The Path of The Just (Power Of Superior Belief System) by Apostle Selman
The Path of The Just (Power Of Superior Belief System) (PART 2) || International Prophetic Gathering 2024 (IPG) || TAKORADI-GHANA || Apostle Selman
Part 1: The Path of The Just (Choices & Decisions) by Apostle Selman
Proverbs 4:23 KJV, Proverbs 23:7a KJV
Your reality is a submission of your belief system
Our realities in this kingdom are shaped by our belief system. Shaped by our mindsets, shaped by the quality of our thinking.
Your reality is a merciless reflection of your belief system
Most results in our lives start as a mentality before becoming a reality.
- Excellence is first a mentality before a reality
- Failure is first a mentality before it manifests
- Victory is first a mentality before it becomes your reality.
- Kindness is first a mentality before a reality
- Wicked is first a mentality before a reality
- Envy is first a mentality before a reality
- Love is first a mentality before a reality
- Diligence is first a mentality before it becomes an experience
- Laziness is first a mentality before a reality
Many people try to solve mentality issues by dealing with the consequences and not the cause. Proverbs 4:18 KJV
For you will never truly rise higher than your mindset
There are two kinds of mentality:
- A loser mentality
- The belief system that produces a defeated believers/individual
- A sustained faulty pattern of thinking based on lies based on deception and based on error
- Many Believers have a loser mentality
Everyone starts as an Unbeliever (Psalm 51:5 KJV) then you have Salvation then you are Transformed (The Ministry of the Word, The Ministry of the Holy Spirit, and The Ministry of a Teaching Priest) and then you become a Matured Believer and then you become Empowered (Luke 24:49 KJV) and then you become a Witness (A certain kind of believer). A witness is a kind of believer that can produce results that bring glory to the name of the Lord and can defend the interest of God within the cosmos.
It is frustrating to know what should be and not have the power to make it happen.
- The Winner’s Mentality
A winner’s mentality is a superior belief system that has been built based on the Word of God and superior word-compliant information.
Mindsets are gateways and doorways in the spirit profound information mindsets
They allow the ministry of the Holy Spirit to find expression in your life
The official entrance to your destiny is your mindset
The quality of a man’s life is directly tied to his mindset.
A man’s mindset can limit God in his life. Psalm 78:41 KJV, Psalm 78:19-22 KJV
How Mindsets and belief systems are formed:
- Our Cultural Experiences
- Your Family Background
- Your Past Experiences (Good or Bad)
- Your level of exposure
To see life from as many dimensions as you can see it
Exposure is a great blessing if it happens to you correctly - The Influence of Associations
The kind of men and even models you are exposed too
You will be a messless reflection of the sumission of the mindsets that surrounds you. Proverbs 13:20 KJV
How do I build a Winner’s Mentality and a Superior Belief System?
- Awareness and Recognition
The lack of awareness is what limits the need for change. Genesis 28:16 KJV, Proverbs 4:7 KJV, Luke 15:17 KJV
One way to experience deliverance is to be honest with yourself.
Awareness and Recognition is a miracle.
It doesn’t take time, it only takes light. John 1:5 KJV - Through The Ministry of Prayer
You break the legal hold of demonic spirits that influence your beliefs to keep you in that state. 2 Corinthians 10:5-6 KJV
Transformation is Warfare - Contend for Renewal and Transformation
1. By Engaging The Word For Your Learning
2. By Engaging Word Compliant Materials from those whose transformation you admire
Greatness is not a gift, it’s a reward you must engage. Hebrews 6:12 KJV
Contend for Knowledge.
Do not determine transformation at your own terms it is arrogance. Adaptation is proof of honor. Learn to adapt. With humility and weakness, you pursue transformation. - Use the Law of Repetition on every quality information you find till the truth sinks into your subconscious
You can’t be transformed without repetition
Time creates intimacy, time fuels passion - Obtain Grace From God and begin to make quality decisions that reflect your transformation. Psalm 92:13 KJV, John 13:17 KJV
Turn Knowledge into action
Part 3: The Path of The Just (Miracles and Impartation) by Apostle Selman