The Spiritual Man (The Pathway To Accessing Greater Power) by Apostle Selman

The Spiritual Man (The Pathway To Accessing Greater Power) by Apostle Selman

Lift your hands to heaven and give God quality thanks. Ask Him to lead, guide, and direct your path.
Pray: God, grant me the grace to be focused and attentive to Your Words tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ!

The excelling of the Believer does not depend on sentiments but on the level of illumination.

You are born looking like your parents, but at the end of your life, you will look like your decisions.
The best decision an individual can make is to know and love The Lord, and then contend to grow in the knowledge of the truth.

The times we live in now, not the days to come, are days that will punish ignorance, because of the bankruptcy of sufficient light.
If your level of illumination is insufficient, it will reveal a lack of the knowledge needed to produce results.

These are not the days of ignorance and limited knowledge. You will suffer like someone not saved; there is a standard of spiritual illumination you must have for your excelling.
These are not the days of bragging “I know, I know”; if you truly know, the results will show!

When knowledge fails to deliver, you need to vet whether it is light (illumination) indeed. There are times when you have knowledge but lack understanding.

You obtain the knowledge to produce results by committing God’s power using the rules or principles of engagement

The knowledge (light) you have must possess the ability to produce victory. If knowledge doesn’t produce victory, then the knowledge needs to be vetted.

Possessing what belongs to an adult, does not make one an adult. There must be genuine growth. Conversely, being a mature Believer must be authentic, not pretended.

Speaking like a mature Christian doesn’t not necessarily make you a matured Christian.
Growth is not a gift; the grace that produces growth is a gift, but engaging it comes with a responsibility component.

Prophecy: Whatever has stopped you from growing, making you register week after week in church, in the name of Jesus Christ, let that demonic cancer die from your life!

I declare that your life justifies the spiritual investments that God is making.

Pray: Father, open my eyes! Let me know what is wrong and what am I not getting right.
Show me the areas of my life not yet producing results, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Pray: Every consequence of ignorance in my life as a result of something I do not know, Lord, bring me out of this calamity and remedy my ignorance by light, in the name of Jesus Christ!
By mercy, I come out of it in Jesus name!

Every level in the Spirit demands a certain weight of glory.
Yesterday’s grace may not be able to bring down today’s mountain.

Pray: Lord, let the anointing fall afresh on me. Father, You are doing something new across the globe; I cry unto you; show me mercy.
Let a fresh anointing and fire from heaven rest upon me, as Your Spirit moves from nation to nation, granting men the capacity to produce supernatural results. In the name of Jesus, let me host heavier weights of your glory!

Pray: Father, regardless of the achievement and how high you lift me, grant me the focus to continue with You. Everything that will shift my focus away from You, let it give way tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ!
I receive more hunger and more thirst for You, in the name of Jesus!

Prophecy: For someone with pain in their eye, may God bring you life and healing now!
For someone with severe pain and discomforting noise, the power of God is touching you and bringing you supernatural healing!
For someone with excruciating pain around your kneecap, I curse that spirit now!
For someone with severe pain around your chest area, let the power that raised Christ from the dead bring you healing now, in the name of Jesus Christ!

I declare that anyone whose eyes have been blinded by demonic occurrences, causing you not to discern and perceive spiritual things correctly, I tear off that veil now, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Prophecy: For a gentleman, God is saying, “It is time for that retreat”. I declare that the grace to stay until you carry something from the Spirit, let it rest upon you now, in the name of Jesus Christ!

In the name of Jesus Christ, every programming of death over you and your loved ones; whoever has dug the pit of death for you falls into it!

Prophecy: For someone with back pain, be healed now in Jesus name!
For someone with pain around your throat area, I bring you life and healing, be healed now!
For a family of ladies, with an embargo placed upon them not to move forward, be released from that curse and embargo now, in the name of Jesus!

In the name of Jesus Christ, for anyone who has a blood condition, constantly experiencing blood depletion, I take authority over it now!

Prophecy: I declare that for someone, with regards to your job, God is saying: “what He has said will still come to pass”, in the name of Jesus Christ!

From a spiritual standpoint, there are three (3) kinds of men:

1. The Natural Man.
The natural man is unregenerate. He is not in union with The Spirit of God, no matter how intellectually enlightened or exposed they are. (1 Corinthians 2:14)

“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭2‬:‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

From a Spiritual standpoint, there are three kinds of men:
1. The Natural Man (1 Corinthians 2:14).
2. The Carnal Man (1 Corinthians 3:1).
3. The Spiritual Man (Romans 8:6).

