September Miracle Service by Apostle Joshua Selman

September Miracle Service by Apostle Joshua Selman

I want you to know and believe that miracles do happen and God is able to intervene over the lives of people.
Believe that God is able to perform signs and wonders and make impossibilities possible!
Believe that the power of God is able to bring deliverance.
The Bible captures the awe-inspiring things that God did for people, they weren’t parables: they were real miracles!
There is no negative condition in your life that cannot be overturned by the authority of the Scripture.
No matter how complicated your situation is, God is able to solve it.
The Word of God is the basis of God’s commitment to the believer.
It is important that you find what is written in God’s Word that pertains to your condition and life.
As a believer, live your life learning about Jesus, His ways and the supernatural.
Find materials that will help you further understand the power of God and plunge yourself in them, believing that God is able to do the impossible.
As a believer, it is pertinent to understand that the realm of the spirit does not respond to tears, sympathy, pain or the likes, it responds to the Word of God!
The presence of the power of God does not automatically translate to miracles or healing.
To experience miracles, there is a part for you play; you must believe!
It takes faith to activate the Supernatural.
Your belief and convictions about God’s power influences your ability to receive a miracle from God.
Your miracle can be one instruction away. It takes your believing and acting upon your belief in faith, to activate it.
Acts 3:7-8 (KJV)
The Power of God is able to veto science and technology in order to turn negative situations around.
If technology can capture the realm of the Spirit and make it look scientific, how much more the Power of God?
Every problem requires a certain level of anointing to solve it.
If the recipient has faith but the anointed vessel lacks the requisite level of anointing to solve it, the problem may remain unsolved.
Acts 10:38 (KJV)
As a believer and recipient of the miraculous, receiving from God requires two factors:
1. Your Faith – You must have faith that God is capable of solving your problems.
2. The Anointing – the level of God’s power at work in His vessel.
Psalm 30:11-12 (KJV)
God is set to heal the sick and oppressed, bring deliverance, breakthroughs, restoration and open the Book of remembrance, tonight!
As believers, we do not serve God solely because of results.
However, there are many people whose encounter with God depends on your results.
You are a true witness of God when your results are evident.
The Word of God is the conveyor of His power, for every word of prophecy that comes from His vessel, believe it with faith and trust God for a manifestation in your life.

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