Upon Mount Zion (Obtaining Divine Rewards) by Apostle Selman

Upon Mount Zion (Obtaining Divine Rewards) Obadiah 1:17

Upon Mount Zion (Obtaining Divine Rewards) by Apostle Selman

Lift your voice in prayer and magnify The Lord; call Him Helper, Lifter, Saviour, and the Captain of your salvation.
Lift your hands and ask Him for a supply of His Spirit, causing us to obtain what He has apportioned for us tonight.

The house of God is a place of wisdom, encounters, and grace because of the presence of God. There are things and realities that only the presence of God can host and deliver.

Prophecy: I declare that everything God has in store for you, may your hands receive them tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ!

When you know the ways of God, your decisions become superior, Word-compliant, and better consistent with the will and the Word of God for your life. (Isaiah 11:2, John 16:12-13)

You secure the promises of God to the decree in which you live in accordance with His Will for your life.

When you access the wisdom of God through His Word and by His Spirit, eventually, your life becomes a reflection of God’s glory.

Prophecy: The Lord will crown your year with glory and goodness, in Jesus Christ’s name!

“But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” (Obadiah‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

1) God is a God who rewards men. (Hebrews 11:6, Revations 22:12)
2) Reward means to give someone something in exchange or recognition of service, effort, contribution, achievement, or conquest. Every gift given in recognition of conquest is also called a reward.
3) The reward system is both a divine and a human principle; it works vertically and horizontally: between man and God, God rewards; between men and men, men reward.
In essence, it is practiced by both God and people.

The reward system is very important because humans work by motivation.
In the name of Jesus Christ, may you receive rewards for loving and serving Jesus!

I pray for you, may God reward you. Let it be clear that God has visited you! May you receive rewards for loving and serving Jesus, in the name of Jesus Christ!

1. Diligent Pursuit (Hebrews 11:6, Jeremiah 29:13)
2. Faithfulness (Matthew 25:14-30, Galatians 6:9)
3. Sacrifice (Psalm 50:5, Luke 18:4-5)
4. The Works of Men (1 Corinthians 3:14)

The blessings of God come every day, but His rewards are tied to seasons.

Generally, the realm of the spirit does not ignore sacrifices.
I pray for you as you make sacrifices serving God in your lifetime, may you see your reward in the name of Jesus Christ!

As Believers, our work, doings, or activities in the Kingdom do not carry the same value in the spirit.
It is not every work that is rewardable by God. There are parameters for judging the works of men, and it is our responsibility to know these parameters.

Our activities with respect to “Kingdom Come” do not carry the same value in the Spirit.
There are works and kingdom activities in the Bible that are considered mighty and rewardable works.

What makes our works weighty, mighty, and of great value in the Spirit (rewardable)?
1. A pure and sincere heart (2 Chronicles 25:1-2, Ephesians 6:6)
What makes your heart pure is the motive. If your desire is for self-glorification and not to exalt Jesus Christ, your motive is corrupted.

What makes the heart pure is the motive behind every desire. If the desire is for self-glorification, it is an indication that your heart is not pure.
God weighs the hearts of men as touching their motives.
The heart of man can be so corrupt that even the possessor of the heart is unaware of the level of its corruption. This is why the prayer “Lord, search my heart” is very important

In our walk with God, the sincerity of the heart vetoes the excellency of every Kingdom activity.
God judges the works of men by examining the purity of their hearts.

God judges the works of men by the purity of their hearts. This is the distinction between one who speaks endlessly yet remains unheard by the nations and another who speaks sparingly, yet the nations respond even before he calls.

Many people have disappointed God by not keeping their end of the bargain, when glory is brought to them. They shyed away from acknowledging God when they were praised for a milestone achieved.

In this season, the most powerful prayer is, “Lord, purge my heart.”
It is never too much to humble yourself before God, asking Him to search and refine your heart.

The Psychological Need Of Every Man:

1. Security
2. Variety
3. Significance
4. Love and acceptance
5. Growth
6. Impact and contribution
Following these needs of men, it becomes a natural thing for the heart of men to tilt towards vain glory.

It’s natural for the hearts of men to tilt towards vain glory or the praise of others, mainly as a result of background, trauma, or upbringing. This can cause you to drift from a pure and sincere heart.
In the name of Jesus Christ, may God re-align your heart!

I pray for you, in any way you have being seeking for vain glory, may God realign your heart in the name of Jesus Christ!

When men applaud you, it is not wrong; it is an honest acknowledgment of progression.
When people acknowledge God’s hand in your life, don’t shy away from it. But don’t become a reservoir of that honor—let it flow through you to the throne room of God. Maintaining this posture keeps you as an unrestrained vessel, distinguished and marked by God for answers even before you ask.

There is a necessary measure of dying to self that must happen or take place in your life to see the Lord glorified.

