Tearing Down Altar (Greater Light 2) by Apostle Selman

Tearing Down Altar (Greater Light 2) by Apostle Selman

Greater Light The Mysteries of Dominion Part 1 by Apostle Selman

Lift your voice and pray in the Spirit. Pray with dedicated focus and your eyes on Jesus Christ. Edify yourself in the language of The Spirit.

Pray: Father, my heart is opened, set to receive from You, void of distractions and desperate for more. I receive by faith, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Pray: Father, let a fresh encounter rest upon Your people in Leeds, United Kingdom. Let Your word prevail. Breath upon Your people, let destinies be opened, set men and women on fire. Let Your Word prevail in the name of Jesus Christ!
Declare safety for everyone traveling from all over the world to the Conference, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Light is in levels and if you have come out of darkness, you must continue to contend for greater illumination. Light can determine seasons and moments in destiny.
No Believer will walk in dominion if he or she veers off God’s architecture. Mankind was designed to manifest the nature of God and also function like Him.
The absence of the fruit of The Spirit is the major cause of chaos in society.
The Word of God is the foundational basis for functioning like God.
To function like Christ Jesus, you must:
1. Speak like Christ.
(Isaiah 8:20)
2. Be obedient.
3. Live a life of sacrifice. (Romans 12:1)

“See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1‬:‭10‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

The kingdom of God and its operations are hidden in mysteries. (Matthew 13:11)
Mysteries are hidden codes of operation that are exposed to only a few. Handling the mysteries of God require maturity.

Your authorisation to accessing the mysteries of the kingdom is predicated upon your willingness to grow and access the truth, per time and per season.


One of satan’s advantage as far as cutting short the glory of the saints is concerned, is to make Believers believe that just because the work of Jesus Christ is finished, it has also been executed

Foundational Truths for Every Believer:
1. Satan only has an advantage over the Saints on three (3) grounds:
– ⁠Disobedience
– ⁠Covenants (Genesis 8:20, Genesis 12:7, Genesis 26:25, Genesis 35:7, 1 Samuel 14:35
Of all these three, the most far-reaching, with respect to its effects, are covenants.

Covenants are transgenerational. Even though the individual who made a covenant may be long-gone, a covenant once made retains its potency.
(Genesis 12:7)

What is an Altar?

1. An altar is a place, platform or a system where the spirit realm makes contact with the physical realm on legal grounds.
(Luke 1:10-11)
2. An altar is a platform that authorises laws and spirits, to function upon the earth.
3. An altar is a platform where covenants are initiated, activated and maintained.

Man was created as a spirit, by God. That spirit contains soulical faculties – will, emotions and intellect, resident within a body. This gives man the legitimacy to function upon the earth.
From the time God built this system, it made it illegal and illegitimate for any other spirit to come into the earth to steward it.

Altars can be physical monuments, institutions, men, and even non-material platforms such as ideas and suggestions.

There’s no true dominion nor lasting liberty without the knowledge of altars.

Everyone you see in Biblical times, modern history and even currently, demonstrating any high level of sustained results righteously, has mastered the act of building altars or is leveraging on the efforts of another individual who has mastered the act of tearing down and rebuilding altars.

Altars allow different kinds of spirits and these spirits have a basis for their presence and function.
The business of dominion is the business of altars. Spiritual transactions that translate to victory or defeat, are by altars.

The major assignment of an altar is to give authorisation, give continuity or bring discontinuity to any godly or demonic spiritual activity upon the earth.

In one word, an altar is a “platform”.
In one sentence, an altar is a spiritual negotiation table.

Two Kinds of Altars based on the results they produce:

1. Evil or demonic altars – a system of authorisation, set up to allow the operations of darkness, in a life, family and community on a legal basis, causing mayhem and setbacks consistently.
2. Righteous or godly altars – a system of authorisation set up to allow the operations of The Holy Spirit, angelic forces and The Word of God to work profitably for an individual or family. (Judges 6:25-26)

Altars have voices! The realm of the spirit, once there is legitimacy, allows the altars speaking, to prevail.

