The Reality Of Supernatural Exemption by Apostle Joshua Selman

The Reality Of Supernatural Exemption by Apostle Joshua Selman


Every family or person that has been tied down by altars of limitation, vowing you won’t move forward, I stand by this mantle, empowered by God, move forward NOW!

When Jesus came to Bethany and it was time for Lazarus to come back to life, He told them to roll away the stone. When Jesus was buried, angels rolled away the stone.
I prophesy every stone is rolled away from your life!
The proof of favour is men.
I call to your life the ministry of men. Enjoy divine connectors, men of influence, burden bearers, and gifted men in the name of Jesus!
Prophecy: By the power that raised Christ from the dead, let your zeal for the house of God, things of God, and pursuit of destiny be restored in the name of Jesus!
Now The Lord of Peace give you peace by all means. Receive that peace in Jesus name!
“Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭12:7
Three Ways to know you’re under attack by satan:
1. You lose your peace.
2.You lose the gift of men.
3. You lose passion for the things of God and your destiny.
Exemption is one of the systems of advantage made available for the saints in Christ, to help maximise their eternal life.
“A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not come nigh thee.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭91:7‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)
God distinguishes His people by giving them a mark of exclusion. However, due to their ignorance of the keys that activate exemption, many Believers have been subjected to danger.
Exemption means to be free from an obligation or a liability imposed on others by men, circumstances and spiritual factors.

Three Keys that activate the Mystery of Supernatural Exemption:

1. Your passionate love for God. (Matthew 22:37-39; 1 Corinthians 2:9; Psalm 42:1)
God is committed to your exemption when you’re a passionate lover of Him.
2. Discernment.
Discernment is a faculty of perception; a given ability to know spirits behind physical activities.
You fine-tune discernment by the Word of God and praying in the spirit.
Do not trust anything, no matter how right or authentic, until you have prayed.
3. Kingdom service. (Daniel 12:3; Isaiah 38:1-8; Job 36:11-12)
Service to God does not translate to being a worker in God’s house. It is the state of heart that seeks to promote God’s interest and agenda on Earth. Your heart first serves God and then your hands.
Pray: Lord, restore my passion, hunger and appetite for spiritual things. In this season, let my fire not go cold.
Pray: Lord, any idol in my life that will not let me serve you, clear it out of the way.

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