When the Bible refers to the natural man, it is using spiritual language to describe someone whose spiritual senses are not yet activated to perceive spiritual things.

As simple as spiritual things are, it is as a result of your spiritual man being activated that gives you appreciation for spiritual activities like prayer, fasting, and giving.
For a natural man, these things are foolish.

“And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

From a spiritual standpoint, there are three (3) kinds of men:

2. The Carnal Man (1 Corinthians 3:1, Romans 8:6)
This is a Believer who has encountered Jesus Christ but is still a slave to the flesh. This Believer is sensual and has not submitted themselves to be transformed.
The Carnal Man is carnally minded. This Believer is disobedient to The Word of God, always in argument with spiritual things. They are not malleable to receive the things of The Spirit.

As ministers of God, it is important to obtain grace and discern the level of spirituality and growth of your audience, so that you don’t waste spiritual things to those unable to receive nor utilize them.

“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭6‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

It is a dangerous thing when carnal people become leaders in the house of The Lord.
It is important that those who occupy positions of leadership in God’s house be devoid of carnality and are clearly known and seen as spiritual persons.

From a spiritual standpoint, there are three (3) kinds of men:

3. The Spiritual Man (Romans 8:6)
The spiritual man is saved and has submitted themselves to be transformed by The Word of God.
– A spiritual man is spiritually minded.
– A spiritual man is obedient to The Word of God.

How Does a Natural Man Become a Believer?

– Reading the Bible and praying does not make you a Believer.
Believing in salvation begins by acknowledging the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ. You must confess to His Lordship and receive the Zoe life.

When a Believer gets saved, they must be introduced to:
1. The ministry of The Holy Spirit.
2. ⁠The ministry of The Word.
3. ⁠The Ministry of the Teaching Priest.

The riches in eternal life is not released at the instance of salvation, it is released at the instance of knowledge.

One of the greatest blessings you can give a new convert is to take that Believer to the right spiritual family that will feed them with the necessary truth.
They should be allowed to sit under the right spiritual family to receive truth for their maturity.

A Believer’s life can become stunted and defeated because of the lack of opportunity to stay within the right spiritual family and sit under a teaching priest that makes for his or her spiritual growth.

You should have mastered what it takes to raise giants from individuals to the extent that when God sends you to a location, by the time you’re leaving, you’ve raised mighty men.

It is a terrible thing for a spiritual man to be in a place and not leave an imprint of spirituality, wherever he finds himself, no matter the length of time spent there.

Remember, the Holy Spirit is the Lord of the harvest. You must trust in His ability to work in the location where God has sent you. Trust the preserving power of God when He hands people to your care.

Four Features of a Spiritual Man:

1. Your Affection – this must be on heavenly things, on Jesus and His program, more than any other thing. (Colossians 3:1-2, Proverbs 23:26)

One of the ways you know that God is transiting you is that He begins to cut off your feelings for carnal things.

“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

When you come into Christ Jesus, a divine order is established in your life, which was lacking when you were a natural man pursuing ambitions outside of God.

You become a spiritual man when you get to a point where nothing and no one can take the place of God in your life.

God designed man (humans) for Him (God) to be the highest priority of man and we must seek to go through the process of spiritual circumcision until our affection is set on God alone.

Many people want power and grace; they fast and pray but refuse to allow God to do that heart circumcision that enthrones Jesus Christ as King in their hearts.

The idols in your heart will not leave on their own. It takes time for The Spirit of God to do a circumcision within your heart until Jesus Christ and His purposes become your priority. This is called spiritual “death”.
The foundation for true spirituality is death to self. This is truly the way of power. (Proverbs 23:26)

“My son, give me thine heart, And let thine eyes observe my ways.”
Proverbs 23:26 (KJV)
This is how people access genuine power: cutting everything in their hearts down until all that’s left is Christ.

The foundation of true Spirituality is death to self. This means, allowing Christ to be at the center of your life until all that is left in your heart is Christ.

You truly become a spiritual man when you reflect The Christ; the degree to which flesh is absent and The Spirit of God is present and placed in your life.
God will lead you to a path in the spirit where you give Him access to dethrone the position of “idols” kept in your heart above Him.
God does not want to just be kept in your heart; He must be your hardest priority.

The Believer truly becomes Spiritual when his or her life reflects Christ. The degree to which self is absent in your life is the degree to which you have become Spiritual.

