The Path of The Just (Choices & Decisions) by Apostle Selman
The Path of The Just (Choices & Decisions) || International Prophetic Gathering 2024 (IPG) || TAKORADI-GHANA || Apostle Selman
God’s method is always going to be his word (The Bible) Psalm 103:1-5 KJV
Proverbs 4:18 KJV
The glory that God is invested into a believer is a glory that excels
Exodus 14:15 KJV, Psalm 18:29 KJV
In God’s mind, there is no excuse whatsoever for stagnation. Proverbs 4:18 KJV
Luke 2:52 KJV
Breathe Upon by Apostle Joshua Selman
There is a law that controls advancement in the spirit advancement in the kingdom advancement in destiny
The Kingdom operates based on laws and principles. Job 38:33 NLT, Matthew 6:10 KJV
Enforcing The Will of God (The Prayer Channel) by Apostle Selman
What does it mean to be called a man?
- You must be a spirit
- The spirit must be hosted in a body
- Must have the solical faculties to allow for expression both in the realm of the spirit and the physical realm
Psalm 8:4 KJV, Romans 8:19 KJV
When God speaks, it does not come to pass unless man says Amen.
Keys That Are Responsible For Making Advancements
The Power of Decisions (Joshua 24:15 KJV, Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV)
If you truly desire an upgrade in your life, then you must understand the power of decisions
- Your Decisions beyond your conditions decide the quality of your life.
If you have the power to choose, you have the power to change
Your destiny is at the mercy of this mystery God gave you, the power to choose. John 1:12 KJV, Proverbs 23:23 KJV
- Decisions do not carry the same weight in the Spirit. There are certain decisions called Destiny Defining Decisions
All decisions do not weigh the same in the spirit, all decisions do not weigh the same in destiny.
- Decisions decide destinies.
Every decision has a consequence connected to it, you are not given the liberty to choose the consequences. You cannot choose consequences, the consequences are automatically connected to the decision
The difference between you and anyone at all you have ever admired it’s not necessarily the fr grace of God or the love of God, is that they by grace have understood this gift God gave man and have utilized it effectively. What you call results are the consequences connected to the decisions they have made.
Your transformation is part of the consequences of that decision
The Power to choose is a miracle that men do not understand the extent of risk God took to give man the power to choose
Everyone has access to the same place, it is a choice
The difference between this version of you now and the version that the nations are waiting for is not time, it is choice.
Revivals have no dates, the day the vessel is prepared, that is the day revival comes.
To be humble to receive is a choice all it has consequences
Prayer is proof of humility. Matthew 11:28 KJV, Psalm 145:18 KJV
What It Means to Choose?
1. To choose means to settle on an option in the midst of many options
- The First law of effective decision is to be aware of all the decisions available alongside the consequences they carry. Luke 15:11-20 KJV
- As far as the power to choose remains, every other thing that left you can return. Genesis 13:14-18 KJV
- Everything that makes for greatness is learnable. Deuteronomy 2:3 KJV
It takes your decisions to fail in life and it takes your decisions to succeed in life. Ephesians 9:4 KJV
Mediocrity always strives on excuses. Revelation 4:1 KJV
Come Up Hither Part One (Hunger & Thirst) by Apostle Selman
Come Up Hither Part Two (Mastery & Accuracy) by Apostle Joshua Selman
2. The real value of wisdom is in its ability to help you make superior decisions
Wisdom goes hand in hand with mighty works
7 Destiny-Defining Decisions That You Must Make With Your Life:
1. The Decision to make Exceptional Spiritual Progress
To know the Lord and to serve him with all your heart. To be serious with God. 2 Chronicles 26:5 KJV, Psalm 121:1 KJV, Joshua 24:15 KJV, Psalm 127:1-2 KJV, John 17:3 KJV
2. The Decision to be Transformed
The decision to contend for a superior belief system
I’M YOURS by David Dam Feat. E-Daniels
A Transformed mind comes into partnership with the will of God, a transformed mind is how you tell God Amen. That everything you have desired for me, let it flow through the lens of my transformation to my destiny.
Every result in the spirit is mindset belief system dependent. Romans 12:1-2 KJV
In your transformation, you will prove through your life that good acceptable, and perfect will of God. Philippians 2:5 KJV
If your mind is not transformed, the potential of your being saved cannot be made manifest
Dress your mind now and your mind will dress your body. John 9:4 KJV
Rather than beg, be grateful. Learn to be grateful.
The value of power is that it is invested upon a transformed mind
3. The Decision to Discover and fulfill your God-Given and Ordained Assignment. Hebrews 10:7 KJV, Proverbs 23:23 KJV
Flog It out with The Holy Spirit.
4. The Decision to be Healthy and Physically Sound.
Make up your mind to be healthy. This body is a gift use it well
Wisdom is profitable to direct.
5. The Decision to be Financially Empowered.
No matter what good happens in your life if finance is not part of them you will suffer
Genesis 42:1-2 KJV
One of the enhancers of integrity is prosperity.
If you truly love Jesus don’t be poor.
There are many temptations that are resistible the cure is to be empowered.
6. The Decision to Build Destiny Relationships
If you use money to buy everything in your life wisdom is not at work in your life
There are many things you will purchase in your life paid for by relationships.
Who likes you matters who hates you does not matter leave the naysayers.
Productivity is important but relationships are a mysterious leverage
Types of Relationships:
- General Relationships
- Seasonal Relationships – People who come into your life but there is a timing to their value. So receive quickly what they have to deliver before the time is exhausted.
- Destiny Relationships – You fight to keep those relationships, you swallow your pride.
Who you carry determines whether you will arrive
When God wants to help you, he shortens the distance between you and a destiny helper. When a destiny helper holds your hand, he can bring acceleration to your life. John 5:7 KJV, 2 Samuel 9:1 KJV
Everything money can do, relationships can do and can do it cheaper.
There are relationships you should never fight.
Numbers 1:5 KJV
Every time you find the man anointed to stand, you don’t need to do an explanation there is a connection
Maintainance is costly especially when it does not connect.
7. The Decision to be a Blessing
You must make up your mind that I will be a blessing. Genesis 12:3 KJV
I am Blessing by Grace.
Part 2: The Path of The Just (Power Of Superior Belief System) by Apostle Selman
Part 3: The Path of The Just (Miracles and Impartation) by Apostle Selman