Zoe – Part 2 (The Ministry of Life) by Apostle Selman

Zoe – Part 2 (The Ministry of Life) John 7:38 || Gilgal 2025 || The Transforming Church || Apostle Selman

Zoe - Part 2 (The Ministry of Life) by Apostle Selman

Part 1: Zoe – Part 1 (The Theology of Life) by Apostle Selman

Zoe Life affords the believer in Christ the capacity and the possibility to live like God and function like God.

Genesis 1:26 KJV

What makes a believer invincible is that you manifest this extraordinary abilities that are foreign to any human being who does not have the life of God.

Zoe life grants us the capacity and the possibility to live like God and to function like God.

What Does It Mean To Live Like God?

1. It means to manifest the character of God even though you are trapped in human form. Galatians 2:20 KJV
The dimension of power given to man is power to be not power against, power against is that which helps you to establish dominion but power to become is what translates an ordinary person.
Romans 3:4 KJV, Psalm 51:5 KJV, Romans 8:1-2 KJV, John 8:32 KJV

2. It means to rise above sin and the flesh, and It means to manifest the fruit of the spirit in expression.

To live above sin and the flesh. 1 Corinthians 15:31 KJV

There Are Seven Things That Jesus Delivered From:

  1. Sin
  2. Flesh
  3. The World
  4. Death
  5. The Grave

Freedom is not endurance.

If we do not find the law of liberty, we will continue to embarrass ourselves, it’s only a matter of time.

It is not about being good or bad, it is not about being free or not, it’s not about endurance, no level of maturity can set you free.

There is a requisite orientation you must have.

Romans 8:2 KJV

If you don’t learn the law of liberty, it is only a matter of time, your life will be full of a plethora of disappointments.

How God Designed For People To Rise Above Sin and The Flesh And Then To Manifest The Fruit Of The Spirit:

1. You Must Believe That The Power To Overcome The Dominion Of Sin And Flesh Is Within You In Christ
– There is no liberty for the one who does not believe
– Somewhere within my spirit is the capacity of an overcomer
– When you are born again, the capacity to overcome is there.

2. Reckon (think, consider) factor as part of your life, take into account that you are dead to sin in Christ and alive in God through Jesus Christ. Romans 6:11 KJV
Reckon means to take into consideration that reality.
– You Reckon Yourself To Carry That Consciousness.

3. Regardless What Happens, Hold Fast Your Profession Of Faith. Hebrews 10:23 KJV

– You set your mind first by setting your confession, your confession influences your thinking. Philippians 4:8 KJV
– Your memory bank is also built by hearing. Romans 10:17 KJV.
Amen is not just something you pronounce, it’s a spiritual activity, you are agreeing with the spirit, while you are agreeing with the spirit, you are activating the grace component within your frail human body that causes you to walk in that reality. Galatians 5:1 KJV

4. Yield Your Members As Instruments Of Righteousness. Romans 6:12-13 KJV

When you learn to reckon, you will see how powerless spirits are.

Luke 15:18-20 KJV, Genesis 11 KJV

You use your God-given ability to choose and begin to make choices and decisions that reflect Christlike living

The grace is supplied when the choice is made.

The power to honor your choice comes from God but the decision to choose comes from you. Luke 18:38 KJV

5. Engage in spiritual activities that strengthen and build your spiritual capacity and your love for God.

Activities Like:

  1. Prayer. Luke 18:1 KJV
    – The quickening of the spirit happens to you when you pray
    – You are revived again.
  2. Study of The Word. Colossians 3:16 KJV
  3. Worship
  4. Kingdom Service in the House of God
    – When you invite people to service in church, you are creating a safety net.

These activities are enhancers, they support your rising above sin and the flesh

The fruit of the spirit comes by the energizing of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:22 KJV

Philippians 4:4 KJV, Job 1:22 KJV

The Zoe life insists that God is true

Whenever you cannot explain, the answer is that God is greater.

