God’s big idea (The power of idea) by Dr Myles Munroe
Abundance and kingdom prosperity
Understanding the kingdom concept of abundance and overflow
- There is nothing more powerful on this earth than an idea
- Ideas produce everything
- Everything began as an idea
- Ideas are the source of everything there are powerful
- Ideas are more powerful than death. death can’t kill an idea
- Ideas can not be destroyed
- Ideas submerge and they remerge in generations
- Ideas control the world
The most important thing on earth is an idea John 1:1-4 KJV
Word – Logos(expression of an idea, expressed idea)
Life is light. Life brings life.
Light is also knowledge. Darkness (ignorance). Prince (ruler)
The enemy can only rule you to the degree that you are ignorant
Life is light. Knowledge is the transference of ideas.
We want God’s idea because God’s idea brings life.
Your life is an idea you accepted as true
If you want to change your life, you must change the ideas that you have been receiving
Faith means to believe. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by God’s ideas
John 1:14 KJV. Jesus Christ is God’s ideas on two legs
I am God’s idea that destroys ignorance
Where do the ideas hide?
- They hide in the mind
How do you expose an idea
- By converting them into words
A word is an exposed idea, an idea is a silent word.
If you want to know God’s big idea, you have to listen to Jesus
What is the big idea
- The big picture
- The original master purpose
- The overall plan of the source
- The principle context
- The original intent
If you miss the big idea, you will be bugged down to the small idea, the small ideas make no sense without the big ideas
If you don’t know the big ideas, you major in the minor and miss the major.
The big idea of God is not religion, God’s idea is government the same thing we are searching for
The idea in the Bible:
- The Bible is about government. The biggest secret in the Bible. The institution
- The Bible is about governing. The practice.
Adam was given both.
You never change until you change your ideas.
Unless you learn something new you are not growing
Isaiah 9:6-7 KJV
You can tell what is wrong with a man by what Jesus bought
Jesus came to:
- Restore
- Redeem
- Revive
- Renew
- Repent
- Reward
- Bring back what we lost
God’s Government brings peace (not worrying about nothing) and righteousness
Nothing makes the kingdom grow faster than hard times
Persecution is the incubator of kingdom expansion.
The Bible is about the King, The kingdom, and the royal family (the citizen)
Every citizen is related to the king
In the kingdom of God, you have the king of kings
A throne does not make a king a king, a crown does not make a king a king. You are born a king and wherever you sit becomes the throne
You are a part of a government
the big idea is a family business
The Bible is about a family business
A man who gives talent to his kids
We have God’s DNA built into you
We are in the Dominion business, we rule things
We are created to dominate and not to be dominated
Countries don’t have members, religions have members. Countries have citizens.
A kingdom is not a religion, it is a country.
Our citizenship is in heaven.
The government wants to remind you that you are in the world but not of the world.
We are always delivered
The word world (kosmos) means cosmos. Systems of government. We are in the world but not of the system.
When you get the revelation that you are in a kingdom, then nothing can go wrong in your life
You must change your ideas you have to get the big picture