How Nations Become Great By Apostle Joshua Selman

How Nations Become Great (The New Nigeria) By Apostle Joshua Selman

How Nations Become Great By Apostle Joshua Selman

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Always insist that you leave the presence of God better and wiser. (Psalm 84:7)

Nations just like organizations just like families just like individuals can become great.

Greatness is not just an impartation. There are scriptural and time-tested principles that are responsible for the greatness of organizations, individuals, and families.

It is the will of God for nations, individuals, and families to be great. Genesis 12:1-3 KJV, Deuteronomy 28:1-2 KJV, Joshua 3:7 KJV

Principles that make Individuals, Families, and Nations Great:

1. Vision. Proverbs 29:18 KJV

Proverbs‬ ‭29‬:‭18‬ ‭(KJV)‬
“Where there is no vision, the people perish: But he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

Vision is the ability to see things as they ought to be, not just as they are, alongside the determination to bring that picture to manifestation.

Merely having a wish for a better future is not a vision, but a well-structured imagination.

Three-fold Dimensions of Vision:

1. History – it’s important to know history to be a visionary person. You must understand history to be a visionary nation or person; it helps us to connect the past and come up with resolutions. Families, individuals, and churches must understand their history. History helps us to correct, retain, and improve.

2. Destiny – where we are going to, transformation is difficult without a reference. No nation becomes great without a clear picture of where it is going.

3. Unity component of vision – there can’t be unity without vision. The binder of men is unity.
Jeremiah 29:11 KJV. It is impossible to have unity without vision. A vision must be clear enough to allow individuals to give up their agenda and pursue a set goal.

Life and destiny are a relay; without understanding history, you will not know what is worth correcting, retaining, and improving.

Among the many things captured in the Bible is the journey of the believer’s faith.
It is important to know history. The ignorance of history allows a repetition of the negative parts of history.

Without a sense of history, it is impossible to become an effective leader.

History is what frames policies in organizations and nations.

As a leader, you cannot make constructive progress without making known the vision to all that you lead.

Only kidnappers do not reveal where they are taking you to.

The difference between a son and a hireling is an understanding of vision and inheritance.


As you return home, take time to write down a well-defined vision for your life, household, and ministry. John 1:6-7 KJV, Luke 4:15-18 KJV, Hebrews 10:7 KJV

Vision gives you focus; it gives you the legitimacy to say no to many things, even if they are intrinsically good.

Principles that make Individuals, Families, and Nations Great:

2. Values (Policies) Proverbs 25:28

Values lift men; Values define people’s idea about life and it gives them a template for living and conducting their lives.

Every national problem was first a community problem left unaddressed; every community problem was first a family problem ignored.

Organizations, families, and churches that have values have longevity.

If you say yes or agree to everything, it is proof that you are not moving forward.

To cure these will not come by giving pieces of advice but through a re-engineering of their minds.

Crime, corruption, laziness, and entitlement mentality are not just evil actions but are products of a mindset.

Love, respect, diligence, productivity, and responsibility are not just good actions but are products of a belief system.

Nations become great when they have clearly defined values and have built systems that re-engineer mindsets to align with these values.

There must be a disciplinary system that puts limits and boundaries in your life.

Pray: In the name of Jesus, I receive grace to put my life in order

Anyone that becomes a distraction to where you are going should be far away from you.

You preserve your honor when you can exercise restraint in your life.

The power of restraint can be understood in the presence of opportunities.

Principles that make Individuals, Families, and Nations Great:

3. Education. Job 32:8 KJV, Daniel 1:3-4; 17-21 KJV

Education is the ability to read, write, communicate effectively, think constructively, and then use the knowledge acquired to birth solutions.

Lay your hands on your head and pray: In the name of Jesus, I curse illiteracy.

When you pray and fast for the grace called favor, realize that people are not looking for liabilities.

It is one thing to be employable, it is another to be an asset. In the presence of competence, certain prejudices and limitations are excused.

To become a good communicator, you must have:

1. Utterance – The spiritual component that carries the spirit of the message to be communicated.

2. Oratory – The ability to use words as a tool to transfer thoughts.

Knowledge is not an investment until it becomes a tool to proffer solutions.

The essence of secular education is to prime your creativity so that intuitively, you have trained your mind to approach life in a certain way.

Principles that make Individuals, Families, and Nations Great:

4. Leadership. (Zachariah 13:7, John 10:11)

Leadership is the ability to coordinate human and material resources, to achieve a common and predefined goal.

Leadership is not a title or vocation, it is a mentality – a mentality of love, respect, productivity, and responsibility.

Leadership starts with you. Be the first follower of your own philosophies.

Simply because you are kind and sincere, does not automatically transfer to being a good leader.

Every generational leader is made, not born.

Stay where God has placed you and strive.

Principles that make Individuals, Families, and Nations Great:

5. Economic Empowerment 

No Nation can be economically liberated with a dependency mentality.

Every great nation is empowered economically through its private sector. A dependency mentality can destroy a nation.

As a Believer, It is not enough to be spiritually vibrant, you must be economically vibrant too.

Integrity is capital.

God is raising us all as Ambassadors of our nation, to correct the wrong mindsets and to redeem the image of our nation.

Every young individual must learn the power and the value of productivity. Reject laziness.

If you consume tomorrow’s food today, you’ll be hungry tomorrow.

Wearing tomorrow’s clothes today will leave you naked tomorrow.

Avoid living a fake life and delete wasters from your circle.
Start with the dignity of integrity.

For every gentleman connected here, in the name of Jesus Christ, I release the grace upon you to be productive. #Prophecy

Principles that make Nations, Individuals, and Families Great:

6. A robust security architecture 

One way to define a great nation is by the kind and quality of the security systems put in place.

Protecting the lives and properties of the citizens is one of the primary assignments of a nation.

Creating a safe environment will promote growth and attract foreign investments.

Every nation that desires to be great must invest in building a robust non-politicized security architecture.

‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)
“if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Principles that make Nations, Individuals, and Families Great:

7. When they Honor Spirituality (Psalm 33:12 KJV, Psalm 95:3 KJV, 2 Chronicles 15:12-15 KJV)

Spirituality is the key influencer of values, morals, and actions. People will always build values to reflect and honor their spiritual dispositions.

There are things only God can do.

Go down on your knees to God and cry, with your prayer point being Nigeria.

Pray for The President, The Judicial system, and The Governors of the 36 states in Nigeria.

Pray for the Air Force, The Military, and The Navy.

Pray for the educational institutions.

Pray for the pastors and religious leaders.

Pray for The North, South, East and West.

Pray for love to exist amongst us. Pray against demonic sentiments that cause strife and tribalism.

Pray that in our lifetime, we will see The God that makes nations great, make Nigeria great.

🎶Restore everything that was lost
Restore everything that was stolen
Restore everything that was lost
Restore, You will restore🎶

Every time men seek God, they always tilt towards a great destiny.

There are things only God can do; turning a murderer like Saul to a Missionary called Paul.

Only God can bring healing to our land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Mention the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria and pray for unity and mercy.

It is impossible to claim unity with the hate among us. Each geopolitical zone is a precious gift to our nation.

Extremism is a cancer that needs to be eradicated.

Pray: Lord, restore genuine love among us and grant us your mercy, in the name of Jesus!



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