When God Blesses and Lifts You

When God Blesses and Lifts You

Today The Holy Spirit put it in my heart to share with you all the message on when God blesses you and lifts you.

We as Christians are always looking to God to come through for us and bless us in every area of our lives but the question is, are you ready to do what it takes to get there? And are you ready to help people that turned their backs on you before your lifting happened?

Two stories in the Bible came to mind which I would like to share.

The first story is the one of Joseph. He was sold into slavery by his brothers and when he later became a prime minister and was reunited with his brothers, his brothers were terrified of him and were scared that he might punish them for what they did to him. Guess what Joseph said in

Genesis 50:19-20

“Don’t be afraid. Am I God? You planned something bad for me, but God produced something good from it, in order to save the lives of many people, just as he’s doing today.”

He had every right to be upset with them for selling him off, but he knew it was for a time like this. He knew it was for a purpose, and even in his blessing and lifting, he still blessed his brothers‭‭.

The second story is that of Job. We are all familiar with what happened to Job and how he lost everything in one day. His wife told him to curse God and die. Even his friends who were supposed to encourage him weren’t friends at that moment.
Do you know what God told Job to do?
He told Job to pray for the same friends who were just discouraging him not too long ago.

See also  Choosing Faith/Blessing Over Anger

In Job 42:10

“Then the LORD changed Job’s fortune when he prayed for his friends, and the LORD doubled all Job’s earlier possessions.”

Job could have decided not to pray for his friends, and he would have lost the reward God had for him.

So friends, when God blesses and lifts you just like he did for Joseph or is about to and tells you to pray for your friends who weren’t acting like friends, just do it because that might be the last test from God for you to get to were he his taking you too.



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