Spiritual Empowerment (Being a Servant of God) by Apostle Joshua Selman

Spiritual Empowerment (Being a Servant of God) by Apostle Joshua Selman

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Psalm 89:20 KJV

An Impartation is the transfer of spiritual possibilities. When Spiritual possibilities leave the carrier of it to one who is hungry and determined to receive.

You can not accomplish the purposes of the kingdom in the strength of the flesh.

 Isaiah 6:1 KJV

The price for seeing God and encountering him is not just searching, it is killing what has tried to be him.

He has to be Lord absolutely in your life.

You have to move from who you are and become God’s servant.

What does it mean to be a servant of God?

Sonship is being a Servant Philippians 2:5 KJV.

2 Bibilical Requirement to be called a servant of God?

  1.  Your Heart. The state of brokenness. The Law of Encounter. You Must Seek and Search for God with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 KJV, Genesis 28:10-22 KJV, Genesis 32:22-32 KJV. Until everything that supposedly carries value in your life bows to the Lordship of the king, you will never genuinely be anointed. When you want Jesus to be revealed and glorified in your life, then you are ready to become God’s Servant.
  2. Your desire to live your life to serve his purposes eternally. Jesus revealed and Jesus glorified. Revelation and Exaltation of Christ.

How to Access the Power of God? 2 Ways to Receive the Power of GOD

  1. Directly from God Through Encounters with God himself
  2. Through Impartation.

See also  The Holy Spirit [Miracle & Impartation] by Apostle Joshua Selman


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