Patterns are instructions from the realm of the spirit that dictate that the same outcome must manifest in the lives of family members. It is the name given to the continuity of a condition, legitimised by an altar.

You can detect the presence of an altar in any life by the consistency of patterns and occurrences happening, whether positive or negative.

There are various kinds of occurrences a Believer can use to detect the presence of altars, and what kind of altar is at work in their lives.
Once you see consistency of results or conditions, it is beyond willpower; there is an altar at work!

You can know what instructions an altar give in the realm of the spirit, by the patterns of what happens.
Men are conveyors of altars and these altars come with instructions.

There are certain altars that are like embargoes on people’s lives, bringing about destruction.

Activating your liberty in Christ Jesus, from negative altars, is dependent on you following the rules of engagement.

You don’t have to be bad or evil to be a victim of evil altars. Unless you know how to precisely rebuild a protective altar, an evil altar will continually exert its influence!

Anything speaking against anyone’s life, programming struggles, you must be released tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Everything that is not of God, speaking against anyone’s life, programming trouble; in the name of Jesus, you are released this night!

Life is not as haphazard and sentimental as we think. Life is largely a product of programming and instructions, done by you or on behalf of you, producing either blessings or curses.

There is an operation that leads to the experience of liberty and an operation that keeps an individual perpetually in bondage. People are victims of programming and operations.

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

No matter how long an evil altar has been in place, they can be pulled down, whilst righteous altars can be set up in place of those evil altars.
Altars work by speaking instructions in the spirit realm that must manifest in your life, if allowed.

The word “law” referring to sin and death in the above scripture, means operations and programming, leading to experiences that have kept people in perpetual bondage. People are largely victims of these programming and operations.

There is a central altar powering every evil altar and this central altar is the altar of sin and iniquity.
Three Levels Of Sins:
1. Personal sins.
2. Territorial sins.
3. Sins based on foundations and bloodlines.
(Psalm 11:3)

All godly altars are powered by the throne of grace. The throne of grace is the altar that powers every other godly altar. (Hebrews 12:22-24).

If you cannot access the throne of grace, you don’t have a basis for powering godly altars. The degree to which you are free from the speaking of evil altars is the degree to which your speaking is connected to the throne of grace.
You stop the speakings of satanic altars, by raising up another righteous altar that speaks consistently with God’s desire for you.

The realm of the spirit respects a believer’s speaking to the degree that the declaration is connected to the throne of grace.

“And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.”
(Hebrews 12:24)

You stop the speakings of satanic altars by raising up a righteous altar that speaks consistently to God’s desire and will for you.

Your speakings and programming can become consistent enough to create instructions that are pro – destiny and pro – Kingdom.

The only thing that brings altars down is light, not sentiments.

Pray in the Spirit in one minute: Ask God to open up your eyes!

Understanding The Law Of Substitution:
The concept of altars was designed in a way that there should not be a vacuum at any point of your life.
You cannot stop outcomes by just stopping them. You stop outcomes by replacing them. You stop demonic altars by raising godly altars that replaces the altar that speaks negativity.

When it comes to tearing down altars, there is a responsibility component to administering this liberty, and if the Saints are not taught respectively, they will remain defeated.

Three levels of deliverance
1) Casting out the spirit influence
2) Deliverance through transformation
3) The discipline of conformity

Many Believers have been taught to tear down ungodly altars, but not how to raise godly altars in their place.
However, according to the law of substitution, an altar will always speak, either for good or for evil. To silence the voice of a negative altar, you must establish a godly altar that will speak or stand in opposition to it.
This is important because Believers need to understand their responsibility component towards administering liberty and freedom. Without proper teaching, the saints may remain in a cycle of defeat.

You will never silence the voice of evil altars nor walk in dominion, if you are not prepared to take the responsibility of setting up a concurrent altar, that is set up by light, and maintained by consistency.

