 John 4:17 KJV
Every believer in Christ has access to the empowerment of the spirit but access does not equal possession.
According to Scripture, there are three Biblical forms/keys for accessing empowerment (the power of God)
- A direct encounter with the spirit of power. Micah 3:8 KJV
A dimension of the Holy Spirit called the spirit of power
A man can encounter God through your hunger, your hunger can lead you to a solid encounter by grace and by mercy. Men can encounter power.
There is something about a genuine cry that comes from a broken and contract heart.
When it has to do with the revelation of Jesus and the glorification of the same, God’s answer will always be Yes and Amen.
The most foundational basis for receiving anything from God second only to his mercy and love is your heart condition. Your heart condition vetoes your fasting, vetoes your prayer. 2 Chronicles 25:1-2 KJV, Jeremiah 17:10 KJV (God has the ability to hear the speakings of your heart).
Genuine brokenness. Psalm 8:4-5 KJV. - His power that is accessed by encountering his word. The power of God that is accessed when you encounter his word. The word of God indeed carries light and it carries within it power. Habakkuk 3:3 AMP.
God’s power has a location, he hides it in his light and the only way to find that light is to find his word because his entrance of his word giveth light. Revelation is not a revelation to you until you can demonstrate its reality. There is a power component that follows every scripture.
When discussing prophetic teachings, there are three major layers in the study of Scripture:1. Archaeological/Historical layer.
2. Doctrinal layer, which involves spiritual synergy and doesn’t demand creativity.
3. The Prophetic layer of Scripture.
There must be two things that happen before scripture opens up to you:1. The book must be opened and
2. The seals must be broken (The spirit of revelation that comes that helps break up the seal) Revelations 5:4 KJV
Luke 24:13-32 KJV – Proximity to the word is not the same as revelation.
According to Scripture, there are three Biblical forms/keys for accessing empowerment (the power of God)
- Through the mystery of impartation. Impartation is your ability to discern and align with vessels, vessels that are carriers of genuine grace.
God gives gifts to men. When you honor a man it is not human worship, it is discernment. There are graces available within the body that can empower men.
Every name you call in the Bible is not just a name, it represents a spiritual pathway that produces a kind of glory in a believer.
The God you encounter is the God you reveal to the world. Daniel 11:32b KJV
Priesthood and kingship give you illumination.
Revelations 5:10 KJV, Job 22:29 KJV, Proverbs 4:18 KJV