Thriving and Surviving through Any Season (The Prophetic Advantage) by Apostle Joshua Selman

Thriving and Surviving through Any Season (The Prophetic Advantage) || Kingdom Summit 2023 || Day 3 ||  RCCG The Kings Court || Lagos Nigeria ||  Apostle Joshua Selman

Thriving and Surviving through Any Season (The Prophetic Advantage) by Apostle Joshua Selman

Thriving and Surviving Through Any Season by Apostle Joshua Selman

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What do you do when unfavorable seasons appear:

4. The Prophetic Advantage

On the account of the advantage of scripture, everyone can operate the prophetic. Not everyone is called to the office of a prophet but everyone, taking advantage of the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the word of God (sure of prophecy) can express the prophetic.

Why is the prophetic very powerful?

  1. The prophetic has a unique ability to exalt dominion over time
    There are 2 dimensions to the Prophetic:
    1. The Revelatory Dimension
    2. The Creative Dimension

Pastor Emmanuel Iren & Prophetic Chant (Ayayaya) Ft Nosa

There are three ways doors open in the life of a man to usher him into new seasons

  1. Use of Correct Keys (engage the right key)
  2. By Knocking (The power of relationship)
  3. Through Warfare and Supernatural power. Acts 16:25-26 KJV

Exodus 14:14 KJV, Psalm 49:4 KJV



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