The Dominion Power of Light by Apostle Joshua Selman
The Dominion Power of Light || Accelerate Conference 2024 || Lagos-Nigeria || Apostle Joshua Selman
- Satan is a major hindrance and not the only hindrance to your living a victorious Christian life.
- Most prayer requests were designed to be answered through growth.
- To Manifest or reflect the fullness of Christ
There are three dimensions that a man must access to really enjoy the fullness of Christ:
- The study of his Nature. The Character of the Christ
- His Wisdom. The Ways of God
- His Works. The Power of God
John 1:5 KJV, Ephesians 4:18 KJV, Romans 10:12 KJV
There is one way key to the kingdom and that is Jesus. John 14:6 KJV, But when you come into the kingdom, there are keys to the kingdom
God desires that all men be saved. 1 Timothy 2:4 KJV
The glory of God is only made manifest in the life of the believer in the presence of light. Isaiah 60:1-3 AMP
Knowledge is powerful, light is powerful.
In the kingdom when we’re talking about light, we’re talking about three things:
- Knowledge
- Revelation
- Illumination
Whenever the Bible talks about light in reference to the believers’ work he’s talking about access to knowledge, access to revelation, and access to illumination
Luke 15:8-10 KJV, Genesis 1:26-28 KJV, Ephesians 2:10 KJV, Matthew 5:16 KJV, John 15:16 KJV, Psalm 18:29 KJV, Ephesians 4:18 KJV
Dominion in an area in this kingdom is based on sufficient knowledge of the ways of God.
The truth is that we know some things, but many of us do not know enough to command the kind of dominion that we desire.
1 Corinthians 8:2 KJV
We ride prosperously according to Psalm 45:4 because of truth. Your triumph in life and destiny is because of truth.
The Bible calls truth a belt, it brings stability, it saves you from shame and embarrassment. Ephesians 6:14 NLT
Ignorance can turn anything valuable to become an object of shame.
Light is what separates victory from defeat. 2 Peter 1:3-4 KJV, Proverbs 18:1 KJV
Light has dominion power and you must understand it (knowledge)
And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strives lawfully. 2 Timothy 2:5 KJV
How to Access Light?
1. Through consistent study of Scripture. Luke 4:17 KJV, Job 22:29 KJV, Job 8:7 KJV, Psalm 45:1 KJV, Isaiah 60:3 KJV, Genesis 12:3 KJV, Psalm 91:16 KJV, Psalm 3:5 KJV, Psalm 4:8 KJV, Deuteronomy 28:3 KJV, Joel 2:25 KJV, Psalm 112 KJV, Genesis 17:6 KJV, Deuteronomy 33:6 KJV
2. Through the power of corporate fellowship. Psalm 133:1-2 KJV, Micah 4:2 KJV, Jeremiah 3:15 KJV, Psalm 122:1 KJV, Psalm 73:17 KJV
3. Through the power of mentorship. Strategic distilled knowledge comes easily through the power of mentorship.
Lessons from an Overcomer by Apostle Joshua Selman
You have the responsibility to redefine the meanings that you give things. Mentorship is very powerful, it gives you the privilege of distilling knowledge of years without the pain factor.
4. Through Service.
The first thing about service is that you have become the partaker of the grace where you are serving. 2 Kings 3:11 KJV
When you Serve? What Service Does?
- Service brings proximity, it brings you closer to be able to observe the working dynamics.
- Service gives you access to the heart of kings, it gives you access to great people.
- Service affords you the proximity to learn. Proverbs 6:6 KJV
5. Through the Ministry of The Holy Spirit. John 16:12-13 KJV, Isaiah 30:21 KJV, 1 Corinthians 2:12 KJV, 1 Timothy 1:17 KJV, John 1:5 KJV
Genesis 1:5 KJV – What God calls day is not the shining of the sun, is the presence of light.
Psalm 30:5 KJV, John 1:9 KJV
James 5:13 KJV, Mark 11:24 KJV
James 4:2-3 KJV, Proverbs 4:18 KJV
Light has dominion power.
Isaiah 60:1 KJV
2 things for a Potent Prayer:
- It must be effectual (The word compliance of that prayer)
- It must be heartfelt (your emotions is invested into it)
The primary assignment of satan is to hinder you from accessing light because, in the presence of darkness, he can have a field day.
One of the ways you change seasons is that you tie the seasons to a seed, as the seed dies, the season follows it.
God can give every seed another body
Transformation is not a gift, you engage transformation
Transformation is a reward for pressing and a reward for insisting