Written For Our Learning (Timely Prophetic Message) by Apostle Selman

Written For Our Learning (Timely Prophetic Message) || Romans 15:4 || WOFBEC 2025 || Lagos-Nigeria ||  Soaring On The Wings Of Faith || Third Session || Apostle Selman

Written For Our Learning (Timely Prophetic Message) by Apostle Selman

Part 1: Fully Persuaded (Cultivating The Faith That Work) by Apostle Selman

Part 2: Help My Unbelief (The Rules of Potent Faith) by Apostle Selman

John 3:16 KJV, Romans 10:10 KJV

The only way to the kingdom is to acknowledge the lordship of Jesus, he is the key to the kingdom

There are keys of the kingdom but there is only one key to the kingdom. John 14:6 KJV

Romans 15:4 KJV

In discussing the subject of flight, there is one factor that sustains the power to hinder the take-off to hinder the continuity and even to hinder the arrival of any aircraft.

The same limitation applies to any kind of movement whether by land whether by sea whether by air and the name is called the weather condition.

Mark 4:35-39 KJV

Many believers are like planes waiting at the tarmac for clearance to fly.

The current church climate is not good weather for flights and if not checked, it will become a stormy weather that may ground many destinies and stop many eagles from soaring.

The church in Nigeria can be classified into several groups according to their core emphasis:

  1. Emphasis on Deliverance
  2. Emphasis on Success and Destiny Fulfillment
  3. Emphasis on Prayer and intimacy with the Holy Spirit
  4. Emphasis on The Word of Faith, Manifesting That Dimension with the Advocacy for the Priority of the Word, The Supremacy of The Word
  5. Emphasis on The Prophetic
  6. Emphasis on Discipleship and Mentorship
  7. Emphasis on The Apostolic with Teachings and Then Signs and Wonders
  8. Emphasis on The Message of Grace 
  9. Emphasis on Missions
  10. Emphasis on The Core Orthodox Expression 
  • Every one of these expressions truly believe that Jesus is the son of God
  • Every one of these expressions has a scriptural backing that supports their operation
  • Every one of these expressions have sufficient evidences and testimonies to support and advocate their continuity.
  • Every one of these expressions have significant followership to defend their core emphasis.
  • Every one of these expressions have significant global followership to arise should the need arise to defend their core emphasis.
  • Every one of these expressions believe that they have the most superior and refined understanding of the Christian life as God intended.
  • Every one of these expressions have systems and structures to guarantee longevity.
There are Three Dangers That God Must Help Us Correct:
  1. A Growing Hatred Among Christians Including Ministers of The Gospel and That Hatred Is Based on Their Spiritual Affiliations Convictions and Viewpoints.
    It started as a subtle drive but it’s now gaining confidence and visibility.
  2. There is now an even a growing gross confusion across the body of Christ As To who Is Correct And What Viewpoint Is More Superior based on believers that are just starting out.
    This is as a result of the press to know who is right or what concept should be embraced.
    Every aspect of the Christian faith right now is being tested and probed including the pillars to the very pillar of the Christian faith.
    1. The pillars of salvation are being probed
    2. The triune nature of God
    3. The Concept of Repentance
    What does it take to be born again?
    There are New Ideas being introduced, some of those ideas are liberating and some of them are disturbing. Very Disturbing.
  3. Sadly God’s end-time program stands the risk of being threatened if this continues.
    God’s program of evangelization
    God’s program of discipleship and transformation
    God’s program of societal transformation stands the risk and in fact in many regards is being threatened right now.

Romans 15:4 KJV

  1. Every Believer in Christ is free to practice and advocate their beliefs and their spiritual convictions but they must do so responsibly, showing honor and regard to other believers.
    Derogatory and insightful statements against individuals and churches must be minimized if not completely avoided. Ephesians 4:14 KJV
  2. Apostle Selman does not believe all these church expressions will diminish not in influence nor in strength of convictions
    The truth is that many in these circles will switch convictions but many will still maintain their stand on what they believe and that must be respected.
    Fighting, wishing, and advocating the degeneration or the downfall of any church expression will only prove to be a waste of time. Luke 9:54-55 KJV, Mark 14:7 KJV, Matthew 26:11 KJV, Colossians 1:9 KJV
  3. Let us give truth room to vindicate itself.
    The character of truth is that it has a system of self-defense. 2 Corinthians 13:8 KJV, 1 Corinthians 3:10-13 KJV
    There is already a system in God to vet what is true. Matthew 16:18 KJV, 2 Samuel 6:6 KJV
    You cannot fight what is of God, it will stand it doesn’t matter how you go around it, it will stand. Acts 5:34-39 NIV
    You don’t have to be real to be followed. Acts 5:36-38 NIV
    Preachers must simply present the truths they know and believe and allow it to be tested against the truth.
  4. Within the boundary of loyalty and willful submission, preachers owe it to protect the people committed to them against unnecessary distractions. Acts 20:28 KJV.
  5. We must all obtain grace to confront and deal with our fears, our insecurities, our hurt so we do not vent it out through the platform of church and preaching.
    The healing anointing goes beyond physical healing. Hebrews 4:12 KJV
    Obtain grace to confront and deal with your fears
    Obtain grace to confront and deal with your hurts
    Obtain grace to confront and deal with your pain so that you will not bleed it out to innocent people.
    The word of God is a discerner.
  6. Every believer and indeed every faith expression within the body of Christ must define and probe their statement of faith. Luke 1:1-4 KJV
    Don’t just mentor believers paint a picture, what do you believe? what do you not believe? there must be clarity.
    A believer that does not have a statement of faith is one who will be to and fro.
  7. Walk In Love, even in the midst of different views, we can walk in love. 
    What The Bible Says About Love:
    1. The most excellent way. 1 Corinthians 13:13 KJV
    Love is the noblest spiritual quality any believer can manifest. Colossians 3:12-14 KJV, Galatians 5:6 KJV
    The highest proof of transformation is not knowledge but Love.
    Every growth that has to take away love from your life as the price is not God-ordained growth. Growth that comes from God by God and in keeping with his principles will necessitate that the love of God also grows in you.
    Love Never Fails. Matthew 11:15 KJV, Revelation 3:22 KJV, Genesis 8:1-3 KJV
    At the end of it, the only person that will be put to shame is satan.
    Matthew 4:16 KJV, Isaiah 9:2 KJV
    Don’t allow your growth bring a superiority mentality.
    If you don’t trust the church, trust the spirit of God.

Prayer Point: Father visit the body of Christ, bring back Love, bring back Honor advance your program through the church.

The unashamedness to come and sit and learn knowing that there is more is the character of champions.

Part 4: The Spirit OF Faith by Apostle Selman

Part 5: Manifesting Abundant Life by Apostle Selman

Written For Our Learning (Timely Prophetic Message) by Apostle Selman


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