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Jesus The Messiah (Jesus as Savior) By Apostle Joshua Selman

Jesus The Messiah || Rhema Feast 2023 || Day 4 Morning Session|| Nairobi – Kenya || Apostle Joshua Selman

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Jesus as Lord & as Christ by Apostle Joshua Selman

Daniel 11:32b KJV, John 17:2-3 KJV, Philippians 3:10 KJV

Knowing The Only True God

If you claim to know the true God of the Bible, you should be able to exhibit certain tokens and evidence that can be presented to the world.

Liberty in the creativity of the pursuit of God.

There is a predefined pathway to the knowledge of God.

The Church of Africa (state) is a symptom of 2 things:

  1. The bankruptcy of the knowledge of the only true God
  2. The bankruptcy of the ways of God

The lamb’s wife must be:

  1. Equal in length
  2. Equal in breadth
  3. Equal in height

John 20:30-31 KJV

4 Biblical and Channels to the ways of God

  1. You consult Scripture. 2 Timothy 3:15-17 KJV.
  2. Studying God’s names. Exodus 6:1-3 KJV.
  3. By the study of the person Jesus or by the revelation of Jesus. Hebrews 1:1 KJV, Colossians 3:15-16 KJV, John 1:1-3 KJV
  4. Advantage of Experience (guided experiences). Advantage of buying the truth from Men of God. Job 42:5 KJV

Who is Jesus and why did he come? 1 Corinthians 13:9 KJV

Jesus came to fulfill a threefold assignment:

  1. Jesus came as an accurate revelation and manifestation of the misunderstood God. Acts 17:20-23 KJV
    The house of God will always be either:
    1. A House of Prayer or
    2. A den of robbers
  2. To reconcile all men to God. Which required his death, his blood, and his life. John 3:16 KJV, John 10:10 KJV. 
  3. He came as a revelation to man as God’s expectation of him. To reveal to man how far he has fallen and God’s true expectation of man. Romans 3:23 KJV, John 14:12 KJV.

Believers have many advantages, one of them being the prophetic advantage.

What did Jesus say about himself? 10 Names Jesus called Himself

  1. I am the Bread of life. John 6:35 KJV
  2. I am the light of the world. John 8:12 KJV, John 9:5 KJV. You are light when you work with Jesus
  3. I am the door. John 10:7 KJV.
  4. The Good Shepherd. John 10:11 KJV
  5. The resurrection and the life. John 11:25 KJV
  6. I am the way, the truth, and the life. John 14:6 KJV
  7. The True Vine. John 15:1-5 KJV, Ephesians 6:10 AMP.
  8. I am the Alpha and Omega The Beginning and the Ending. Revelation 1:11 KJV
  9. I am the First and the Last. Revelation 1:8;17 KJV
  10. I am the way, the truth, and the life. John 14:6 KJV
    I am the he that liveth, was dead and I am alive forever more. John 1:18 KJV, Revelations 1:18 KJV

Check out: The Revelation of Jesus (I am The Way, I am The Truth and I am The Life) By Apostle Joshua Selman

From an Evangelical and Apostolic Dimension, there are 3 dimensions (revelation) of Jesus every believer must know in order to become a person of stature:

  1. Jesus as Savior
    When you meet Jesus the Savior, it will affect you and how you relate with the world.
    To know Jesus as the savior, you must know the extent of his love. Jeremiah 31:3 KJV.

    There are 3 kinds of ministers that will rise before Jesus Comes: Three (3) ministries of people to discern and watch out for:

    1. The ministry of the woman at the well, having lived a troubled life in the past. We should be careful not to judge such people.
    2. The ministry of the madman of Gadara. Take note that someone who was once considered mentally ill may have been healed and assigned to a mandate.
    3. The ministry of Mary of Magdala, whom Jesus cast out seven demons (Luke 8:1-2). Check out: Navigating Prophetic Seasons 2 by Apostle Joshua Selman
    We must be ready to teach Jesus as savior. People need to know him as the savior. If you want to see the power of God, concentrate on the revelation of Jesus as the savior.
    2 Ways to Follow in the Scripture:
    1. To follow them. Hebrews 6:12 KJV, Acts 1:8 KJV.
    2. Looking unto Jesus.
    The condition to receiving forgiveness from God is genuine brokenness and repentance. Check out: The Mountain of the Lord’s House by Apostle Joshua Selman
    You can’t reveal Jesus as Savior until you understand the Gospel. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV, John 3:17 KJV.

    Four things you must know:
    Land, territory, mind control systems and resources

  2. Jesus as Lord
    Your submission in obedience.
    The spirit of Faith is finally planted in you. The earth is not just for the savior, the earth is the Lord.
    When Jesus is Lord:
    1. you are the one doing, when he is his savior, he is the one doing.
    2. When you have lost the ability to say no, then Jesus is truly Lord in your life. Galatians 2:2 KJV.
    3. The proof you have encountered the Lord is surrender not receiving.
    4. When you cast your crown because there cannot be 2 Lords. You bow to only one king, only one Lord, and only one Name.
  3. Jesus as Christ

Here is where you understand the anointing. The Anointed.


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