The Assignments of The House of God by Apostle Joshua Selman

The Assignments of The House of God || Nigerian Immigration Service Christian Fellowship Chapel Dedication || Abuja-Nigeria || Apostle Joshua Selman

The Assignments of The House of God by Apostle Joshua SelmanThe Assignments of The House of God by Apostle Joshua Selman

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Deuteronomy 8:5-18 KJV

It is easier to remember God when you have nothing than when you have something.

Psalm 122:1 KJV

The 4 Assignments of the House of God:

A building does not make a place a house of God. The first requirement for any place to be called the house of God is God (Jesus Christ) must be honored in that place. 

  1. The First assignment as the house of God is to become a house of prayer for all nations. Mark 11:15-17 KJV, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV, Mark 11:24 KJV, Acts 2:42 KJV, Acts 6:4 KJV.
    The highest definition of pride is prayerlessness.
  2. The Second assignment as the house of God is that it must become and remain a place of revelation, understanding, and transformation. Psalm 73:17 KJV, 1 Timothy 3:14-15 KJV, Jeremiah 3:15 KJV
  3. The Third assignment as the house of God is it must be and remain a place where Men can access help and strength from God. Psalm 20:1-3 KJV
    Three (3) ministries of people to discern and watch out for:
    1. The ministry of the woman at the well, having lived a troubled life in the past. We should be careful not to judge such people.
    2. The ministry of the madman of Gadara. Take note that someone who was once considered mentally ill may have been healed and assigned to a mandate.
    3. The ministry of Mary of Magdala, whom Jesus cast out seven demons (Luke 8:1-2). Check out: Navigating Prophetic Seasons 2 by Apostle Joshua Selman
    You are not used as you are. You come as you are then you are changed.
    The most difficult time in a believer’s life is the journey between prophecy and its manifestation.
  4. The Fourth assignment as the house of God is that it must become a place and remain a place where we experience the power and the glory of God. Psalm 63:1-2 KJV


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