The Wonders of Faith by Rev Sam Oye

The Wonders of Faith by Rev Sam Oye

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Mark 5:25-29 KJV

Say: Keeping Speaking

Wonders happen through faith

There are 2 types of people in the church

  • Driven by fear
  • Driven by faith

There are those that are serving God with fear and there are those driven to serve God by love and faith.

There are those who give due to fear, and there are those who give because they know God deserves their best.

Question: What are you driven by? What you are driven by will determine the outcomes of your life.

What drives you will determine what it drives you into.

Those driven by fear:

  • They don’t start anything significant

Only eternity will tell what our lives would have become if we didn’t say yes to fear.

Say: I will fear no more

Fear has a way of using the past to regulate your future.

  • Fear makes men quit when the going gets tough. Quitters are not takers in the stack of life. When you quit on one thing, you quit on other things.
  • Those driven by fear make wrong decisions in anticipation of unfavorable outcomes

Those driven by Faith:

  • They hear God before they move
  • They fear nothing
  • Overcome their doubts
  • Obey God’s voice
  • They hold on to the end they don’t quit

What is Faith is:

  • The absolute confidence in the person of God.
  • The absolute confidence in the power of the almighty God.
  • Absolute confidence in the presence of God because that is sufficient for the journey of my life.

Say: Your presence is sufficient

  • Faith is confidence in the faithfulness of God.
  • Faith is seeing the invisible. They believe the incapable.
  • Faith is absolutely confidence and absolute belief. Those who have faith, believe the incredible. Faith receives the impossible before they have it. Mark 11:23-24 KJV

Unforgettable Benefits of Faith

  1. Salvation comes through faith Ephesians 2:8 KJV
  2. We live by faith. Romans 1:17 KJV. Faith is how we live
  3. We walk by faith 2 Corinthians 5:7 AMP. We walk step by step.  When God says move you move. Who do you know? God. Who do you have? God. If God instructs it, he will find it.
    : We will walk by faith.
  4. We speak by faith. 2 Corinthians 4:13 Passion (TPT). Speaking in faith is saying a thing God told you will happen.
  5. They act by Faith. James 2:14;18 WNT. Those who act get results. Talk less act more. Step out in faith.

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