What makes our works weighty, mighty, and of great value in the Spirit (rewardable)?
2. Your love for Jesus Christ and men (individuals). (1 John 4:20, John 15:13, 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, 13)

The greater your love for Jesus Christ, the more it directly affects how you see others.
You can’t claim to love Jesus and hate people.
When you encounter The Lord Jesus Christ and His love grows stronger in your spirit, it will impact how you see and relate to others. It will deepen your sense of empathy, forgiveness, and give you the wisdom to look beyond people’s actions and see their motives.
No matter what you claim to have in the Kingdom, if love is missing, you’re at a loss. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)

In order of priority, LOVE is greater than anointing and impartation.
The tragedy in the body of Christ is that it seems that the more we claim to love God, the more hatred some people have for their fellow brethren.

The absence of LOVE divides anything good and makes it small.

One of the ways to measure the level of your LOVE is your compassion towards men (individuals).

Every genuine intercessor is a weighty person in the spirit, as long as the activity is from a sincere heart and genuine love for individuals.

Intercession goes beyond being prayerful; it is about focusing and aligning with God’s program and fervently channeling your energy into prayer.
There is always bread (provision) in the place of purpose.

You cannot serve God and beg for bread simultaneously. There is an allocation for the saints in righteousness.

For every Believer who has been spiritually mentored, their growth should eventually evolve into soul-winning.

As a soul-winner, your role is not to force people to accept Jesus Christ but to lovingly sow the seed of the gospel in their hearts.

Declare: In the name of Jesus Christ, I obtain the grace to be a soul-winner!

Discipleship is about transforming nations through the power of God’s Word and actively participating in the spiritual growth and transformative process of others. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Discipleship requires a thorough knowledge of the Word of God, alongside the ability to communicate it with intelligence.

Human Activities That Carry Weight And Are Considered Rewardable:

1. Warfare and Intercession (Ezekiel 22:30, Luke 2: 37-38)
2. Soul-Winning (Proverbs 11:13, 3:35)
3. Discipleship (Matthew 28:19-20)
4. Raising Leaders (Matthew 9:36, 23: 13-39)
The degree to which we raise leaders is the degree to which we will have individuals who are well-groomed, mentored, transformed, equipped, and deployed to serve the purposes of God and His Kingdom

The Causes Of Societal Decadence:
1. Absence of Leaders
2. Absence of Spiritual Leaders
3. Lawlessness

Leadership is the ability to harness and coordinate human and material resources to achieve a common goal.

Human Activities That Carry Weight And Are Considered Rewardable:
5. Kingdom Financing (1 Timothy 6:17-19, Philippians 4: 9-19)

Declare: In the name of Jesus Christ, the spirit of greed dies from my life! I conquer greed. I am a giver, a happy giver, and a delightsome giver.

Giving is a culture, it shouldn’t be based on financial convenience. You don’t give to God because you have a lot. Rather, you give to God because you have a large heart.
However, exercise caution and be discerning, never give under manipulation!

Human Activities That Carry Weight And Are Considered Rewardable:
6. Acts of Charity (Matthew 25:31-46, Deuteronomy 15: 10-11)
The foundation for living a life of charity is not a socio-political thing; it is scripture-based.

Pray: Father, purify my heart and plant in me a love for You and love for individuals, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Pray: Father, I receive the grace to actively engage in activities that make for reward, in the name of Jesus Christ!

I declare that you are blessed, and this week is overflowing with blessings for you, in the name of Jesus Christ!
I decree and declare that the Rewarder will reward you, and your reward will come speedily, in the name of Jesus Christ!

I decree and declare that everything that is not of God in your life will give way this week, in the name of Jesus Christ!

I declare that this week is your week of favour. May favour follow you, and may helpers arise on your behalf this week, in the name of Jesus Christ!

I declare that bad news is far from you, and you will not hear any negative report, in the name of Jesus Christ!

I decree and declare that you are lifted and you will remain lifted, in the name of Jesus Christ!
This week is declared as your week of exceeding great rewards, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Scattered throughout the Scriptures are countless promises of God, waiting for us to claim. But there is a call to action and a condition for receiving them: we must take up our cross and follow Jesus Christ.
Tonight, He is reaching out to you, ready to show you a path that leads to life and eternal glory.
Take this bold step of faith and begin the journey of salvation by saying “yes” to Jesus. With faith in your heart, declare this prayer of salvation to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

”I say unto you, that likewise, joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.“ ‭‭Luke‬ ‭15‬:‭7‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

If you just received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour tonight, we celebrate you and Heaven rejoices over your decision. We’d love to read from you and become a part of your Christian journey.

Thank you for connecting and fellowshipping with us, both virtually and on-site. We trust that you had an unforgettable encounter in God’s presence. May the blessings received from the service remain with you and continue to bear fruit in your life, in Jesus name.
We warmly invite you to join us next Sunday with a heart full of gratitude and anticipation for all that God is still set to do before the year ends. Bring your loved ones and stay connected with us throughout the week for uplifting and faith-building content on our social media platforms.
We can’t wait to see you again. God bless you abundantly!









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