The Path of The Just (Miracles and Impartation) by Apostle Selman
The Path of The Just (Miracles and Impartation) || International Prophetic Gathering 2024 (IPG) || TAKORADI-GHANA || Apostle Selman
Part 1: The Path of The Just (Choices & Decisions) by Apostle Selman
Part 2: The Path of The Just (Power Of Superior Belief System) by Apostle Selman
Mark 16:17 KJV
Change in any man’s life is a call to upgrade in your thinking to upgrade in your believe system.
Philippians 2:5 KJV, Romans 12:2 KJV, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 23:4 KJV
5. An Encounter with the Spirit of Power Micah 3:8 KJV
Destiny actualization is Power-Dependent
What is Power?
1. The capacity to influence outcome.
2. The ability to enforce compliance
Matthew 15:13 KJV, Exodus 14:30-31 KJV, Psalm 18:29 KJV, Ephesians 3:20-21 KJV, Ephesians 1:19 KJV
Why Do We Need Power?
1. Because Destiny actualization in all his ramifications is power dependent
2. Because there are forces of hell determined to see to it that you never become what God said you should become. Matthew 16:18 KJV, Psalm 66:3 KJV
The business of power is everyone’s concern
The major use of power is as the fuel that drives your destiny until prophecy becomes your reality
The distance between what God said and what God Said, the midwife is called power
It is power that converts the speakings of God to your experience.
Genesis 21:1-2 KJV
The sponsor of performance, the sponsor of manifestations is Power
Your destiny demands a high level of power
Romans 1:3-4 KJV, Luke 7:21-22 KJV, Acts 4:33 KJV, Acts 10:38 KJV
It takes beyond compassion to do good. It takes power to do good
Luke 1:34-35 KJV
Principles are God’s recommended pathways to achieving results but there are times when principles does not factor in the presence of demon spirits, that is where power comes in
Acts 16:25-26 KJV
Three Ways To Open Doors
1. You can use the correct key and the door opens
2. You can knock and relationships can open the door
3. Power of God
Genesis 41 KJV
It takes power to make men remember.
Daniel 2 KJV
In addition to principles when it had to do with destiny actualization power is important/needed Psalm 66:3 KJV
It takes power to command restoration
It takes power to claim your portion upon the earth. Matthew 11:12 KJV
Your efficiency has a child of God and as a witness is Power Dependent
There are Three Channels for Accessing Genuine Spiritual Power
1. Through a Direct Encounter with God. Men can meet God through a genuine encounter. These encounters are enhanced through prayer and fasting and by consecration. Luke 24:49 KJV, Acts 2 KJV. There is a journey beyond transformation it is a Journey of Empowerment
2. By Engaging Light from Scripture. Habakkuk 3:4 KJV
3. Through The Mystery of Impartation
Impartation is:
1. A Transference of Spirits
2. A Transference of Graces
3. A Transference of Possibilities
2 Corinthians 9:8 KJV
Everyone is multidimensional even as humans and so is God because we were created in his image and likeness. Psalm 139:14 KJV, Exodus 3:14 KJV
An impartation allows you to have access to the variety of graces that are available for your empowerment like Wisdom, Favor, Speed, access to the gift of men, the spirit of revelation, the grace for power, and supplication all these graces that work together to produce the champion that you become. 2 Corinthians 8:7 KJV
Your assignment is to believe God and to trust God
You are a product of the graces that rest upon your head. Psalm 23:5 KJV
Impartations does not just happen because there is desire, there are Rules that must be kept.
There is a story behind every glory, Don’t just learn the glory, learn the story too.
Behind every Result, there are graces that drive it. Isaiah 9:8 KJV
There are Laws that Govern Receiving Impartations
- Discernment. 2 Kings 2:10 KJV, Matthew 10:41 KJV
- Honor.
A grace or a vessel you despise will never flow to you and will never bless you
Searching for perfection before your heart opens will leave you in embarrassment.
The mystery of impartation is hidden in the riddle of Samson. Judges 14:8-10 KJV
Matthew 25:7-9 KJV
There are Currencies that we use to purchase things in the spirit:
1. Humility with Meekness
2. Hunger
3. Faith
4. Discernment