The Power of Gratitude (James 4:6)
- Gratitude is very important, if you do not show gratitude it means you are not a grateful person and a proud person
- God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble (James 4:6)
- I will be sharing stories of people in the Bible who were grateful and others who weren’t and how it ended for them grateful
- Abraham and sacrifice (Genesis 12:7 God blessing Abraham) Genesis 13:18
(Abraham and Lot separates) and Moses and sacrifice
(Exodus 17:15 Israel defeats the Amalekites)
King Solomon and sacrifice (that’s how he became the wealthiest man to date and the wisest man to date. (1 Kings 3, 2 Chronicles 7) - King David in a lot of the Psalms where praises and gratitude to God
- Jesus Christ thanked God for the food that he fed 5 thousand plus (Matthew 14:13-21)
and also in John 17.
Ungrateful - King Herod (Acts 12:20-25) and King Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:1-33)
repentful (Daniel 4:34-37)
What you think is best for you and you think is your limit is not up to what God will give you if you totally submit to him and be humble (humility). The story of King Nebuchadnezzar should tell you what this really means. He saw all the things he achieved and thought he had arrived. God humbled him and he lost his kingdom for 7 years. By the time God brought him back after confessing that God is a true God, God gave him times more than he could ever ask for. He got his kingdom restored and blessings upon blessings. Ephesians 3:20