God allows spiritual death to happen by allowing the things you have placed above Him to fail you. The more the process of dethronement happens, the more the glory of God is made manifest in your life. (2 Corinthians 4:12)
By so doing, you are now able to lay down any and everything to God.

You are a spiritual man to the degree to which you die (to self). This means to enthrone Christ until there is nothing higher than Him in your heart, life and destiny.

You cannot host the glory of God until you truly become a spiritual man. The degree to which you die to flesh is the degree to which you are a spiritual man. Death to self means to enthrone Christ until there is nothing higher than Him in your life and destiny.

There is a path to greater power and glory. It is a path for spiritual men.
God must vet your desires, circumcise your heart until all that is left is Christ.

The generation that refuses to die to self is the generation that will remain powerless, void of glory, and not do much for the Kingdom.

If there is any pursuit greater than your desire to see Jesus revealed and glorified, then you are not yet a spiritual man!

What gives power and credence to what you say is not your words, but the realm from which you operate.
What makes you operate in a higher realm is your ability to die to self.

Praying and fasting only come as a means to achieving the goal of dethroning things and desires that have exalted themselves, greater than Jesus Christ.

Pray: Father, everything I have enthroned that is above You in my life, let it die tonight!
Christ be lifted, be the epicenter, the ultimate pursuit, in Jesus Christ’s name!

Four Features Of A Spiritual Man:

2. Your Mentality – You’re a spiritual man when your first response to life and things is from a spiritual standpoint. (Romans 8:6, 2 Timothy 3:15, Acts 20:32)

Many will rather fail with Jesus and have a form of success with men. This is mostly the reason for the restraint of God’s hand in making investments in their lives.
Some idols need to fall and give way. If those idols remain and the anointing comes upon you, the anointing will eventually kill you because the anointing fights anything that is not of God.

Once God occupies His rightful place in your life, every other thing finds value in your life.
When you follow His ways, you find Him and experience glory in a proportion you never imagined.

There are various templates for adopting mindsets. Secular enlightenment is a form of enlightenment but does not necessarily produce true spirituality.
Being spiritually minded is a product of Word-based transformation.

The mindset that makes a man spiritually minded must be Word-based. You are as spiritually minded as your submission to the Word of God.

The first response of a Spiritual man when things are unfavourable is prayer.

You are as spiritually minded as your submission to The Word of God.
To be spiritually minded is to be submitted to The Word of God to gain supremacy above your thinking.

There is wisdom in spirituality. A Spiritual man understands he is a King and Priest. As a Spiritual man, you declare and speak over your life from the lens of Scripture!

For transformation, you must submit yourself to the whole counsel of God, not just the parts that appeal to you. Selective transformation is not enough; you must submit to wholesome transformation.

To be spiritual means to be Word-compliant.
You must believe that there is The Ministry of The Holy Spirit bringing understanding and life to the Speakings of God through His Word. (Matthew 4:4)
Declare: I believe The Word! I live by The Word!
I talk consistently with The Word!

Four Features Of A Spiritual Man:

3. Submission to be led by The Spirit of God (Romans 8:14)
A Spiritual man has submitted themselves to being led by The Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit is the first revelation of The Godhead as far as the revelation of Scripture is concerned. (Genesis 1:1-2)

The Holy Spirit according to Scripture is God. (Acts 10:38)

In the name of Jesus, if there is anyone who is unsaved in your life, whether a spouse, friend, superior; I pray from my heart, that The Holy Spirit brings them to a place of conviction. They will not die and go to hell.

Features Of A Spiritual Man:

1. Your Affection (Colossians 3:1-2).
Your heart must be set on Spiritual things.
2. Your Mentality (Romans 8:6).
3. Submission to be led by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14).

If you ignore the ministry of The Holy Spirit, you will never be able to convict Unbelievers.

In the name of Jesus, anyone crying for guidance and direction, in the name of Jesus Christ, let The Holy Spirit guide and direct you accurately to the place of destiny.

I stretch my hands by The Spirit of God for someone in need of empowerment, may that empowerment rest on your head in the name of Jesus Christ!

To be empowered means to submit to the leadership and guidance of The Holy Spirit.

To be led by the Spirit is to submit to the wisdom, guidance, and leadership of the Holy Spirit.

In the realm of the Spirit, maturity is measured by the level of constraint empowered by your love for God and your submission to the ministry of The Holy Spirit.

One of the ways you know that it is God leading you is that your flesh will most times fight it.
There are times when the mission is “follow me”. You are not following blindly but faithfully. With each step comes clarity.