  • Believe that the fruit of the spirit can work in you. Galatians 2:20 KJV
    You must Believe that the capacity to manifest that God life is there. Galatians 3:29 KJV, Genesis 12:3 KJV, Acts 7:60 KJV
How To Function Like God:
  1. When you communicate through your life extraordinary wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1:30 KJV
    – Wisdom from above is the heritage of everyone who is a possessor of the life of God.
    – Without divine wisdom, you cannot build anything extraordinary, not ministry not anything
    – You know you have wisdom by the quality of decisions that you make and the results that follow
    – You know you have wisdom by the excellence that follows because wisdom speaks of excellent things. John 8:3-11 KJV
  2. Creativity and Innovation.
    – If the life of God is at work in you, it empowers you to be creative and to be innovation.
    – The first revelation of the Holy Spirit was not as a healer, it was as a creative spirit. Genesis 1:2 KJV
    There is always a way out. Isaiah 30:21 KJV
  3. The Area Of Excellence, A Life Of Excellence
    – Excellence means to surpass ordinary standards
    – Excellence means to be thorough
    – Excellence means to outpace your yesterday’s performance
    – Excellence is the modus operandi of anyone who really understands the implication of carrying the life of God.
    – Every part of your life (From Your dressing to your conduct, to your speech) exudes excellence. Training should enhance it, not create it.
    The law of time and chance happens to all men but the law of time and chance is a delicate law in a lifetime, you can only have 3 episodes of it. You must be prepared. Genesis 41 KJV
    – What is pursuing you determines how you prepare
  4. Wealth
    – It is impossible for the Zoe Life to find expression in its fullest because wealth responds to value.
    – Anyone who has the wisdom of God cannot indefinitely be without help, wealth follows value, and that’s why you should never be poor.
    – You make people by bringing them to church, you are exposing them to the light of God’s wisdom, you are exposing them to the grace of God
    One thing about God is that he is not only merciful, he is just. Psalm 89:14 KJV
  5. Mighty Works, The Fruit Of Wisdom.
    The faith manifestation of the function of God at work in a believer is mighty works, the fruit of wisdom. Mark 6:1 KJV

  6. Life.
    Every believer in Christ functioning like God is a life-giving spirit. John 7:38-39 KJV.
    If you are Christ and you must function like Christ, you must carry this consciousness that I am a life-giving spirit.
    Ezekiel 47:1-11 KJV, Psalm 118:26 KJV


Psalm 107:2 KJV, Isaiah 62:4 KJV

Real dominion is dominion over time. No matter what you conquer, if time is not part of it you are not working in dominion.

1 Thessalonians 2:18 KJV

The release of that life is based on your will and is based on knowledge

Genesis 27:14-20 KJV

When You See Results In The Life Of People, It Is Because Of Three Things:
  1. The level of spiritual illumination that has come to them by reason of the mercy of God in partnership with their yieldedness.
    The presence of light in their life. John 1:9 KJV
  2. The steps that they have taken to honor that knowledge that they have. Matthew 14:28-29 KJV
  3. The kinds of graces that have rested upon them
    -Impartation has to do with transferring possibilities.
    – There is a measure of the anointing in every believer in Christ, the anointing that has been put within.
    – But there is a system in the economy of God where grace is added upon grace. 2 Peter 1:2 KJV, Acts 2 KJV, Acts 4 KJV, Acts 10:38 KJV, Luke 2:52 KJV, Isaiah 40:31 KJV, Luke 24:49 KJV
When God Wants To Help A Man:
  1. He first sends you a word that re-engineers your understanding because the vessel must be set for the oil to be trapped and preserved.
    If the vessel is leaking, it doesn’t matter what oil comes, it will leak out.
  2. The Spirit of Faith is planted within you so that you can take actions
  3. Power From Heaven Lands Upon Your Head And Your Life
    When it comes upon you, you are equipped.

Rest On Me by David Dam

Acts 3:1-8 KJV, Proverbs 4:18 KJV

What makes a thing glorious is not that it arrives, is that it stays.

John 1:45-47 KJV, Psalm 122:1 KJV


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