End Time Dominion Systems by Apostle Joshua Selman

End Time Dominion Systems by Apostle Joshua Selman

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Lift your hands to heaven, honor God, and bless His name, as you pray.
Thank Him for all He has done in your life.

Pray: Lord, I ask for a supply of the spirit of grace, so that Your Word will come with fire and cancel every challenge presented before You tonight.

Are you trusting God for healing?
Lay your hands upon the afflicted area or on your chest as a point of contact and connect with us in faith.

For anyone suffering from any terminal disease or illness; in the name of Jesus, I curse the spirits behind these afflictions now!
Organ failure of any sort, come back to life now, in the name of Jesus!

I decree and declare, kidney problems, be healed!
Liver problems, be healed!
Blood conditions, be cleansed!
Prostrate cancer, be healed!
Leukaemia, be healed now, in the name of Jesus!

We reverse stage 3 and 4 cancer in the name of Jesus! Every pain and discomfort, let it give way now, in the name of Jesus!

Let the restorer restore all that you’ve lost, in the name of Jesus!
We declare, so shall it be to the glory of God!

Prayer: Mention one area of your life in which you’re trusting God to come through for you and release your faith as you pray.

As you have declared before the Lord, may it be turned into a speedy answer, in the name of Jesus!

Prophetic words are powerful and should not be trivialized.
The Spirit of God hovers over a prophetic word as The Spirit of Wisdom, bringing together the human actors needed to bring that prophetic word to pass.
The Holy Spirit has the unique ministry of confirming the spoken Word of God in the lives of believers.

In this season, may my God distinguish your life, in the name of Jesus!

May your life serve as an example to many that The Spirit of God can birth the purposes of God in the life of an individual.

The culmination of this journey (the passionate pursuit of Jesus Christ, called faith), is to know Jesus, be like Him, and to manifest the glory of God.

God is on a journey with every believer, and no matter how long the journey seems, the end always leads to glory.

If you do not know what this journey is all about, you’ll become very weary along the way.
The knowledge of God gives you the power to stay and continue on the journey of faith.

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:18‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

The glory of God is the holistic capture of everything that makes God who He is and can be revealed to the saints.
His wisdom, grace, and anointing all culminate in His glory. (Romans 8:18)

There is a measure of God’s glory assigned to every believer, that they should reveal in their lifetime.

As a believer, every time you pray, fast, give, serve diligently in the house of God, or pray while others sleep, you are sowing a seed and will reap the reward in due time.
Every activity we do, as far as being in the house of God is concerned, is likened to sowing. The soil is either the spirit or the flesh. You can sow to either of the two.

Believers who sow to the flesh are programming seasons of limitations.
Sowing seeds in the spirit is like a farmer; every farmer endures to the end. Different plants yield after varying durations. Your role is to be patient.

As believers, we are not given the knowledge of the day of visitation, but we are mandated to be faithful even when the results we seek have not yet manifested in our lives.
It is dangerous for you to miss your day of visitation.

One of the assignments of The Holy Spirit, as it pertains to the ministry of The Word, is to breathe upon a believer’s faculties, regardless of their degree of enlightenment and education.
The Holy Spirit then grants the Minister of God utterance, which is the ability to make everyone see and understand what is being taught.

In partnership with The Holy Spirit, the responsibility of every Minister of God is to provide superior, quality seeds (truths from The Word of God) so that believers can sow and reap great rewards.

Pray: Grant us the grace to receive The Word (quality seed) by faith, to sow and reap great rewards.

Areas of Emphasis for The End-time Saints:
1. Dominion over unclean spirits – Most believers are yet to walk in this experience.
2. Dominion over sickness and disease – The proportion of people who get healed compared to those who are being oppressed is very small. The Spirit of God wants to close that gap.
3. Dominion over resources – To survive the end times, given all the onslaught that Satan is bringing upon the nations, it is important to understand this from The Scriptures.
The attack coming upon The Body of Christ will be in these three areas.