Beware of over-dependence on common sense. The ways of God, in many regards, may seem “foolish”. To the carnally minded, it will not make sense.

Behind the exploits of the saints, even though frail in themselves, is a wise Spirit, The Spirit of God.
Let Him direct your business and ministry; let Him take His place and watch the extraordinary power of His wisdom. Don’t doubt the wisdom of The Spirit.
Not only is He a wise Spirit, but He is also an ancient Spirit.

Behind the exploits of the Saints, behind the success of seemingly frail men and women is the wisdom, guidance, and direction of God.

Features Of A Spiritual Man:

1. Your Affection (Colossians 3:1-2).
Your heart must be set on Spiritual things.
2. Your Mentality (Romans 8:6).
3. Submitting to the leadership of the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14).
4. Passion to obey the speakings and Word of God (Deuteronomy 28:1).
5. Love.

Spirituality is measured by your willingness to obey God, no matter how convenient or otherwise.

Features Of A Spiritual Man:

1. Your Affection and Heart
The affection and heart of a spiritual man must be on heavenly things, Jesus Christ, and His program, more than any other thing. (Colossians 3:1-2, Proverbs 23:26, Matthew 6:21)
2. Mentality
The mentality of a spiritual man is spiritually minded; the first response to life and situations is from a spiritual standpoint. (Romans 8:6, 2 Timothy 3:15, Acts 20:32)
3. Submission to be led by The Spirit of God (Romans 8:14)
4. Passion for obeying the speakings and Word of God. (Deuteronomy 28:1, Isaiah 1:19)
5. Love
This is the degree to which the Love of Christ as a capture of the nature of Christ is formed and revealed through a spiritual man. (2 Corinthians 13:14, 1 Corinthians 13:2)

Hatred is like a blinder. You can stand before an open door and be covered by hatred!
Choose to walk in love!

Until you have a revelation of what Jesus Christ did on the cross and a demonstration of The Father’s love for you, it will be impossible to show the love of God to others.
This is the secret to love.

Some people love only their spouses, children, parents, and friends. This love must be shared abroad and must be undeserving – Agape!
Ask yourself: Can I love people who do not have anything to give to me?

Lay your hand on your chest and declare – I walk in love!

Pray: Father, I desire to be a spiritual man/woman indeed. I obtain grace to walk and keep to the truths of what I have heard.
I obtain greater influence and capacity to be trusted with greater light and power to become a more effective Witness, an ambassador of Christ.
I obtain grace to be spiritual by submitting myself to The Word of God and to be led by The Spirit, submitting to His leadership.
Rid me of the luggage of bitterness and anger. Let your love flow out of me like a river, in the name of Jesus Christ!


  1. Create a system by grace and discipline to be consistent in the ministry of The Word and prayer.
  2. Be ready to give to learning newer and greater ways of God to avoid stuntedness in your spiritual life. Set time aside to pray every day consistently by discipline.
  3. Interact with The Word of God, spend time with God, receive an infusion of greater light and wisdom, and drink the well of life.

I pray for you, in the name of Jesus Christ, that the benefits of being spiritual begin to speak in your life!
The wisdom, the power, and the trust begin to follow you from today, in the name of Jesus Christ!

I pray for your week’s beginning; experience testimonies! Receive testimonies of breakthroughs, restoration, lifting, prosperity, favor, and abundance in the name of Jesus Christ!

I declare that you are exempted from any and all evils, including you and your loved ones, in Jesus Christ’s name!

I declare that your love for Jesus Christ is waxing hotter and hotter, the wisdom of The Word is at work in you! Enjoy the leadership of The Holy Spirit this week!

I declare that no weapon fashioned against you prospers, and every tongue that rises against you falls in judgment!

I place a mark of favor upon you, a mark of victory upon you, a mark of honor upon you, a mark of lifting upon you!
Enjoy speed, no more delay! No retrogression!
That which is missing, may it be found this week! That which you’ve been praying over, may it be answered this week!

May this be a week of laughter for you! The human agents needed to show up in your life, may they show up, this week!
Experience good news from Sunday to Sunday; in Jesus mighty name!

Genuine peace and fulfillment stem from an encounter with your Creator. Jesus Christ is reaching out to you right now, He wants to give you a new beginning, regardless of your past or current situation.
Take the bold step of faith to begin the journey of salvation by saying yes to Him. With faith in your heart, declare this prayer of salvation to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

If you have made the honourable decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior tonight, we are eager to receive your testimony and be a part of your Christian journey.
Please feel free to share your experience with us via this link:


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