Commissioned with Power Part 1 (Introduction) by Apostle Joshua Selman
Commissioned with Power Part 1 (introduction)|| Ownership Conf. 2023 DAY3 || House of Treasures Ministries || Jo’Burg-South Africa
Commissioned with Power Part 2 (The Mandate) by Apostle Joshua Selman
Commissioned With Power Part 3 (Impartation) by Apostle Joshua Selman
Foundation Decisions For Your Destiny by Apostle Joshua Selman
Isaiah 32:15 KJV, Luke 10:19 KJV, Matthew 28:18-19 KJV
When you are looking for God’s presence, you find it in the Church.
Revelations 1:13-16 KJV – You will always find him in the mindset of the lampstand
3 Revelations of the Church:
- A Strategy. God’s own invention. God’s own strategy.
- Men and Women whom are the living stones used to build the spiritual house. The resting place of God is the church.
- An Institution that represents the most accurate God’s will and intent on Earth.
A place of extraordinary people. Who are in human flesh but not truly human. Ephesians 2:10 KJV, Ephesians 3:10 KJV
When people see us, they should conclude that there is a God indeed.
Men ought to learn about God through the lens of our lives.
When God states a beginning with a believer, with you, the end of it is always called Glory
Everything God does is for His glory.
If you have not seen the glory yet, keep going, keep working with the Holy Spirit don’t give up until the glory comes.
Matthew 5:13-16 KJV, John 15:8 KJV, John 15:16 KJV, Psalm 8:4-9 KJV, Revelations 18 KJV, Revelations 19 KJV
When God looks at the church, he should see himself
We are been changed from glory to glory.
When you are becoming like Christ, your language should be “I Press” as Paul said in Philippians 3:14 KJV
If at any point you believe you have arrived, it is an attack.
3 Reasons Why the Church is in its current state (Psalm 49:20 KJV)?
- There is a bankruptcy of who we are in light of who Christ is. Psalm 82:5-7 KJV.
Product of identity 1 John 4:17 KJV. Journey with the Holy Spirit through the Scripture, What did he say about me? find what was written concerning you in the scripture. Who we have become in light of who Christ is. 2 Timothy 2:20-22 KJV. - We have not yet understood by revelation our corporate mantle, our corporate purpose, and our commission. Luke 4:17-21 KJV, Hebrews 10:7 KJV.
What does God expect of us? who is the believer?
Your assignment is the larger body of God’s program. What has to be restored back in the church is the corporate mantle of believers. God’s agenda is bigger than one person, The main purpose is God’s program and God’s agenda. Jesus revealed and Jesus glorified. Everything that serves God rises as you lift his name. - We do not have the knowledge of the spiritual resources that have been given to the believer and how to activate it. Ephesians 1:3 KJV.
There are resources beyond our awareness. 2 Peter 1:2-4 KJV
Spiritual Resources:
- True Riches (which produce money)
- Money
When people in the Bible are blessed, they don’t give them Physical or material things. For example, Abraham gave Isaac all he had in Genesis 25:5 KJV.
Step-by-step you lead me song.
Romans 8:18 KJV, Romans 8:18 NLT
It is important to know the speakings of God now. Acts 19 KJV
3 Things the Bible says the Church is:
- Royal priesthood, a holy nation a prequel people. 1 Peter 2:9 KJV.
- His workmanship. Ephesians 2:10 KJV
When God comes, we have come
When God speaks, we have spoken
Jesus didn’t just die for us, he also has names he calls us. - Matthew 5:13-16 KJV. You are the salt of the earth.
The assignment of Salt is to preserve and to add taste.
Matthew 5:13-16 KJV. You are the light of the world
Light does not have to be everywhere to illuminate everywhere.
The longevity of darkness does not affect light. John 1:5 KJV
Messages from today’s sermon:
- We have been preordained and predestined unto glory
- The binder of a people is vision. Vision that is greater than personal ambition.
- Unity is not uniformity, unity is not exactness unity is looking to a higher vision and a higher call that is greater than our individual ambitions.
- We can disagree on many things, but not about projecting Jesus and bringing revival to nations