When God Looks Away

When God Looks Away
When God Looks Away

Sometimes when we go through things or various circumstances, we always think God is not fair and that God just abandons us and acts like he doesn’t see what we are going through.

One fact is that God loves us no matter what, if he didn’t love us, he wouldn’t have sent his only begotten son to come and die for our sins (John 3:16 KJV). HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON!!!!

The same son Jesus while on the cross, God looked away and left him to carry our sins by himself. How do we know this? Jesus himself cried out in Matthew 27:46 NKJV Saying:

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”

If God can forsake his own son and look away from him while on the cross carrying our sins, who are we to think that God won’t look away nor forsake us in some circumstances?

When God looks away is not because he doesn’t care, it is because there is something he is trying to bring out from that event/circumstance. Something God is trying to re-birth something in and through us.

For instance, even though God looked away from Jesus and Jesus died, after 3 days, the same God his Father, our Father rose him up from the grave (Matthew 28:6 KJV).

Joseph for example was sold by his brothers, his own blood brothers (Genesis 37:18-36 NLT). One would have wondered where God was, why did he allow it to happen? why did he look away? or was it when Potiphar’s wife lied on him and Joseph was sent to prison for something he didn’t do, you might ask again where God was, and why did he allow it to happen? why did he look away? but at the end of it all, God was there, he was working behind the scenes and Joseph became the first-ever prime minister of Egypt.

Job another example lost everything in one day (Job 1:13-22 NKJV). One would have wondered where God was, why did he allow it to happen? why did he look away? In Job’s case, God even permitted it to happen (Job 1:12 KJV). At the end of it all, Job was restored. (Job 42:10-17 KJV)

What am I driving at with all I have been saying so far, Most times, God looks away because he wants to re-birth something in us, God looks away because he wants to teach us something, and sometimes God looks away for our own good. Keep trusting God. He has never failed and he won’t start now. Number 23:19 KJV

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