Anytime God steps in, the word too late gets out of the equation.
Romans 1:1-5, Acts 26:16-18
Visibility is everyone’s heritage in Christ Jesus.
Matthew 5:13-16 (AMP)
“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has lost its taste (purpose), how can it be made salty? It is no longer good for anything, but to be thrown out and walked on by people [when the walkways are wet and slippery)…”
Salt – To add taste and to preserve.
The purpose of a Believer is to reveal and glorify Jesus.
Value is measured in the realm of the spirit, with respect to the revelation and glorification of Christ Jesus.
The Believer’s principal assignment should be to ensure Jesus is revealed and glorified. This should be at the very core of all that we have and everything that we are.
Ministry is beyond the religiosity of activities.
Ministry is everything you do, inspired by your love for Jesus and love for people, for the purpose of revealing and glorifying Jesus.
Ministry is defined by two biblical indices:
1. Your love for Jesus and your love for people.
2. Your desire and motive to see Jesus revealed and glorified
Believers are classified into 2 Folds:
1. According to our spiritual identity. Our identity (Joined heir with Christ, Sons of God, Co-Heir with God)
2. According to our function and assignment. Witnesses, ambassadors, battle axes.
We fly by instruction.
God is Alpha and Omega. He doesn’t start and leave it there, he starts and finishes.
Five Prophetic Instructions for Koinonia and The Body of Christ
1. Give yourself continually to the Word and prayer.
(Acts 6:4, 1Timothy 4:15-16)
It is your responsibility to dissuade men from doubting the validity of God’s Word.
2. Invest in your health and your well-being (Rest).
(Genesis 2:2-3, Mark 4:37-38)
Find rest even in the midst of storms. Rest is a gift that comes from God (Psalm 127:2).
Invest in your health as a commitment to your longevity.
3. Invest in building and maintaining your relationships.
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
Relationships are advantageous connections. The power of relationships is one of the dominion systems in this Kingdom.
It is pertinent to give back and sow into destiny relationships.
Giving to destiny relationships is not limited to financial resources; you may also contribute love, thoughtfulness, generosity, and other intangible virtues to destiny connections.
4. Go and Embark on an end-of-year Retreat. Personal Retreat.
(Isaiah 40:28-31)
What is a Retreat?
A retreat is an antidote for spiritual deterioration. A time set apart to be with the Lord. To obtain renewal to obtain direction to obtain fresh empowerment.
1. Thanksgiving.
Psalm 92:1-4.
A retreat should be a moment of lavish, uncensored thanksgiving to God.
Your retreat is not complete without thanksgiving.
2. An Honest Appraisal of the year past or the season past.
Proverbs 18:1.
Strategic retreats are imperative for defining seasons in a man’s life.
You appraise the past year based on the following parameters:
1. Spiritual Life
2. Mental Transformation
3. Health and Wellness
4. Your Purpose and Assignment
5. Your Finances
6. Your Relationships
3. Direction for the next season. A retreat is where you get direction from God.
Hebrews 12:2, Psalm 32:8, Proverbs 3:6.
God directs men in the place of retreat. Confusion is an index of an incomplete retreat.
4. Planning and Resolutions for the next year.
Luke 14:28-30
The ability to finish well depends on proper planning. Factor in your current activities, as you develop a system that will enable you to live a well-balanced and productive life.
5. Obtain the DOING GRACE.
John 13:17, Romans 7:19, Jobs 42:10
Your plans and resolutions will not find manifestation if they are not backed up by ACTION. Without THE DOING GRACE, all plans will come to naught.
Five Prophetic Instructions for Koinonia and The Body of Christ
5. Share your love of Jesus to all around you. Preaching and Giving.
John 13:17, Romans 7:19, Job 42:10
You share the love of Jesus by preaching the gospel and by giving.
To impart means to:
- To transfer spiritual possibilities from a carrier by grace to one who is in need of it. Phil 1:7, Numbers 27:18-20
- Activating something you already have both don’t have visibility because it is dormant. Deuteronomy 34:9, 2 Kings 6:17, 1 Samuel 1:21, Genesis 24:1
Proverbs 13:15, Exodus 3:21, Psalm 44:3, Esther 2:15;17
Visibility is a key for living a rewarded life.
Favor is merited and multi-dimensional.
Gaining Time
- Restoration
- Speed
You gain time via restoration and speed.
Restoration brings back time and speed makes for accelerated results.
Money has 3 major assignments:
- God blesses us for our comfort
- God blesses us to provide financial resources for the kingdom’s advance
- God bless us to give us an opportunity to be a blessing to a dying world in a deviant and practical way.
Money has 2 assignments:
- Efficiency (gaining time and dominion system)
- Time Redemption
1 Samuel 10:5, Psalm 65:11
The prophetic dimension to wealth is called surfing wealth and wealth through the finger of God.