Knowing God Accurately by Apostle Joshua Selman

Knowing God Accurately by Apostle Joshua Selman

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Lift your voice in prayer and ask The Lord for an encounter tonight.

Pray: Lord, give me a definite encounter, by Your Spirit, tonight.

“And if any man thinks that he knoweth anything, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭8:2‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

Pray: Lord, I open up my heart to receive superior light, even by Your Spirit, tonight.

Are you trusting God for healing?

Lay your hands upon the afflicted area or on your chest as a point of contact and connect with us in faith.

The assignment of the ‘Healing Anointing’ is to bring your body back in alignment with the will of God and to extend longevity to a person’s life.

In the name of Jesus, I rebuke any spirit of infirmity present in your body.

Eye conditions and blood conditions be healed now!

From nation to nation, I stretch forth my hands and bring healing to your body parts!

Cancer be healed now!

Terminal diseases of all sorts, in the name of Jesus, be healed now!

For anyone in a sick bed, the power of God takes you from that condition and makes you stand on your feet now!

For anyone with any illness not mentioned, I bring healing to you now!

Migraines be healed now!

As Believers, it’s important we know God accurately because arriving at many wrong conclusions about Him can be detrimental to our Christian experience.

Romans 5:17 KJV, 2 Peter 1:2 KJV, John 16:13 KJV

The experience of eternal life which is the activation of the Zoe life, is dependent on the knowledge of God through Jesus Christ, whom He has sent. (John 17:3)

When it has to do with accessing grace in the Kingdom, it is vital to have the knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ. (John 17:3)

As a Believer, when it has to do with the subject of knowledge (of God), you must be guided.

Jesus Christ asked the disciples to demonstrate the benefit of the intimacy and mentorship they had experienced with Him.
Yet, they still had the same experience as those who didn’t know Him.
(Matthew 16:13-18)

Jesus Christ implied in this passage that He had stretched the limits of their understanding at the point of His departure and expected them to have a deeper comprehension of Him and His teachings. (John 16:22)

Six Dimensions of Spiritual Knowledge a Believer Must Pursue:

1. You must know God and Jesus His Son. (Proverbs 9:10, Daniel 11:32b, Ephesians 1:15-19)

2. You must know yourself in light of who Christ is (Psalm 49:20, 1 Peter 2:9, Ephesians 2:1-6)

3. You must know your place in destiny and in God’s program (Luke 4:16, Hebrews 10:7)

4. You must understand the mysteries and the principles of God’s kingdom. (Job 38:33-35, Psalm 82:5, Matthew 13:11)

5. You must understand man as the highest of God’s creation as well as the cosmos. (Psalm 8:1-6, Psalm 115:16, Matthew 10:16)

6. You must know your adversary, the devil. (John 10:10, 1 Peter 5:8-9)

There are six dimensions of spiritual knowledge the Believer should aim to pursue. There are two levels generally which are:

1. Supportive Knowledge – which is when the foundation has been laid, the knowledge here is to support and add to what is known.

2. Foundational Knowledge – This is where the supportive knowledge is built and if absent, the person’s Christian experience can be lopsided.

If you must excel in the cosmos, you must understand the world of men.

You must be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. (Matthew 10:16)

Many Believers in an attempt to remain positive, have ignored many aspects of the dark world. Do not be ignorant of satan’s devices.

No matter what you know as pertains to your spiritual understanding, if you do not know how the cosmos operates, you can be incapacitated beyond your imagination.

Strength in God’s kingdom is a culmination of your knowledge; the light that has come from your knowing God, yourself, His program, and your adversary.

There are four channels to knowing God for all who seek to know Him:

1. Scripture – God’s first recommendation and a Believer’s first point of call. (John 1:1-5)

2. A Careful Study of His Names – the names of God capture various dimensions of His power. (Exodus 3:13-15, Exodus 6:1-3, Hebrews 1:1-3, Matthew 3:17)

3. Jesus Christ – He came as a correction of our understanding of God. Prior knowledge of God by the patriarchs had gaps until Jesus came.

4. Experience – you can know God through experience. (Job 42:5, 1 John 1:1-5)

omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient

In ancient times anything that was beyond the realm of science and the three-dimensional realm, they largely credited it to God.

God reveals Himself according to His Names.

In scripture, the encounters and experiences of men with God were encapsulated in the various Names attributed to Him.

Jesus came as a revelation of The Father.
(John 1:1-6, Hebrews 1:1-3)

He came as an express image of God; an accurate explanation of The Father.

If you don’t know God in truth, your life and Christian experience will be stunted.

Your life will be a plethora of experiences that will show your wavering beliefs.

Believers are confused because of the contradictory messages from various preachers and teachers of The Word.

The event in Athens is still pertinent in our today’s world. (Acts 17:16-17, 22-25)

Many people have written songs and given uncanny devotion to an unknown God.

As a result, there is a vacillation of convictions in the face of challenges due to the uncertainty of who God really is.

