When We Pray (The Wonders Of Consistent Prayer) by Apostle Selman

When We Pray (The Wonders Of Consistent Prayer) by Apostle Selman

Lift your hands and give Jesus Christ quality thanks. Bless the name of The Lord. Thank Him for His wonder-working power in our midst. Thank Him for the miracles, signs, and wonders. Thank Him for bringing performance to His Word.
Ask Him to use you greatly and to prepare you adequately for all He has to do with you, tonight.

Pray: Lord, take my everything and use it for Your glory. Take my hands, heart, mind, everything You have given me and use it for Your glory, Jesus.

When you make up your mind to invest in God’s presence, there is no limit to what your life can become.
His presence is beyond brain work, it is beyond the works of men.

When your all becomes His in experience, there is no limit to what you become. Men will look for names to call you, because of the wonder-working power of God at work in you.
There is a breaking; there is a chiseling, there is a remoulding in His presence.

Pray: Father, everything You have prepared for me, I open up my heart to receive, in the name of Jesus Christ.

There are things God can do, when men decide to trust Him, against all odds.
It doesn’t matter how long a situation has been, SURELY, there is an end. (Proverbs 23:18)
The end means the end of barrenness, shame, and reproach. Let the mockers mock, but fix your gaze on Jesus Christ.
I prophesy that you will see the end sooner than you planned, in Jesus name!

When you run during the Olympics, undivided focus is required. You do not need to turn to the left or right because you will fail.
When you’re making progress in life, you must learn to keep your focus, which is of essence.

Prophecy: Everything you’ve received that has impeded your progress and deflated your passion, let it leave you now, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Luke 18:7

Pray: Father, open my eyes, I am ready to learn and receive from Your Word!

“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: and there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭18‬:‭1‬-‭7‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

“Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭12‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

Every encounter and service in Koinonia is training for you to become a person of grace, understanding, stature, and power.

Knowing God’s desire and ordination for your life is like receiving an admission letter into a higher institution of learning.
It merely tells you what you can become, but it does not help you become. You must submit yourself to the transformative processes that help you become in the field of endeavor.

Most Believers are unaware that there is an exact body of knowledge required for an excellent Christian experience.

Your becoming mighty in the realm of the Spirit is predicated on an exact body of spiritual knowledge.

The way you obtain “milk” differs from the way you obtain “meat.”
Milk can be expressed casually, even while chatting and laughing, but every time you encounter meat, it is proof that something died. (1 Corinthians 3:1-2, Isaiah 6:1)

Knowledge Requirements for Every Believer (Checklist):

1. Every Believer must understand the art of prayer.
2. Every Believer must know how to access light from Scripture.
3. Every Believer must be trained on how to train the flesh.
4. Every Believer must understand the structure of God’s kingdom.
5. Every Believer must know how to access help from the realm of the spirit and from men.
6. Every Believer must be trained for spiritual warfare.
7. Every Believer needs to understand Kingdom service.
8. Every Believer must understand the principles that make one relevant in today’s world without compromise.
9. Every Believer must be taught wholesome spirituality, which captures a general knowledge of the Bible, the knowledge of God, the plan of salvation, The person and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

One of the ways to test true spirituality is by the life-giving dimension in it.
Everything that comes from God has the ability to give life.

The desire to be a mature Christian does not produce maturity; rather, it should push you closer to the corridors of wisdom.

Refuse to be stunted. Choose to be a Believer that brings justification to the time of investment of The Word in you.

Refuse to be stunted in your knowledge of God, refuse to be at the same level.
There should be evidence in your life that justifies your time spent in God’s presence.

Many use the wrong parameters to measure spirituality. Prosperity is not spirituality. However, spirituality has streams and expressions of which prosperity can be one.

The presence of progression in prosperity doesn’t tantamount to spirituality. The miraculous itself doesn’t equate to spirituality.
When we talk about “weight” in the spirit, we have to use superior parameters. (John 17:3, 15:5)
In a transformed life, intimacy with God comes before other parameters.

There is power in prayer; prayer is one of the Apostolic models left with the Church.
All through Scripture, we are admonished to pray. (Acts 6:4, Mark 11:24, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, James 5:13)

Prayerlessness has been responsible for the bankruptcy of efficiency in the lives of Believers. It has stunted the moves of God.
It has been the missing ingredient in birthing the purposes of God, between prophecy and its manifestation.

There are many ways to detect prayerlessness, one of which is by looking at the area of powerlessness in a Believer’s life.

When we study scripture, our pursuit is understanding, because our rising is predicated upon the strength of the truth that we know.