The first problem of the average believer lies in the bankruptcy of the fundamentals of redemption, not in zeal or passion.

It is an indictment of the love, character, and power of God when a believer begins to deteriorate in the sight of onlookers, as orchestrated by Satan.

The foundation of every believer’s walk with God is what Jesus Christ has already done.
It matters how your spiritual understanding is constructed; people who have experienced the power of God, past and present, are those who have had a proper foundation laid.

There is a severe lack of a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of redemption in The Body of Christ.
Until believers understand certain dimensions of God holistically, they will never be able to rise sustainably in the Kingdom of God.
Understanding the fundamentals of Christ’s redemption serves as a proper foundation for the believer.

God remains constant, but His system of transiting individuals to light is progressive. (Ephesians 3:9, 2 Peter 1:4)

The first law for exercising authority in the Kingdom is understanding your jurisdiction in the spirit realm.
There are specific realms over which you are not permitted to exercise authority as a believer. (Luke 10:19)

We are not saved by good works; we are saved unto good works.

The average believer is zealous and loves God, but many do not rise to God’s standard because they are unable to convert the theological knowledge gained into reality.
To learn about authority, one must learn about the life of Jesus, who is the most accurate portrait of authority.

There is a power in the public demonstration of victory over unclean spirits, sicknesses, diseases and victory in resources that can bring glory to the name and Kingdom of God.
Undeniable, notable miracles are proof of The Hand of God.

Every spectacular manifestation of The Hand of God leaves everyone, including the vessel used, in awe of Him.

The widespread tragedy in the lives of individuals and families is indicative of the presence and influence of unclean spirits.

Time, anger, discussions, and sentiments do not drive away spirits.
If you do not contend for power and dominion over unclean spirits, you will lose your loved ones to their attacks.

There are spirits responsible for stunting growth and advancement, assigned to every region or sphere, waiting to launch attacks on believers.
It takes an understanding of the rules of engagement in the spirit realm to experience dominion in such territories.

Ways God Designed Immunity for Believers (Hebrews 2:6-9):
1. Personal Understanding of The Finished Work of Christ
Understanding personally what Jesus’ death, birth, and resurrection mean to you.
2. The Advantage of Prophetic Covering.
Prophetic covering midwives your victory while you learn and grow.

Do not engage in End-time ministry without power, or you will make a mockery of yourself.

Speaking The Word of God is not the only thing a believer is mandated to do. They must also receive and adhere to the strategies for their victory; otherwise, the believer’s life will be laced with disappointments and failures.

In the name of Jesus, any sickness in your body progressing to become cancerous, I curse it now!

Sickness is the gradual administration of death upon a person.
Everyone is given the privilege of having one body per lifetime. Maintaining that body is important for your longevity.
One of the ways the enemy shortens your lifespan is by afflicting your body, causing it to deteriorate beyond a specific point, which forces your spirit to leave your body.

If you entertain sickness in your body, it will bring you an untimely death.
As a believer, when you are dealing with any form of sickness, use every scriptural reference or tool to deal with it.
It is your responsibility to manage your health for longevity.

Many people confess, “I shall not die,” without understanding; yet, they are on their way to the grave because they neither know nor have what it takes to bring that prophecy to manifestation.

As a believer, if your life is not advancing God’s Kingdom, you will be a victim of attacks in these end times.
The devil is forced to stay far from any believer who is doggedly involved in the work of God.

Make up your mind intentionally to work on your health and longevity.
There is much to be done for the Kingdom of God. It requires you to be healthy, to effectively and sustainably advance God’s Kingdom.

Everyone that has planted any charm over your life, may the earth bury them and their charm, in the name of Jesus Christ!

