Discovering and releasing your gifts to impact the world by Dr Myles Munroe
Understanding the principle of self-manifestation
Your most important goal in life is self-manifestation
8 human needs
- The sense of purpose
- Value – we all want to feel valuable
- The sense of significance
- To feel important
- Sense of meaning
- All humans want to feel a sense of fulfillment
- The sense of personal power
Power is the ability to control your circumstances
- we have the sense and need for success. We hate to fail.
Men do not decide their future. We decide our habits, our habits decide our future.
what is your private habit? What is your public habit?
Discontentment is the seed of change
You will never become what you could be until you become angry with what you are
Anger brings change
Your life is defined by what you hate
Whatever you were created to become you possess it now
You came to planet Earth with your gutter inside of you. God placed your future in a place he knew you couldn’t miss it
You were sent to Earth to release your hidden potential on Earth
- God created everything with gifts. Everything in creation was created with a gift
- A gift is an inherent capacity to fulfill a function that needs a need in the creation
A gift can not be learned it can only be refined.
The gift is the source of value to the created thing
If you don’t find your gift, you will die broke and poor
Purpose determines your gift
Proverbs 18:19 KJV
- The gift of the seed is the tree
- The gift of the tree is fruit
- The gift of the leaves of tree is oxygen
- The gift of the bird is flight
Genesis 1:11-12 KJV, 2 Corinthians 9:10 KJV
- The seed of everything is in itself
- The end of a thing is hidden in the thing
- Everything a thing is to become is in itself
- God placed the future of everything in itself
- Everything you were born to become is trapped within you
2 Corinthians 4:7 KJV
Jesus came to die to salvage the gift
How to find your gift
Your gift fulfills itself by serving others
Proverbs 4:20 KJV, Psalm 37:4 KJV
What are your desires? You can sacrifice anything for your desire
Psalm 57 KJV, Psalm 138:8 KJV
In order to fulfill your gifts, you must do these things:
You need God – don’t try to fulfill your gifts without God
Ten keys to success, how to release your purpose
- You must first understand your destiny
- You must have a vision of your gift (see the finished product)
- Believe you have the ability to fulfill it
- You must live by the laws that protect that gift (principles)
- You must have a plan laid out to go toward your gift
- You must have the right people around you (not gift killers)
- Persistence. You must handle the pressure to go after your gift
- You must preserve to bring forth your gift
- You must pray over your gift every day
Systems for releasing your gift
- Know your purpose, believe your assignment
- Document your vision and put it on paper
- Submit to the right environment (Have the right people around you)
- Feed on the right materials
- Give your gift time to develop
- Persist under pressure when you plant that seed in the ground
- Serve your gift to the world (volunteer everywhere) and give it free
- Secure the next generation
- Your gift is supposed to produce more seeds