Authority, Power and Jurisdiction by Apostle Joshua Selman
Authority, Power and Jurisdiction || Activate-Con 2023 || Hotr Port-Harcourt Nigeria || Apostle Joshua Selman
What is Power?
- Power is the capacity to influence outcomes.
- Power is the force that compels compliance
What is Authority?
- The right to represent
- The legitimacy to use power
Many people have authority but they don’t have power.
Authority always comes with a predefined jurisdiction.
What is Jurisdiction?
- The sphere where the use of power is allowed beyond which it becomes illegal.
Man does not have and was not given absolute power, only God has absolute power. God in fact is the exclusive owner of all power (Omnipotent – All Powerful). 1 Chronicles 29:11 NKJV, 2 Chronicles 20:5-6 NKJV
It’s not everything in God’s nature that he gave man, we are partakers of his divine nature but not every aspect of his nature. There are dimensions of his nature that he withdrew from man:
- Omnipresence (Omnipresent) – everywhere at all times
- Omniscience (omniscient) – meaning all-knowing
- Omnipotent – meaning all-powerful
God almighty does not have authority, he only gives authority. The law of authority is that you must be under authority to have authority.
Isaiah 40:14 KJV
God does not have the ability to obey and he does not have the ability to have authority.
Luke 19:40 KJV, Hebrews 6:5 KJV
When God speaks what makes his word powerful is not just that he’s God, it’s because he’s the only one. Psalm 62:11 KJV.
3 Levels of God’s power
- The Highest dimension of God’s power is derived through intimacy. You will have to encounter God directly by his spirit to have that dimension.
- The Second level of God’s power is hidden in principles, you don’t need a relationship to activate that dimension you only need knowledge.
- The Third Level of God’s power happens through covenant alignment. You don’t have to be powerful, you just need to believe and connect to the one who has power
To walk in dominion you must have both power and authority. Luke 10:19 AMP.
Authority is important because there is a God in heaven higher than you who supervises your administration of that power and supervises the obedience of creation while you administer that power.
What does the believer have authority and power over?
- We have power over creation. Genesis 1:28 NKJV
- We have power over unclean spirits. Matthew 10:1 NKJV
- We have power to change negative circumstances and negative conditions. Matthew 8:27 KJV
Who is God’s enemy?
Whoever becomes a perpetual hindrance to the manifestation of his will including you is God’s enemy.
1 John 5:14 KJV, Genesis 21:1 KJV
The assignment of power is to bring all things to the will of God.
What is the assignment of power and authority (Matthew 6:10 KJV):
To be equipped with the power and authority that helps me enforce his will in earth as it is in heaven. God’s will is what he has said (Deuteronomy 28:13).
The moment your heart is committed and your heart becomes pecked at making the will of God to be manifest through your life, you have truly entered the realm of genuine power economic power, power manifesting as influence, power for signs and wonders.
Spiritual power is tied to the yieldedness of the individual.
You know how powerful you are in this kingdom to the degree to which you are constrained by authority. Matthew 8:9 KJV.
How do believers execute power?
- One of the ways we execute power in the kingdom is in prayer. Mark 11:24 KJV
- The second way believers execute power is by the use of the name (The name of Jesus Christ). Philippians 2:10 KJV, Psalms 24:1-2 KJV, Luke 6:46 KJV
It is not in the recitation of the name but it is the consciousness of the name (which is a capture of the office that has been given to him now)
- Your oneness with Christ
- Your positional advantage (you are exalted with him now)
Prayer is a platform that gives you the allowance to manifest spiritual power.
What makes prayer powerful is the word compliance of that prayer. The degree to which that prayer aligns with the word of God. God’s power only follows what he says.
3 Levels of God’s power
- The Highest dimension of God’s power is derived through intimacy. You will have to encounter God directly by his spirit to have that dimension.
- The Second level of God’s power is hidden in principles, you don’t need a relationship to activate that dimension you only need knowledge. A function of light.
- The Third Level of God’s power happens through covenant alignment. You don’t have to be powerful, you just need to believe and connect to the one who has power
Verify that a spirit is unclean before you rebuke it, there are many many spirits that are clean.
Everything that has to do with the administration of power is with respect to the will of God.
Mark 14:36 KJV, John 4:34 KJV
Looking for power is useless until you understand the will of God because the assignment of the power of God is to bring all things into the will of God, and then to execute the will of God to make it happen.
The moment the will of God is about to come to pass in your life, the power of God will also depend on the wisdom of God. If the wisdom of God is not revealed, the power of God cannot work accurately. It is the wisdom of God that guides the operation of the power of God to make in manifest profitably. 1 Corinthians 1:24 KJV
When God wants to help a man to truly walk in power, it is two things that will arrive in your life:
- Power – Until you have wisdom, you cannot have power. Ephesians 1:16-19 KJV
- Wisdom – Wisdom is what gives value to the correct use of power.
Wisdom gives beauty to the use of power.
When you have the power of God and the wisdom of God, you will manifest dominion and authority intelligently in a way and a manner that brings glory to the name of the Lord.
You are most welcome.
This is a wonderful thoughtfulness.
Big thanks Beloveth