In the name of Jesus Christ, every spirit fashioned against you, we raise a standard against it by the blood of Jesus!

start – Pray: Father, in the name of Jesus, I exercise authority over every influence and spirit assigned to my life and destiny.
I establish victory through spiritual intelligence, in the name of Jesus!
Father, I intercede for every member of my family who is in bondage. I stand as a priest and declare their release now, in the name of Jesus!
Father, I declare that I will fulfill my destiny, and every assignment of the enemy to prematurely end my life and the lives of my loved ones is hereby canceled, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Any kidnapper or driver intending to pick up any son or daughter of Zion connected here, may my God judge them instantly, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Any of your loved ones who have been kidnapped, wherever they are, we send confusion into the camp of the kidnappers now, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Acts 10:38 KJV, Matthew 10:1 KJV, Matthew 10:7-9 KJV 

“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 (KJV)

One of the major ways the enemy attacks Believers is in the area of access to resources.
One major sponsor of compromise among Believers is the absence of sufficiency.
To be incapacitated economically is a dangerous thing.

One of the major causes of high blood pressure among many today is financial issues.
Lack and insufficiency are curses; curses that affect your mind, not your bank account.
Compromise makes a lot of sense in the presence of desperation. You need to be empowered in this end-time to avoid compromise.

One of the ways in which God blesses people to walk in integrity is by granting them access to resources.

Every believer has a role to play in providing financial resources for the advancement of the Kingdom.

Keys for Establishing Dominion in Your Life and The Lives of Others:
1. Learn how to receive the wisdom of God in the place of prayer to provide solutions to your unique challenges.
2. Honour the people upon whom God has bestowed His grace and receive genuinely through hunger, service, and passion.

Prayer is a tool for ascendance, allowing one to access the wisdom (Rhema Word of God) and strategy needed to solve challenges and bring prophetic words to fruition.
Dominion over demonic spirits, financial bankruptcy, and limitations can be accessed through intense prayer.

The administration of certain graces depends on the transfer of mantles from the carriers of such graces.
The anointing answers to genuine honor.

When God speaks, there is honor that follows His words and power that backs them up.

As a Believer, it is important to seek clear direction from God before taking any major decision.
Taking action in ignorance will only recycle pain.

Receive the grace for authority over unclean spirits right now, in the name of Jesus!
From tonight, stand as the priest that you are, make declarations, and the grace backing them will speak for you in the name of Jesus!

The sickness that will kill you and deteriorate your organs, may it never come near you in the name of Jesus!

Anyone who has anything in their life that was not planted by God, I command it to be removed, in the name of Jesus!

In the name of Jesus, the grace that quickens your mind and hand and draws men to you for supplies, I place that grace upon you.

I speak to any financial bill that may be causing you distress; this week, may my God raise unexpected help for you, in the name of Jesus!

Anyone who may have lost in business, lost clients and opportunities, in the name of Jesus, go back and excel!

As you sleep, may the spirit of wisdom visit you and reveal strategies that will make for your rising, in the name of Jesus!

You will not live your life begging, in the name of Jesus!

May my God arise to help families and loved ones experiencing limitations, in the name of Jesus!



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  1. Amen and amen.glory glory glory be to GOD in the highest forever amen.indeed how GOD anoited apostle joshua selman.he go about doing good even so performing like jesus christ.because GOD is with him.and i belive anybody who can listen to his messeage must surely be bless in jesus name.and also i bless the lord for raising a man like selman in this generation. indeed say to the righteous it is well. indeed o lord forever you are holy and acceptable,to love with all the heart. sir in jesus name we must continue till our assigment is over before jesus.in jesus name.indeed the most important inheretance we can have in GOD is from enternaly.remain bless forever sir,

  2. Amen and amen.glory glory glory be to GOD in the highest forever amen.indeed how GOD anoited apostle joshua selman.he go about doing good even so performing like jesus christ.because GOD is with him.and i belive anybody who can listen to his messeage must surely be bless in jesus name.and also i bless the lord for raising a man like selman in this generation. indeed say to the righteous it is well. indeed o lord forever you are holy and acceptable,to love with all the heart. sir in jesus name we must continue till our assigment is over before jesus.in jesus name.indeed the most important inheretance we can have in GOD is from enternaly.remain bless forever sir,

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