Many will never be able to birth God’s prophetic programs for their lives because they have not understood the role prayer plays in the actualization of their prophetic destinies.

There is a time allotted for your destiny to happen so that it profits God’s program, and while you refuse to emerge, God loves you, but He will need to trust someone who has the diligence and zeal and is willing to pay the price in righteousness until they become and they take up additional assignments.

I pray for you: May God never raise an alternative because of your prayerlessness!
May God never have to raise help for your family from outside because of your laxity; you will fulfill destiny, in the name of Jesus Christ!

A 13-year-old is called a teenager, while a 1-year-old is called a baby. The difference lies in capacity; one can be entrusted with responsibilities, while the other still requires constant care.
When consistency is established, time becomes an advantage. If you’ve been praying consistently for 10 years, it should be evident through the presence of power, wisdom, and tangible results in your life.

When consistency is in place, time becomes a powerful advantage. The value of time is that it can be used to sponsor consistency.

It doesn’t matter what God will have you do in the future. The starting point is to become a person of prayer.

There comes a time when the Holy Spirit places a deep burden upon you, drawing you into complete devotion to spiritual things. One day, as you go about praying as usual, something profound will come upon you, never leaving you the same again.

A Believer’s path to growth is clearly defined, along with the tools needed for that wholesome growth. One of these essential tools is the wonder of consistent prayer.

The first assignment of prayer is not to deliver results; it’s to bring about a death to self.
God often delays answers to prayer to ensure you stay prayerful, using that very prayer as a tool to your becoming, leading to your transformation and growth.

Sometimes, God prolongs a little in solving your challenges because He sees purpose in that condition, drawing you closer in prayer.
God will not be in a hurry to change your situation until He knows that, whether or not He brings the blessing, you’ll continue in prayer and stay with Him, becoming a sign and a wonder.

One way God draws men to Himself is by showing them a glimpse of what can be and then hides it.
God often draws men in the kingdom to Him by giving them a taste of what can become their reality and then hides it.

Many people pray but have not yet derived the profit that comes with prayer because they do not engage in consistent prayer.

What Happens When We Pray Consistently:

1. Our spirits are quickened to discern. (Philippians 4:6-7)
2. We receive the prophetic blueprint for every season of our lives. (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)
3. We receive direction for the next level of our lives. (Isaiah 30:21, 1 Corinthians 10:13)
4. We contend against spiritual forces that fight the actualisation of our prophetic destinies. (Ephesians 6:12)

Receiving a blueprint is different from receiving direction. One of the major reasons for the delay of people is confusion over direction.
Your blueprint indicates the place, while your direction outlines the path to get to the place.
You can understand the place you need to go but still be unsure of how to get to the place.

Without direction, knowing the place (destination) means little; you may end up going in circles, finding yourself far from where you intended to be, not from lack of motion, but to a lack of direction.

Many people don’t lack motion but direction is lacking in their motions. Never take a destiny step, till you get clarity of direction.

The biggest risk you can take in your life at this end-time is to use common sense. You need divine direction.
Never take a destiny step until you get clarity of direction.

Divine direction not only shows you the way to go but also reveals the obstacles to avoid and offers a way of escape on your way to destiny.

Believers; those who have committed their lives and resources to God—are often the ones in need of divine direction. It is their testimony that Satan is after, unlike unbelievers, who are already aligned with his agenda.

Direction does not come after one day of prayer. You need to persist continually in prayer for divine direction.

I pray for you: every confusion in and around your life, may my God grant you direction as you submit to prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ!

What governs Satan’s attacks against you is the truth of what God has said concerning your life.

I declare that any attack on any family, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, that attack returns to hell, in the name of Jesus!

I pray for you: any family going through any attack or a series of attacks going on around your life, be delivered now!
For every strange occurrence in dreams, I pray for you: may God show you a way of escape, in the name of Jesus Christ!

As a Believer, you must pray that God preserves your peace by all godly means and preserves your life.

Pray: In the name of Jesus Christ, I will not go up and go down. Not my destiny; I declare exception from witchcraft, from evil. I go from glory to glory, not glory and shame, higher and higher, not higher and down!

Pray: Every spiritual force against my relevance and advancement, in the name of Jesus Christ, I contend in prayer!

Pray: I rebuke every spirit and every gang up of men against Koinonia, against Apostle Joshua Selman, and my life. I put a seal of the finished work of Christ upon my life!

Pray: Lord, I will not laugh and cry at the same time. I will not enjoy helpers and then experience destiny delay. Every orchestration to take away helpers of my life, and take away the supplies from heaven, I challenge it by the power of The Holy Ghost!

