Know Your Work (Assignment) by Dr Paul Enenche
What are the things we need to know in order to rise and in order to shine
The first thing is to
- Know our God
- Ourselves
Proverbs 22:29 KJV.
Understanding work and life’s assignments.
Man was not created to be lazy. Man was created for work. God is the originator of work.
Work is not a curse, it is result-less labor that is a curse. Genesis 2:8 KJV
- God is a worker Genesis 2:2 KJV
- Jesus is a worker John 5:17 KJV
- The Holy Spirit is a worker Galatians 3:5 KJV, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 KJV
- Man is required to work. Genesis 2:15 KJV, Ecclesiastes 9:10, 1 Thessalonians 4:11 KJV
What is work?
- Work is an activity involving mental or physical efforts in order to achieve results – Oxford Dictionary
- Work is the engagement of life’s time, energy, and abilities for results and rewards.
- Work is any endeavor or activity that constitutes livelihood or income source
- Work is that channel for the expression of life’s potential, wisdom, skill, or learning.
- Work is the avenue for difference-making, solution provision, change creation, and contribution offering.
2 Things about work
- Work can be regular, official Engagement, or non-regular unofficial engagement as in self-employment
- The main purpose of work is not just the achievement of salary but the making of a difference
Why Work?
- Work is the number one demand of life. Genesis 1:28 KJV, Genesis 2:15 KJV
Without meaningful work, life becomes a burden
Life begins to degenerate Ecclesiastical 10:18 KJV
If your life must be running and your body must be intact, you must be working.
- Work attracts the rain and blessing of heaven Genesis 2:5 KJV, Deuteronomy 28:8 KJV
- Work determines worth. Labor brings dignity. Proverbs 22:29 KJV
The diligent laborer will always stand in the company of authorities and royalties
Face your work and your world will face you.
- Work determines survival and sustenance. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 KJV, Ephesians 4:28 KJV.
- Works offer the opportunity to release potential, make contributions, and create change. Genesis 40:6-8 KJV.
Benefits of knowing your work?
- To be knowledgeable is to be marketable. 1 Kings 9:27 KJV, Genesis 41:14-16 KJV, 1 Samuel 16:17-18 KJV, Daniel 5:11 KJV. Excellence is the answer to prejudice; when you know how to do the work, your tribe is immaterial.
- To be knowledgeable is to function in the company of authorities and royalties. Proverbs 22:29 KJV.
- To be knowledgeable is to access abundance effortlessly. Genesis 41:39-44 KJV.
- To be knowledgeable is to make divine favor and promotion becomes easy. It means making it easy for God to place you without anybody gnashing their teeth. Daniel 6:1-4 KJV.
- To be knowledgeable means to bring God honor and Glory with your life and influence your world positively for God. Matthew 5:14-16 KJV. Excellence is a kingdom demand. Our department of our holiness.
What do you do to know your work?
- Be interested in what you do, put your heart where your hand is. Where you have laid your hands, let your heart follow. Ecclesiastes 9:10 KJV.
- Read and study around your work or area of life assignment. Daniel 9:2 KJV.
- Study does who do very well what you are called to do with your life. Daniel 9:2 KJV.
- Endeavor to maintain mentoral influence and guidance. Judges 7:17 KJV, Acts 4:13 KJV.
- You don’t play your role at your best without a role model – Bishop David Oyedepo.
- Endeavor to learn as you go. Endeavor to learn on the Job. John 21:6 KJV. In your journey of life, always be ready to change approach if you want to end reproach.
What do you do to make the most of your work life?
- Ensure to do what you are wired to do with your life. Jeremiah 1:5 KJV
- Wrong engagement and assignment is signature for frustration in life.
- Ensure that you do what you love and that you love what you do. Genesis 40:6-8 KJV, 2 Chronicles 26:10 KJV.
- Ensure that you work with singleness of focus and purpose per time. Proverbs 4:25-27 KJV.
- Ensure that you give your task all you’ve got (Energy, ability, and wisdom) until it gives you all it contains. Acts 20:20 KJV.
- Ensure that you give your task the very best (Insist on excellence). Let everything associated with you carry the signature of excellence. You don’t rush out on what you have not finished doing. Proverbs 4:18 KJV, Matthew 5:15 KJV. Never allow mediocrity to become your identity.
- Keep on learning. Keep on striving to do better. Keep on learning better ways of doing things. Keep on learning. Whatever you do, keep improving to doing things. Proverbs 4:18 KJV, Philippians 3:13 KJV
- Be open to feedback and appraisals. Feedback is the breakfast of champions.
- Your clients your customers those you serve.
- Your subordinates
- Your superior officers or bosses
- Your colleagues
- Society
After all this feedback, you are qualified to be a champion.
Rise and walk knowledgeable and no force on hell can stop your shining and your glory. Isaiah 60:1 KJV