The Power Of Purpose by Apostle Joshua Selman
The Power Of Purpose
Philippians 1:3-6
There are results that cannot be produced just intellectually or mechanically it would take the power of God.
Desire and pursuit only become profitable to us when they are connected to purpose.
Nothing in itself brings satisfaction except and unless it is connected to a bigger purpose bigger than itself.
Purpose attempts to answer the question “Why”? Why do you want the fame, promotion, acceleration, etc.
Motive is a principal determinant as far as answered prayers is concerned in the Kingdom.
We must get back to the place of purpose, more than desires/pursuit. Nothing in itself brings satisfaction until and unless it is connected to purpose.
Beyond personal ambitions, beyond the desire to outshine, beyond the desire to be successful and celebrated, we must seek to see Jesus revealed and Jesus glorified as our highest and greatest purpose. (John 17:1)
If you want to live a meaningful life, a life that counts, you must desire to see Jesus lifted and glorified.
The Purity of Heart
Matthew 5:8.
There’s a powerful blessing that comes with the purity of heart. It is “for that they shall see God”
What does it mean to be pure in heart?
To be pure in heart is not about perfection and blamelessness. It is that intrinsically, you are free of guile, falsehood and wickedness.
Proverbs 6:16-19KJV
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
You can be a Believer and still have a heart that devices wicked imagination. Genuinely desire the good of all, and the good of the body. Do not wish for, anticipate and even support the downfall or destruction of anyone in the body of Christ. Luke 2:14, Galatians 6:10
We can have good and even Godly activities but are inspired by wrong or corrupt motives. John 12:1-6, Ephesians 4:13
There are dimensions in God that no matter how yielded a man can be, will never be given to him, yet it is needed in the body of Christ.
No single individual can capture and reveal all of God. It is pertinent to acknowledge other carriers of God’s grace, rather than trivialize it in others.
Amongst the many assignments that the Lord has given me is to be a contributor towards unifying the body. (Romans 12:4-8)
Four (4) Keys That Will Help The Body of Christ Attain Unity:
1). Genuine love for God and men – Many people love Jesus but hate those that Jesus loves. One of the ways to love a man is by loving who and what he loves.
We cannot attain unity as believers if there is no genuine love for God and men. (1 John 4:7-21, Romans 12:10, John 13:35)
2). Mutual honour – Everytime you see what you cannot do being done, don’t trivialise it.
Honour is the discerning, celebrating and where applicable the rewarding of individuals for their contribution.
Honour must be mutual; do not sit in a position where you’re the only one who keeps receiving.
You will hardly be able to criticize people you genuinely celebrate.
3). Forbearance/ tolerance – As a believer, ensure everything you do is done in love. (Colossians 3:12-13)
Forbearance is creating a permanent system of accomodation for the weakness of an individual.
To reiterate, correcting people and issues in the body of Christ is a ministry and not everybody is given such ministry.
Using criticisms, ill speakings and sarcasm as a way of addressing issues in the body of Christ is the most ineffective way; it rarely produces any result.
Speaking the truth in love is a more effective alternative to criticism than speaking demeaning words.
We owe a duty to the contribution of the body of Christ, not confusion to the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:15
4). Pray for the Body – You must intercede for the body of Christ rather than criticise. (Ephesians 6:18, 1 Timothy 2:1)
As a minister, you must be careful not to create a system of hatred, sedition and party spirit because you do not agree on certain issues.
The moment you believe you are the only one who is right, you are wrong. Because believing you’re the only who is right is:
1). An insult to the ministry of the Holy Spirit
2). An insult to the ministry of the five-fold
3). An insult to the power of the cross
The Body of Christ is a living system with Christ being the head of the body. By reason of Christ being the head and builder of the church, the church will not fail.
The fourth message in today’s broadcast is to live with eternity in view. (Revelation 20:11-15), 1 Corinthians 15:19
Bear it in mind that regardless of everything you have, titles and ambitions, Jesus is coming back soon!
You only truly qualify to celebrate your birthday, if you’re using the life you are living for Jesus and for purpose
Instructions/Requests for celebrating Apostle’s birthday:
1). Pray for Apostle and other Ministers around the world.
2). Find two Koinonia messages that has blessed you and share with someone.
3). Pray for Nigeria. We are at a sensitive point of our current events.
Great job apostle Joshua the grace of God we never finished in ur life,