The Price For New Dimensions by Apostle Joshua Selman


The Price For New Dimensions


Testimonies are the workings of God through men, but no man working unassisted by God can produce such results.
Beyond being a fan, endeavour to be a genuine follower of this commission and connect sincerely by faith to partake of the Koinonia experience.
The Koinonia Experience is a spiritual experience that can be transported by faith to any region.

Conditions for the Koinonia Experience:

1). The Presence of God
2). The Atmosphere of faith
3). The ministry of the Holy Spirit
4). The Supremacy of the Word
5). The teaching Priest
6). Excellence
1 Samuel 30:24 (AMP)
And who will listen to you in regard to this matter? For as is the share of him who goes down into the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the provisions and supplies; they shall share alike.
Proverbs 4:18 (KJV)
But the path of the just is as the shining light, That shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
Job 28:7-8 (KJV)
There is a path which no fowl knoweth, And which the vulture’s eye hath not seen: The lion’s whelps have not trodden it, Nor the fierce lion passed by it.
Revelations 4:1 , Revelations 1:10
There is always more for the people of God
The perfect day as mentioned in Proverbs 4:18 refers to the day Jesus will return in glory, and until then, there is room for more possibilities and greater dimensions.
Everything you have seen so far about God, spiritual realities and possibilities (such as wealth, influence, and prosperity) is not all there is or all that He wants to reveal, there is always more for the people of God.
There is no plateauing for the Believer. It is from strength to strength.
There is still more as far as your excelling in Christ is concerned.
There is always more for the believer in the realm of the spirit. All you have seen is not all that there is.
There is more in your walk with God and destiny actualization.
Responsible Christianity means you’re open to the things redemption has brought but that you also know the participatory role you have to play.
The Spirit and the Bride say come

The Prices for Accessing Higher Realms and New Dimensions:

1). The price of a deeper experience with God. (2 Kings 19:30, 2 chronicles 15:10 -15, 2 chronicles 26:5-6, Exodus 33:14-16)
The deeper and richer your walk with God is, the greater the magnitude of your exploits in the spirit.
Those who will keep making moves for the Kingdom are those who understand that the deeper and richer your walk with God is, the greater your exploit.
Never get to a point where your love for God or the pursuit of Him becomes a thing of shame or embarrassment.
When God begins to lift you and put you in a position of influence, people watch out for who you honour and what you love.
The God you found in the wilderness must be the God you honour in the palace. Ensure to use the opportunity God gives you to influence your generation for Christ.
As a believer, if God is not at the top of everything in your life, it is pertinent to halt and assess your Christian experience.
In this end time, God is raising unassuming people because of their determination to walk with Him.
In this end time, God is raising unasumming people as custodians of the wealth of the Kingdom as a testament of their seeking Him.
Pray: Lord, I repent for trying to replace you with many things on my way to greatness.
Everything God gives you, is not all He wants to give you. No matter how great what you received is, it’s still only a part of what He originally wants to give you.
The Prices for Accessing Higher Realms and New Dimensions:
2). The price of unbending focus (Philippians 3:12-15, Isaiah 50:7)
There is a relationship between focus and advancement and between distraction and shame. A man who will not be distracted by success nor failure, is a man that will remain. You must obtain grace from God to fight arrival mentality.
An arrival mentality is different from contentment; it is a feeling of not needing to exert anymore with one’s life, a luciferian mindset.
Failure can be discouraging while success can create complacency. Be careful how you manage and celebrate your wins.
Regardless of the applauds you receive on your journey to greatness, it is pertinent that you remain focused and avoid distractions.
Every level of achievement you attain on your journey to greatness is a test for your next level. Learn when to draw the lines.
You must know when the feast of celebration is over and when it’s time to advance and prepare for the next level.
The Prices for Accessing Higher Realms and New Dimensions:
3). The price of greater enlightenment (Galatians 2:1-2, 1 Corinthians 8:2, Acts 18:24-26)
To rise higher in life, you must contend for greater levels of enlightenment.
If you want to rise higher in life, you must contend for greater levels of enlightenment.
The first dimension of the greater enlightenment you should seek is:
1. The Mysteries of the Kingdom (Mathew 13:11)
These are the spiritual secret by which dominion is activated.
The second dimension of the greater enlightenment you should seek is:
2. The law of life and human nature
There are superior levels of greatness and dimensions in the Kingdom and cosmos, failure to know these laws can result into certain problems.
Dimensions for Greater Levels of Enlightenment:
1. The mysteries of the Kingdom (Mathew 13:11) – these are the spiritual secrets by which dominion is activated.
2. The laws of life and human nature (Mathew 10:16) – these are the laws of the cosmos that govern our world, such as the law of seasons (seed, time and harvest), the principles of cause and effect, the nature of men, etc.
In addition to your spiritual understanding, it is pertinent to understand the laws of the cosmos: (Acts 7:22, Luke 16:8, Mathew 10:16-17, Genesis 12:10-20, Genesis 13:1-2)
1. The principles of cause and effect
2. The law of seasons (seed, time and harvest)
3. The nature of man, etc.
Don’t just be a prayer warrior and a fasting giant, yet unable to retain wisdom for dealing with the laws of human nature.
Don’t fret when God leads you to learn the wisdom of the cosmos, as long your relationship with God is intact and you do not compromise in the process. Such knowledge might be needed on your journey to greatness.
You can extract the wisdom of the world without bowing to the gods they serve.
Daniel 1:8
The Prices for Accessing Higher Realms and New Dimensions:
4). The price of greater contribution/productivity (Proverbs 18:16, Daniel 5:10-17, Daniel 6:1-2)
There is a level of confidence that competence brings. The contribution of your value is what legitimizes the door of greatness to open for you.
As believers, in addition to our priesthood, we must get to a point where we place value and understand the power of superior contribution and productivity.
As a Minister, your pulpit should not be the only jurisdiction of dominion. Make up your mind to be competent. When you’re competent, God will send men who need your contribution.
It is your assignment to be competent and valuable, it is God’s assignment to connect you to people who are in need of it.
The Prices for Accessing Higher Realms and New Dimensions:
5). The price of strategic connections (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, Nehemiah 2:1-10, 2 Kings 5:1-11)
Strategic relationships can shorten your time of arrival to your next level.
Generally, relationships are profitable but to rise to certain levels warrants strategic relationships.
2 Kings 4:8-17
The Prices for Accessing Higher Realms and New Dimensions:
6). The price of humility (James 4:6,10, Daniel 5:18-31)
Pride is a demoter; it destroys. Humility is a promoter; it lifts.
Pride is a demoter; it can demote you regardless of your position. Humility is a promoter; it can promote you beyond your current level.

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