The Name of Jesus Part 2 (Faith In The Name) by Apostle Selman
The Name of Jesus Part 2 (Faith In The Name) Acts 3:16 || Mercy Conference Lagos-Nigeria || Apostle Selman
Part 1: The Name of Jesus Part 1 (Our Inheritance) by Apostle Selman
Acts 3:16 KJV, Philippians 2:9-11 KJV
The Word Name Comes From The Greek Word Onoma And It Means:
- Identity
- Character of the bearer of that name
- Authority
- Reputation
- Prophetic Destiny
- It reveals the area of specialty and expertise
- It reveals a track record of consistency and growth
- It reveals the extent of power and authority of its bearer
Matthew 1:21 KJV
To Carry Or To Walk In The Name Of A Person Means:
- To Be A Beneficiary of His Reputation
- To Be A Beneficiary of His Track Record
- To Be A Beneficiary of His Relationships
- To Be A Beneficiary of The Authority Of That Person
- To Be A Beneficiary of His Office invested in an individual
The Name of Jesus is an aggregate, a compendium of:
- God’s Reputation
- God’s Character
- God’s Power
- God’s Authority
- God’s Office invested to the saints in Christ and through Christ
I am God’s investment his reputation is upon my life.
Psalm 118:26 KJV, Luke 13:35 KJV
Acts 3:1-6 KJV, Ezekiel 2:2 KJV
The Name Is Upon Me It Empowers Me To Finish
God’s reputation is upon me, his power is upon me
How Reliable Is The Name Of Jesus?
- To know how reliable the name is to study the character of the bearer of that name.
To explore through the lens of scripture the character of the bearer of this name
Colossians 2:3 KJV
- Treasures of Wisdom
- Treasures of Knowledge
Colossians 2:9 KJV
- The Fullness of the Godhead bodily
Colossians 2:10 KJV
- The Head of all principalities and powers
John 1:4 KJV
- Possessor of Life, his name carries life, the bearer is life-giving. The beneficiary is lifegiving
- The life was the light of men
John 1:14 KJV
- There is no deception in the name, he does not scam you as the bearer of that name. You can trust the reputation of the bearer
John 14:6 KJV
- The Way
His name carries the way, it can open up that way. - The Truth
- The Life
Ephesians 1:18-23 KJV
How Do You Exercise Faith In The Name, How To Make The Name Work For You:
- It Must First Become A Consciousness Within You
– Carry the consciousness of everything the name captures until it becomes a conviction within your heart
– The name demands the knowledge of the holder of that name for the power to be released.
– Exercising faith in the name demands a functional relationship, a functional knowledge of the bearer of the name. 2 Timothy 1:12 KJV
– You Must Labor In The Spirit And By The Word Until You Carry The Consciousness Of The Reputation That That Name Represents
– The integrity that is back of that name, the authority of the name of Jesus alongside the consciousness of your oneness with him
– The name does not fail because it bears the reputation of a God that does not fail.
– The Name is an extension of God’s ability, God’s reputation. Ephesians 2:5-6 KJV.
– One of the ways you cultivate conviction is to verbalize it.
– You must carry the consciousness whether you mention the name or think the name or walk in the reality of the name you are the bearer of the name, the badge is upon you sealed by the spirit of grace.
– Your obedience is to manifest it not create it, it is your reality already
– You reckon yourself, you force that consciousness to be a stronghold in you.
Joshua 1:8 KJV (Taking action without conviction is a waste of time)
– You must study the investments and the resources that are behind that name. His reputation, His integrity, His track record, and the majesty and authority that backs that name. - To Begin To Make Faith Filled Declarations
– Now the name can work because your speaking is not empty, you have believed, you have satisfied what the Bible calls the spirit or the operation of faith. 2 Corinthians 4:13 KJV
– When you believe, then you speak in the Name of Jesus.
– In the name of Jesus means as touching God’s reputation
– In the name of Jesus means invoking the power of God over that statement
– In the name of Jesus means invoking your guarantor and your shorty (someone who is responsible for your behavior, your actions, and your performance) Isaiah 44:26 KJV
– In the name of Jesus means I place the honor and the reputation, I put pressure on the reputation of the bearer of this name. Colossians 3:17 KJV
– Nothing looks possible until the name is placed on it. Luke 19:30 KJV
Luke 1:34-35 KJV
Psalm 44:3 KJV, Numbers 1:5 KJV
When you come to Christ, receiving his name is a gift when you receive him. John 1:12 KJV - The Bearer of that name is Love, he is not just powerful, he’s not just a God with reputation and a track record. 1 John 1:5 KJV
Part 3: Looking Unto Jesus by Apostle Selman