The Blessing of Knowing God by Dr Paul Enenche

The Blessing of Knowing God by Dr Paul Enenche

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Genesis 24:1 KJV, Matthew 6:33 KJV

The objective is to understand:

  1. The supremacy of knowing God
  2. The benefit of knowing God
  3. The way to the knowledge of God

Scripture makes it clear that light or knowledge will produce 3 basic results:

  1. Light or knowledge is the secret of action (Isaiah 60:1 KJV)
  2. Light or knowledge is the secret of distinction (Isaiah 60:1 KJV)
  3. Light or knowledge is the secret of glorification

Types of Knowledge

  1. Intellectual Knowledge
  2. Scientific Knowledge
  3. Financial Knowledge
  4. Artistic Knowledge
  5. Combat Knowledge
  6. Religious Knowledge
  7. Occultic Knowledge
  8. Divine Knowledge – The one that beats all the other knowledge. The highest form of knowledge.

Things you should know about the knowledge of God

  1. It doesn’t matter who and what you don’t know, if you know God you know so much. It doesn’t matter who and what you don’t know, if you don’t know God, you don’t know anything
  2. The one who knows God is at a higher level of living than the one who knows people.
  3. The struggle to genuinely know God is the end of every other struggle of life.
  4. The knowledge of God is inexhaustible; the more we know him, the more we realize we don’t know him. The man who is proud of his knowledge of God does not really know God.
  5. The knowledge of God is in degrees, we do not all know God to the same degree.
  6. The degree of God we know determines the degree of his glory that we reflect.
  7. The knowledge of God may initially bring you rejection from men but it will eventually bring you distinction from God. Those who know God are known by God and cannot be unknown on the earth.

What are the benefits of the knowledge of God?

  1. Supernatural Strength. Daniel 11:32B KJV. You are supernaturally strengthened to handle the devil. Unbeatable strength. The strength that makes it impossible to be beaten in battle.
  2. Existence in Exploits. Daniel 11:32B KJV. Attention commanding result. You do a record-breaking and record-setting thing.
  3. Existence in Revivial. Hosea 6:3 KJV. Your life is overwhelmed with rain of revival. You move around as a mobile revival.
  4. Existence in Fulfilment. Jeremiah 9:23-24 KJV. If you are going to beat your chest, beat your chest because you know God. The knowledge of God can give you what money can not give you. The knowledge of God can give you what power can not give you. The knowledge of God can give you what education can not give you. The knowledge of God can give you what wisdom can not give you.
  5. Supernatural Power. Philippians 3:10 KJV. Supernatural Strength is the ability to face and finish the devil but Supernatural Power is the capacity to walk in the miraculous and the extraordinary.
  6. Divine Preservation. Psalm 91:14 KJV. Protection from evil.
  7. Multiplied Grace. 2 Peter 1:2 KJV. You become a candidate for diversities of grace, diversities of giftings, diversities of manifestations. You cannot be classified. The knowledge of God makes you multifaceted.
  8. Multiplied Peace.There are 2 dimensions of peace
    1. Freedom from anxiety, crisis, and tension
    2. The abundance of resources. Nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing lacking.

What is the way of the knowledge of God? How to Know God?

  1. In His Word. 1 Samuel 3:21 KJV.
  2. At the place of Prayer and communion. 2 Corinthians 3:18 KJV, Psalm 17:15 KJV.
  3. In the Sanctuary. Psalm 77:13 KJV.
  4. Through his Ordained Instructors. Isaiah 30:20-21 KJV, 1 Samuel 3:9-10 KJV, 2 Chronicles 26:5 KJV, Psalm 103:7 KJV.
  5. Through the Holy Spirit. John 15:26 KJV, 1 Corinthians 2:9-12 KJV.

The keys to knowing God?

    1. Desperation. Hosea 6:3 KJV
    2. Supplication. Philippians 3:10 KJV



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