The Humility of Jesus Christ

The Humility of Jesus Christ

  1. He didn’t have to come, he is royalty but he decided to come for you, and I
  2. He was born in a manager. A place where animals were kept. He could have told God how he wanted to come
  3. He had to wait for 30 years before starting his assignment, he could have just come and die and go back, but he chose to wait and rely on the father
  4. He was baptized by his cousin John the Baptist. Remember John wanted to back out but Jesus insisted. He could have chosen to start immediately it was time but humbled himself. Philippians 2
  5. He gave all glory back to God. Thanking him in every opportunity or situation he was in. Feeding the 5 thousand, healing Lazarus, etc
  6. He could have quit last minute like in the garden of Gethsemane but he remembered it is the will of the father and not his will. I came to do the will of the Father. My father is working so am I
  7. He surrendered himself to be beaten and hung on the cross
  8. He said Father forgive them for they know what they are doing.
  9. He said it is finished.
The Humility of Jesus Christ

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