“And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.” Luke‬ ‭22‬:‭31‬-‭32‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

There are people satan wants to waste; he doesn’t want them to suffer, he wants them to die.
Declare and pray: In the name of Jesus Christ, every limitation and attack against my life and destiny, I curse it by the blood of the eternal covenant. I dismantle demonic programs against my destiny, manifesting as bad luck and ill health. I dismantle it, in the name of Jesus Christ!

The next time your spirit man gives you a prompt, do not hesitate to pray. Don’t wait until you decipher what it is, PRAY!!!
You can even pray in your sleep! Shoot those prayers armed with Scriptures like arrows in the realm of the spirit, one after the other!

One of the advantages of prayer is that you can pray quietly, even under your breath.

It is not enough to see in dreams and visions; you must pray for it to come to pass.
While you are seeing what God wants to do in your life, negotiations are happening; you must pray it into reality.

What Happens When We Pray Consistently:

5. We schedule the needed help for every season. (Acts 9:10-15)
There are individuals that only God can speak to. God can put your matter in the hearts of people.
6. We build capacity that qualifies us for greater glory. (Ephesians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 14:2-4)
The greater your capacity in the spirit, the greater the anointing that God can place inside of you, and the greater the assignment, the greater the ease of operation.

In this season, I declare in the name of Jesus Christ, may my God raise strange help for you, for the sake of your destiny!

People don’t assist simply because you need it; they help because God places you in their hearts.
You must go to the Father of spirits in the place of prayer and call forth help.

Don’t waste your time trying to select the people to help you.
Look unto Jesus Christ and cry for help; God can lay a burden upon people to be helpers to you as their assignment!

Pray: Father, send help to my life and destiny!

God desires to do many great things with you; however, if you haven’t built the needed capacity, He cannot place greater glory upon your life, as it would be a waste.
God will restrict your growth and progress until you are enlarged enough to host the resources He intends to bestow on you.

If you don’t continue to grow as a minister, there will come a time when your spiritual stature won’t be enough to address the challenges God’s people face, leading them to seek solutions to their problems elsewhere.
People can sense when you are spiritually exhausted.

Lay your hands on your head and ask The Lord to grant you the grace to pray until you are enlarged. Enlarged in the spirit, enlarged for wisdom, enlarged to host greater glory.

When we don’t pray, we are not only robbed of greater glory but some things happen:

1. We faint. The word “faint” is to lose momentum, to lose vibrancy. Your passion in the spirit is sustained by your fire produced in prayer. (Luke 18:1)
2. We die. Dying from this perspective is not only spiritual but also financial and eventually physical. Sometimes this death does not happen in a day. (John 10:10)

Give God thanks and give Him glory for all you have heard and received via His Word.
Pray: Father, the grace to engage with the truths heard tonight, I obtain!
Pray for the grace to pray consistently. Obtain grace to practice the ritual of consistent prayer with no excuses. The discipline to pray and structure a prayer system. Receive it now!

Genuine peace and fulfillment stem from an encounter with your Creator. Jesus Christ is reaching out to you right now, He wants to give you a new beginning, regardless of your past or current situation.
Take the bold step of faith to begin the journey of salvation by saying yes to Him. With faith in your heart, declare this prayer of salvation to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

If you have made the honourable decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior tonight, we are eager to receive your testimony and be a part of your Christian journey.
Please feel free to share your experience with us via this link: bit.ly/JESUSINMYHEART.

I pray for you, in the name of Jesus Christ, the grace to pray and pray consistently, I release that grace upon you!

I declare that the quickening of the spirit that sponsors discipline to stay in the place of prayer, until you are transformed and changed, and you can discern, receive it now in Jesus Christ’s name!

I pray for you, the benefits that come from prayer, may it be evident in your life!
The help that prayer brings, may you experience it in your life!
The wisdom that prayer brings, may you experience it in your life!
The direction that is obtained in the place of prayer, may you experience it in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Every attack on your prayer life, I decree that the attack gives way now!
Everything you’ve seen in the place of prayer, according to the will of God, may your hands handle it speedily, in Jesus Christ name!

I declare that you’re blessed in Jesus name! Your week beginning is blessed! The hand of The Lord is strong upon you. His grace is multiplied upon your life! The wisdom of The Spirit is producing results in your life, in Jesus Christ’s name!

I declare that your week is full of favour! Your week is full of help! Your week is full of victory, in the name of Jesus Christ!
By next Sunday, you will be eager to come and testify. Indeed, you will say, “See what The Lord has done”!

I declare that every crying stops as you step into this week! Shame and reproach come to an end as you step into this week!
For your shame, you shall receive double, in the name of Jesus Christ!


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