The Spirit of Wisdom by Apostle Joshua Selman

The Spirit of Wisdom by Apostle Joshua Selman

Sermon was Preached on August 1st, 2021

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Acts 20:32

You have to understand the value of God’s presence. One moment in God’s presence can truly change your life.

Never be casual about the house of God, never be casual about the word of God, and never be casual about an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit has been allowed to find expression.

There is no limit on how far God is able to lift to build to change to transform.

What makes the house of God important is that God is there.

We are a people of vision and intention.

Sixfold Mandate of Koinonia

  1. To help actualize the global harvest of souls Acts 2:25-39, Romans 10:13-15
  2. Equipping and building believers until they attain stature and maturity through the revelation of the word of God. Matthew 18:18-20, Ephesians 4:11-14.
  3. To be instruments of completion and balance. Colossians 1:28-29, Acts 18:22-28
  4. To demonstrate the reality of the love and power of God through miracles, signs, and wonders; bringing healing, deliverance, and transformation to men. Acts 2:22
  5. To help strengthen the unity of the body of Christ. Acts 2:1, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
  6. To become a bridge of hope for visionary leadership and national transformation. Acts 17:6, Daniel 2:46-49

Luke 1:1-4

The Spirit of Wisdom by Apostle Joshua Selman

Revelation 5:12

7 spiritual reality that Jesus purchased for us in redemption

Isaiah 11:1-2, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 1:17

The spirit of wisdom is giving, it is not something you learn.

There is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit upon the life of a believer as a spirit of wisdom.

Wisdom is the secret behind the exploits of men in this kingdom Deuteronomy 34:9

Psalm 119:98-100, Psalm 104:24

It takes wisdom to excel in life

It takes God’s dimension of wisdom to bring about exploits.

Wisdom from God will grant you access to results that defy common sense. Results that defy logic.

The absence of the spirit of wisdom is costly. It leaves you to the frailty of your intelligence and your perceptions.

Ephesians 3:10

What is Wisdom?

Wisdom – the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment. The ability to use your knowledge and abilities to make good decisions and sound judgment.

James 3:13

The Bible lets us know there 4 different kinds of wisdom

  1. Earthly Wisdom – natural wisdom is what is called common sense. Inability to recognize right from wrong.
  2. Sensual Wisdomfaculties perception this is scientific wisdom this is philosophical wisdom, wisdom that has come through studies wisdom that have come through experiments.
  3. Devilish Wisdom or demonic wisdoma sense of superior judgment that is outsourced from your fraternity with demon spirits
  4. Wisdom from AboveGodly wisdom, supernatural wisdom. The wisdom that comes as an impartation by the spirit of wisdom.

Wisdom from kingdom perspectives

  1. Wisdom is the accurate application of knowledge or information
  2. Wisdom is the supernatural ability to use the written or inspired word of God to make accurate decisions and provide solutions to life problems. Wisdom is related to advancement wisdom is related to wealth, wisdom is related to exploits.

James 1:5

A man can lack wisdom. It has nothing to do with being good or bad.

The manifestation of the spirit of wisdom

How to Access Wisdom

There is timing to the pursuit of wisdom

Job 28:1-23

The proof of passion is the pursuit

This wisdom comes from God only

Romans 10:8-15

Believe with your heart, confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and you are saved.

A preacher is a key to hearing.

You preach they hear, they hear they believe, they believe and they are saved.

Want to know how to be blessed understudy Abraham. Isaiah 51:2

Want to know how to pray and ministry of prayer understudy Elijah James 5:13-18

Want to have spiritual encounters understudy Jacob Psalm 24, Genesis 28, Genesis 32

Want to understand favor read Understudy the Israelites

The life of King Solomon 1 Kings 3

Manifestation of the spirit of wisdom

How to access the Wisdom of God

  1. The passionate love of God and his Agenda. True wisdom starts with love. 1 Kings 3:2
  2. A sincere heart to be a blessing. Not about yourself but others. 1 Kings 3:4-9. Everything God gives you follows through you but it must pass through to others and be a blessings to others unless it can kill you.
  3. The law of Sacrifice. Total surrender. You must become that sacrifice. Giving God your heart. 1 Kings 3:4, Psalm 50:5.

Want to access the spirit of wisdom, God must vet you until you die

  1. The Sacrifice of Time
  2. The Sacrifice of Resources
  3. The Sacrifice of Reputation
  4. The Sacrifice of Ego
  5. The Sacrifice of Intelligence

Lord take everything. Take all of me all of me Lord you have my everything

You know you have to give him everything (all) when you have nothing left.

Surrender and death to yourself

  1. Asking of The Lord. 1 Kings 3:9, James 1:5. Jesus revealed and Glorified in through your life.

You need to know and learn how wisdom manifests and its dynamics

The Spirit of Wisdom. Wisdom is revealed and released in a believer through:

  1. The Sacrifice of Meditation. Proverbs 18:1. Divine strategies and Divine Direction are subsets of wisdom. Daniel 2:14-19. The time that comes through meditation. James 2:26
  2. The Sacrifice of Speaking. Luke 21:15, Matthew 10:19-20.
  3. The Sacrifice of Innovative and Creative Thinking. Job 32:8
  4. The Sacrifice of Dreams and Visions. Hebrews 1:1. Receive the vision and write it down. Proverbs 23:3-4. For anything that has to be built, the architect is wisdom. 1 Kings 3:15-28

You work best in wisdom when you stay with the word of God

True Test from God

  1. Test of love
  2. Test and selflessness

When the wisdom of God rests upon your life, everyone will see it

Philippians 2:5

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