Let Go and Let God

Let Go and Let God

Sometimes we are always so focused on the present that we might miss where God is taking us too. Abraham could have been stuck in the past, but he was in the present waiting for God’s future for him.

If Abraham was focused on what he had in Harran or what he missed in Harran, he won’t have received the blessing and reward God for him in Canaan even though he was already in Canaan.
This means if you hold on to things of the past, you can’t enter into the future God has for you and the blessings he has in store for you. let go and let God. Let go of the past and see how God will move.

Choose God’s future for you over past

“People who say this kind of thing make it clear that they are looking for a homeland. If they had been thinking about the country that they had left, they would have had the opportunity to return to it. But at this point in time, they are longing for a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore, God isn’t ashamed to be called their God—he has prepared a city for them.” Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭CEB‬‬

Abraham Isaac Jacob Benjamin

When you let go of something you cherish and give it to God, he will give you abundant he will give you more than you expect.

Give God what you cherish and see what he will do for you

Abraham, do you love Isaac more than you love me? if so, sacrifice him (Genesis 22:1-19).  Jacob, do you love Benjamin more than you love me? if so let him follow his brother to Egypt (Genesis 43:11-14) since that’s what the prime minister (Joseph) told the brothers to bring when they come back. (Genesis 42:17-38)

Let go and let God. Ephesians 3:20. God tests faith to see if you truly trust him.

Maybe God allowed Joseph to be sold because God knows that Jacob loves him more than his other sons which lead to bitterness in the hearts of his brothers and they sold Joseph into slavery.

When Joseph became prime minister of Egypt, Jacob was reluctant to go to Egypt.

See the difference between Abraham and His grandson Jacob. Abraham went to an unknown place by faith (Genesis 12:1-3) and Jacob knowing the unknown place was reluctant to go (Genesis 46:1-4)

Abraham worked by faith and not by sight, Jacob worked by Sight and not by faith until God told him to go.

2 Corinthians 5:7 – Work by Faith and not by sight.

The Israelites in Numbers 20 were focused on the now instead of the future.. the big picture was not seen by them they were worried about the present situation they were currently in and not what God has promised, and where he promised to take them. That’s why God made their journey of 40 days to be 40 long years.

Genesis 18. There is a way you can give to someone eg a man truly of God and you receive blesses you never expected just like Abraham did.. you can be so close to God that God is passing by and can’t stop to visit you.. he will surely stop because you are that important to him.

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