Every generation that had individuals who shook their generation had a genuine encounter with God.

Many people have not taken the time to know God, even though they know ‘about’ God.

The prophets of Baal got to a point where they knew Baal so much and for the first time, even when they lacerated themselves, Baal disappointed them. When it was time Elijah displayed The Living God because He knew Him.

When David showed up before Goliath, he mentioned that he came in a name, because he knew God.

A Believer’s spiritual experience and deliverance will not be based on their connection to a man of God, but based on their connection to The God they know.

Facts about God:

1. God is infinite. (Isaiah 40:28)

The best of your experiences will not do justice to who God is, relative to the vastness of who God is. There is no end to the searching of God.

2. The singular difference between God and man is that He is

I. Omniscient
II. Omnipotent
III. Omnipresent

These dimensions of God have not been tasted by any man.

Those who know God, truly can be strong and do great exploits.

Your stability for the days that are coming will stem from the God you know.

God lives beyond eternity. His realm is now.

He lives beyond time and all things are present before Him.

Our knowledge of God in respect to past, present, and future is in a bid to help us know and understand God.

Learning and knowing God is our eternal pursuit.

The past, present, and future is only a reality that was framed to help you relate with and understand God better.

God lives beyond eternity. His realm is NOW. (Isaiah 40:28, Revelation 21:6)

For our profiting and dominion on earth, there are three aspects of God we must focus on:

1. The Knowledge of His Character
(Exodus 33:18-19, Isaiah 40:28-30, Psalm 145:8-20, 103:1-5)

When you decide to know God, the first thing you should pursue is the knowledge of His character.
Every time your hunger in the Spirit presses to know God, learn His character.

Being a friend of God is a noble status.

He takes away the restraints as far as knowing the mysteries and the secrets of the kingdom and His agenda are concerned. (Genesis 18:17-18)

Nothing will truly give you confidence until you are guided to know the knowledge of God’s character.

Knowing God’s character provides exceptional confidence in Him, even amidst contrary perspectives. (2 Timothy 1:12)

Three categories of people God destroys:

1. God’s enemies.
God’s enemy is not just one who fights you; you can become an enemy of God when you consistently interrupt His plans and agenda.

God always gives the opportunity for the will of man to be exercised in choosing or rejecting Him before He executes judgment.

Before you invoke God’s judgment, verify your position.

Many people will be corrupters of God’s program simply through the error of misalignment.

When you say “Arise Oh God and let Your enemies be scattered”; first ascertain you’re not one of them.

The very throne God sits on is an Altar.

For our profiting and dominion on earth, there are three aspects of God we must focus on:

2. His Ways (Psalm 25:4-5)

God’s character talks about who He is; His ways focus on how He operates.

One prevalent error within the prophetic ministry is the lack of submission to understanding God’s ways.

The spiritual realm is expansive, and aside from perceiving it, grasping the essence of God’s character necessitates a diligent study of His ways for precise interpretation of visions received.

When you know how God operates, you also understand how He does not operate.

We function in God’s kingdom based on our knowledge of the ways of God.

True spirituality transcends praying and fasting; the character of love is the ability to give.

Nevertheless, even though God embodies love, He does not condone irresponsibility.

The power of God can keep a man in His will. God’s power can bring you into alignment.

The power of God sustains the ability to keep a man in the will of God; it brings all things into perfect alignment with the will of God.

Outside of the will of God, the power of God has no assignment.

When it has to do with being a witness, you need to know God’s power.
It is the revelation of God’s power that brings you into unquestionable dominion

For our profiting and dominion on earth, there are three aspects of God we must focus on:

3. The Knowledge of His Power. (Psalm 63:1-2, Matthew 22:29, Ephesians 1:18-21, Acts 4:33)
The power of God sustains the ability to keep a man in the will of God; it brings all things into perfect alignment with the will of God.

Power is the ability to cause change; many times the ability to force change. (Psalm 66:3)
Believers can be wise for the times but the days before us are times that will necessitate genuine spiritual power.

Acts 8:5-6 (KJV)
5. Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them.
6. And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did.

Power is not solely about transformation; it also lies in instigating change.
Power serves as a reminder that there is a God that sits in heaven.
God uses His power to call the attention of a rebellious generation.

1 Samuel 17:44-47 KJV, Acts 10:38 KJV

I decree and declare upon you, the grace that makes make you a sign and wonder in business, may that grace rest upon you now!

In the name of Jesus, your life ceases to be ordinary, it becomes a powerful sign and wonders! May that sign be fully represented in your life by all means!
I decree, may financial signs arise! Favour signs arise! Intercessors signs arise, in the name of Jesus!

For someone confused about how God works, in the name of Jesus, from tonight, may your life be an explanation to divine mysteries!

Every dimension to knowing God that is deficient in your life, may The Spirit of revelation rest upon you to know Him accurately! May knowing God accurately become a reality in your life in the name of Jesus!



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