Maximising Destiny (Identity, Purpose and Meaning) by Apostle Joshua Selman

Maximising Destiny (Identity, Purpose and Meaning) by Apostle Joshua Selman

“Tell them therefore, Thus saith the Lord God; I will make this proverb to cease, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel; but say unto them, The days are at hand and the effect of every vision. For there shall be no more any vain vision nor flattering divination within the house of Israel.” Ezekiel 12:21-24 (KJV)

Lift your voice in prayer and declare that the prophecy over your life will be fulfilled and you will not fail God.

Pray: Father, my heart is open to receive. I am here to encounter wisdom, grace, and power. I’m here to receive a redirection for my life and destiny.

In blessed memory of Dr. Myles Munroe:

True Leadership is about deploying your giftings to serve, rather than seeking followers. – A reflection of Dr. Myles Munroe’s wisdom.

”It is good for a man that he bear The yoke in his youth.“ ‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3‬:‭27‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

“Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;” Ecclesiastes 12:1 (KJV)

Destiny is a gift; A gift that can be maximized and a gift that can be abused.

Everything is not convenient for everyone at every time. In this Kingdom, timing matters.

One of the factors responsible for joy and happiness is progress. Even from the secular standpoint, we feel joyful when we experience progress.

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52 (KJV)

God designed men to grow, advance, and excel in every ramification.

In the name of Jesus Christ, everything that has stunted your growth, may that curse come to an end now!

Matthew 16:13-17 (KJV)

“Who do men say that I am?” probes into the question of IDENTITY.

The jurisdiction of tonight’s teaching is to bring light on three subject areas:


A question is a seed for an answer. – Dr Mike Murdock.

Once your knowledge has not produced results, ask questions, keep listening and learning.

The first stage of learning is unto awareness, and the second stage of learning is unto understanding.

There are Five (5) pivotal questions to ask, to live an effective life and actualize destiny:

These sets of questions are best asked before you begin your journey through life, it guarantees the realization of your destiny.

1. WHO AM I? (Psalm 49:20)

The question “Who am I” is a question of identity. A lack of clarity in identity or identity crisis can destroy one’s destiny.

One of the cardinal pillars of influence is understanding your identity. Without this understanding, a lot of parameters and external factors like culture, society, etc will try to define you.

Understanding your identity is very important. If you know who you are, you will reject the pressure to prove a point of who you are not.

It is crucial to edit the opinions of people who have not made meaningful contributions to your life.

Declare: I am Light! I am Salt!

In the name of Jesus Christ, everything Satan has been whispering to your ears that did not come from the Scriptures, I decree and declare, may such sounds cease!

“The world will only celebrate what you celebrate.” Dr Myles Munroe.

It is fraud to ask people to celebrate a personality you do not celebrate.

Your identity should not be defined by the presence or absence of material possessions.

Understanding your identity is a call to a settled sense of confidence.

Let your identity be defined by what God has said about you, not any other opinion.

When you know who you are, you don’t need to waste time explaining who you are to people. If you find yourself always trying to say who you are, it is a mechanism to manage your not knowing who you are.

The pressure of trying to prove a point should cease in your life!

There’s more to and within you, than you can ever imagine.

You can be a work in progress, but you must not let your limitations define you.

There is a false sense of confidence that makes people display bad character (negative traits); this is an attack that requires deliverance.

My identity as a child of God supersedes all other identities attributed to me.

One of the ways to know who you are is to be able to be alone, yet knowing that you are not truly alone. (Psalm 23:4, 1 John 3:1, Matthew 5:13-16)

Success is not what you pursue, it is what you attract by who you become.

An identity crisis (lack of clarity in identity) will make you do things you didn’t plan to do because you’re trying to gain the applause of men.

Don’t try to chase visibility, God gives visibility by merit, not by manipulation.
Success doesn’t come when you chase it; success is attracted by who you become, not what you pursue.

2. WHERE AM I FROM? (This makes you understand your source and origin). John 3:31, John 1:6-7.
Wherever your origin is, you will find yourself influenced by its prevailing mindsets.
Remind yourself that according to Scriptures, you have been called out from every tribe.

