The Anointing by Apostle Joshua Selman (Advance Conference)

The Anointing by Apostle Joshua Selman (Advance Conference)

Ephesians 3:20, Philippians 4:13, Acts 10:38

The Anointing of The Holy Spirit is God’s ability at is at work in a human or a material vessel. Helping the accomplish his purposes and then to produce supernatural results

Why do you need the anointing

  1. To subside the forces of darkness that fight against our destiny and the purposes of the kingdom Psalm 66:3
  2. To fulfill our God-given assignment and to advance the course of the kingdom

Skills and human abilities can go so far

Acts 4:32

The possibilities that we command in this kingdom is a product of the kind and dimension of the gracing upon your life

The anointing is in levels and the anointing is in dimensions

Just because you are anointed does not mean you can solve all problems

Genesis 1:2-4, Luke 7:8-9, Deuteronomy 28:1-2

When the grace of God comes upon a man, it speaks immediately

Psalm 23:5

It takes strength more than skill to retain wealth

There are miracles called notable miracles that can preach for one year non-stopping

How to receive the anointing

  1. Directly from God through encounters. Acts 10:38. The anointing is spiritual.

Impartation from the carriers of the anointing. What is impartation? Impartation is a spiritual system of transferring possibilities. Possibilities can be transferred from person to person. The assignment of Impartation is to transform possibilities from carriers to those whose hearts are hungry. Philippians 1:7, Romans 1:11, Numbers 27:18-20

Honor is a grace. Honor is the ability to be perceived and be rewarded to match your true worth.

Obedience is a product of honor, not sincerity.

Deuteronomy 34:9, 2 kings 2:1-15

Your faith has an eye and it can see and desire what it wants

2 rules for receiving Impartation

  1. Honor
  2. Service

Genesis 27:20-24

Foundations you must meet to rise

  1. After meeting Jesus Christ
  2. You need the apostolic and prophetic

For the sake of those connected to you, open up your heart for the anointing.

5 different kinds of anointing God wants to give us:

  1. The grace of Encounters – To create convictions. You can not be persuaded or walk supernaturally in the spirit without encounters.
  2. Grace for Visibility when the grace for visibility comes upon you, your life becomes a wonder.
  3. Grace for SpeedThe greatest asset any man has outside of eternal life is the Advantage of time. Time is the most important component. If you lose time, it doesn’t matter what you have, you have failed. Isaiah 38:5. lose money but have time you will get it back.

Delay is when only your age is growing.

2 Ways God helps men with respect to time

  1. Speed
  2. Restoration – Taking what should have happened and bringing it to your future to happen. God doesn’t just restore things, he restores years. Joel 2:25

Progress is forward movement, speed is not just forward movement, it is to gain the time you lost.

Sometimes you don’t need the water to the path, you can just walk on it.

4. The grace for signs and wonders. The supernatural, the miraculous.

5. The grace for favor. The number one reason people succeed in life is because of the favor of God. Prove of favor is access to the heart of men. When you have favor in your life you have these 3 tripartite systems in your life

  • Unusual Access
  • Unusual Kindness
  • Unusual Acceptance

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  1. Have been following and reading your messages Apostle. I’m really growing thank you so much sir

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