The Revival is here by Prophet Tomi Arayomi
Watch The Message Start from 1:16:00 – 2:10:27
Ezekiel 37:1-3 NKJV.
Revival means to come back to life again
We need prayer but we need prophecy
Prophecy gives prayer focus.
Prophecy gives it a picture.
If you don’t understand the power of the prophetic you pray in fear
Everything that follows you in life is based on what you believe in
There are certain movements of God you can miss if you are not in the room
Revival does not respect grief.
The enemy can use disappointment to miss out on the move of God in the room
God wants to pour out his breath he just needs bones
God wants holiness for you, not happiness
The more of you his the presence of God
God will provide the outpouring if you provide the inpouring