It is important to exempt yourself from every limitation that comes with your origin.
Affirm your origin and identity in Christ: You are a child of God! You come from above!
An “above” mentality is a victor’s mentality. Define your possibilities.

Lift your voice and declare that you are exempted from the limitations of your region and tribe.

3. WHY AM I HERE? (This is a question of purpose). John 4:34, John 18:37, Hebrews 10:7.
There is a purpose for your being on earth. You’re not a biological accident. Let no one intimidate you or bully you on your journey through destiny.


No one in their glory phase now begins their journey from the point where you encounter them; everyone starts from somewhere.

Imagine the world without the great people we hear about, imagine the world without you. You are valuable to God. You are important!

🎶No eye has seen
No ears has heard
What God has prepared for me
So I submit to Your work in me
Till Christ be formed in me🎶

No eye has seen (Jesus Revealed) by David Dam

Dare to believe everything God has shown you that is rooted in His Word and His will because it will come to pass.

If you refuse to become, you will hinder others from becoming, because life is a relay.

Assignments change and evolve with time. No one starts at the level of glory you met them, every great person started from a place of uncertainty and darkness (ignorance).

Celebrating birthdays without knowledge of purpose is folly; you shouldn’t be compelled to celebrate birthdays if you’re uncertain about your purpose in life.
It’s essential to commemorate your birthday with a deep understanding of your identity.
Adopt the practice of spending time in reflection (go on a retreat) and seeking guidance from God, days to your birthday.

4. WHAT CAN I DO? (Philemon 1:6, 2 Kings 4:1-4)
One of the primary ways God blesses people is through the works of their hands (gifts, skills, abilities).

Your potential in a raw state may not be rewarded; you must identify it, refine it, and deploy it, for it to be rewarded.
Be careful not to market an unrefined gift, build capacity to the point where no amount is too much to pay for what you do.

Potentials encompass all that can be, if developed/ and deployed.
Those who lead their fields are people who are confident in God and the giftings He has deposited in them.
Champions are champions because they are aware of their potential and they invest in it. Beware of despising what God has placed inside of you.

More Than Gold by Judikay

The kind of hunger that will not leave you a mediocre, that would drive you to invest in your mind (via books, educative videos, etc.), may it rest upon you now, in the name of Jesus!

The cure for shame, among many other factors, is competence.
Become competent! Competence can become a bailout system.
You are truly competent when Kings seek and invite you, because they have the ability to reward you.

Don’t market a gift that you have not refined. When you’ve refined yourself and your gift, you will have the ability to define your terms.

You’re only competent when kings invite you, because they have the reward you need.

Your competence can position you in an environment that surpasses your age, enabling you to engage with individuals older than yourself.

I declare, may the Anointing rest upon your gift tonight!

1. Identify it
2. ⁠Refine it
3. ⁠Serve

By the anointing of The Holy Spirit, I relocate you to places where people who need your giftings are, in the name of Jesus Christ!
May God position you where you’re needed, in the name of Jesus!

I declare over you, rise to the next level, in the name of Jesus Christ!

If you’re located in a place where you’re not valued or your grace is being despised, and your time there is up, I relocate you to the place of honour, in the name of Jesus Christ!

5. WHERE AM I GOING WHEN THIS LIFE IS OVER? (This is a question of destiny). 1 Corinthians 15:19, Acts 20:28
If all you have ends on earth, you do not have much. It is crucial to be conscious of eternity.
It’s okay to press for secular achievements, but it is important to note that you cannot take out material possessions or achievements beyond the earthly realm.
It was Myles Munroe who said the richest place on earth is the grave.
Transition (death) is an equalizer; it brings different races and caliber of people (the wealthy, poor, scholars, etc) to their knees.

Gifts are to be identified, refined, and then deployed. When you create impact with your gifts, the reward becomes natural.

“Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.” Acts 20:28 (KJV)

It is unnecessary to fear death when you’ve received Jesus and spent time serving and living for Him.

The greatest basis of your confidence should be that in all your achievements on earth, you have a functional relationship with Jesus Christ.

Pray: Lord, help me maximize destiny.

Click to watch the prophetic blessing for the week of February 18th, 2024 by Apostle Joshua Selman


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  1. Kaiii…. I stumbles across this today may God richly reward you for the Diligence in this provision my life is all the better bless you

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