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Prophetic Charge by Apostle Joshua Selman

Prophetic Charge || The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria

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Isaiah 43:18-19 KJV

3 Things the prophet is saying:

Time is 3 different dimensions

God designed it this way so that today and tomorrow can correct the mistakes of yesterday

Over-dwelling in the past whether positively or negatively can hinder one’s life. It is cancer to progress cancer to the advancement

When you dwell on the negative past it is able to create discouragement and fear and it will even deflate your passion

When you dwell on the past, something it can do to you is 

The Past always seeks to reveal itself in your pain. So it is your responsibility to remember not according to Isaiah 43:18 KJV

The positive past can also create complacency can create pride and overconfidence and it can even create indiscipline.

Philippians 3:13-14 KJV

The applause of men and their discouragement can affect you all the same.

3 Things the prophet is saying:

What is the implication of this statement, when God says I will do a new thing that means there is a performance about to happen which means there is a wave of the spirit which means there is something in the mind of the spirit per season and per time. Sometimes it is an unfamiliar performance.

Experiencing a new dimension of God, experiencing a new dimension of the love of God, experiencing a new page, a new life in life and destiny.

Experiencing the new, demands:

When Jesus becomes your inheritance that no matter what you do not have this one thing gives you a guarantee that he is my inheritance and he is the basis for every other thing that will come to my life.

If you desire to see the new in your life, particularly in your spiritual life.

It is important to keep the modus operandi that God has given us but we must have the flexibility to know God is always in motion. It is dangerous to be where God was and not where he is.

Excessive rigidity is the key to depression and it brings it makes people obsolete the flexibility to adopt. The basis for their advancement is flexibility and the ability to be able to adjust.

Your knowledge must always be transitory. 1 Corinthians 8:2 KJV. There is always something new to know there is always something new to do.



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