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The Mystery of Marriage by Apostle Joshua Selman

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Lamentation 3:27 KJV, Habakkuk 2:3 KJV

If you stay with God, you will Rejoice

Never run your life based on luck.

Ephesians 5:30-32 KJV

Marriage is a reflection of something greater than home

Marriage is a reflection of something greater than a man to a woman who gets married and decides to spend their lives together

If you understand the mystery of marriage, you will understand

  1. The mystery of spiritual power
  2. Fellowship and Intimacy with God
  3. Authentic Christianity

Ephesians 5:22-33 KJV explanations: 

  1. The concept of marriage from the kingdom perspective
  2. How a man can find this woman that becomes his bride
  3. The partners and the persons involved in this union called marriage
  4. The roles, codes of conduct, and privileges that are created in this mystery are called marriage.

Ephesians 5:31 KJV – For this cause:

  1. Being aware of the previous statement and being prepared to abide by the conditions and understanding the full implication of ignoring them.

According to God’s Structure:

  1. The Bible clearly tells us that a marriage between a man and a woman.
  2. The union must happen in the presence of their parents (Father and Mother) or a representative.
  3. The father and the mother should be involved to raise the children to maturity and releasing them with satisfaction. If a Child fails, it is the fault of the parents. Any marriage that is done without parental presence is not recognized by Heaven. The parents are the ones who train the girl to become a woman and a boy to become a man.
  4. Marriage is the clearest revelation to a man about God’s intention as far as oneness and intimacy are concerned. Marriage is a technology that brings 2 people in oneness in the flesh. Physical oneness recognized by heaven. If you ignore God’s kingdom principles, there are consequences.

 Ephesians 5:31 KJV – Leave his Father and Mother:

  1. Responsibility. A spiritual communication that you have attained a state of responsibility where you can build a place for yourself and continue.

How a man should be able to meet his bride

Songs of Solomon 3:1-4 KJV.

  1. Songs of Solomon 3:1 KJV. Your soul loving someone you have not seen. As a lady, you will never marry until you are ready to love.
  2. Songs of Solomon 3:2 KJV. Action and Co-operation. Having a passionate Love. Genuine Love starts from your spirit man, way before any man happens.
  3. Songs of Solomon 3:3 KJV. Watchmen (evangelists) who can channel her to the one she loves.
  4. Songs of Solomon 3:4 KJV. After a season and meeting the watchmen, she found the one her soul loved.

If you do not passionately love the person you are in a relationship with, pack your bag and go because this love will sustain you during the thick and thin season in marriage.

Sister, if you are really a spiritual lady, you will understand when seasons happen. You are prepared based on the dealings of the spirit.

When you get married to a person your heart truly does not love, you have signed a record of unfaithfulness forever.

Men seek by the spirit through retreat and reading a good book and women position themselves to be found 

The Bible reveals 3 Ways that Connections are made for relationships and Marriages:

  1. Desire and Passion. Genuine Godly Desire and Passion. Participate in Kingdom building. Unusual seal for patience.
  2. The Prophetic (Prophecy or the ministry of the Holy Spirit). To help the man in locating the woman. Prophecy can be very powerful in helping you understand your spouse.
    • Factors that must come together
      • Alignment
      • Parental Approval
      • Tribal Differences
  3. Divine Connection. One of the strongest ways that couples are connected together.

In a Kingdom marriage, there are 3 parties involved:

  1. The Man
  2. The Woman (The woman who becomes his wife)
  3. Jesus himself represented in the person of the Holy Spirit.

The Roles Ephesians 5:22 KJV

The Roles Ephesians 5:23-24 KJV

The Roles Ephesians 5:25 KJV

The Roles Ephesians 5:27-28 KJV

You always have time for what you love.

What is the role of the wife?

  1. To love with such passion and to submit in everything. Ephesians 5:24 KJV, John 11:10 KJV. Commitment. Submit in everything. Submit your mindset. If your mindset does not agree, your marriage will not work. Amos 3:3 KJV.

Only think of marriage and you are aware and prepared to play your role.

Faithfulness is important.

A woman of honor and dignity is a woman that defends the interest of the man.

The greatest thing you can do for a man in your life is to let him know and make him feel secure the way he is. Not complacent but let him know that is not what he is giving you and that you love him with passion

Many ladies are killing their relationships with wrong mindsets.

You must submit, if you are not interested in submission don’t get married, don’t get into a relationship.

Ladies learn to speak to your man, learn to honor him. Send him text messages of dignity.

Ladies, It cannot always be your way.

Husband love your wife unto death. Husband you must sacrifice unto death. Jesus modeled this and showed it to us.

Wife you must honor your husband.

Husbands when a woman submits to you, you must show the level of responsibility that justifies that submission.

Husband, your wife is the reflection of the honor that Christ has put upon us.

Never do to any woman what Jesus Christ did not do to you


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