The blood of Jesus is not the colour “red” nor is it just a liquid. It is the summation of the revelation behind His becoming sin, Who knew no sin, died a death He did not deserve, so that the men who deserved to die, in Him can find liberty.

Every time you invoke the blood of Jesus Christ, a memorial is raised and it echoes that Jesus the Just Man is being accused and because of what that Just Man has done, you’re free.

The Blood of Jesus Christ is administered as mercy to you, but it is also an instrument of justice. It raises the memorial to God, The Judge, and to satan or dark forces, that through the death of Jesus, you are now made free.

Altars are built through speakings and through words.

The only thing that brings altars down is light (illumination), not sentiments.

Satan does not always come as a thief. He is also “the accuser of the brethren“, accusing the Believer day and night, on legitimate grounds.
God’s system of justice demands that there must be a a strong reason as to why satan should take his hands off you or your life.
(Isaiah 41:21)
Jesus Christ and His sacrifice becomes your basis for freedom! The speakings of the blood of Jesus eradicates every accusation.

When God judges, He judges based on Who He is, and not based on the situation.

The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; Slow to anger, and of great mercy.
(Psalm 145:8 KJV)
When God judges, He judges based on His person. He does not desire that anyone perishes.
The blood of Jesus leverages on this character of God, bringing liberation.

In tearing down altars, there are two basis for establishing your case before the courts of heaven:
1. What Jesus Christ has done.
2. The power of the will.

The covenant of sacrifice is not a one-off action. It is a sacrifice that must be initiated, activated and maintained consistently, if you want to walk in victory and dominion.

For as long as there’s a part of you that is not interested in the things of God, satan still has a hold of you.

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
Galatians‬ ‭2‬:‭20‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)


1. Breaking the hold of those demonic altars, ill-speakings, and satanic ordinances by engaging the blood of Jesus Christ.
This can also be done through Repentance (brokenness and a contrite heart).
2. Engage the covenant of sacrifice.
The first object used for rebuilding an altar of sacrifice is yourself, i.e. total surrender. (Romans 12:1, Galatians 2:20)

When God wants to deliver a family, He sets up a “burning bush” for years, till one person notices. All He needs is just that one person in the family, who is ready to be made, used and sent by Him, on behalf of the family.

In rebuilding altars, there are truths you will find from scriptures. However, in rebuilding a personal altar, God is going to demand specific instructions that are unique to you. The degree of your compliance to these specific instructions, is the degree to which you command dominion and power.

Prayer affords you the lifestyle to verbalize your will and interest.

Satan doesn’t attack at all times; he can wait patiently for years, letting you remain in your assumptive pride. Just when you think you’re free of altars in your background, he strikes. This is his strategy and how he works.
Recognize that just because the devil is quiet or silent over you, doesn’t mean you’ve been set free.
True dominion doesn’t happen until you understand how to tear down satanic altars and build godly ones.

Never stop praying because you’re sleepy. In that sleepy state continue to pray, because there’s a supply of strength from God that will eventually swallow up the lethargy.

If you must tear down demonic altars and build a godly altar, you must see prayer as a covenant.
Declare: I will pray!

You don’t rebuild a godly altar by assembling stones together. You rebuild godly altars by putting in godly steps through the medium of prayer.

Nobody is born a prayer warrior. Those who will be given to prayer must make themselves prayerful by revelation.

The parts and portions of your life that are not yielded as God’s properties, are the parts the devil will attack.

How To Tear Down Altars:

1. Break the hold of those ordinances, altars and speakings by engaging the blood of Jesus Christ.
2. Engage the covenant of sacrifice.
What To Sacrifice:
– The sacrifice of yourself – total surrender (Romans 12:1)
– The sacrifice of prayer as a lifestyle (Leviticus 6:12-13).
– Giving (Joshua 24:15).

Pray: Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I declare that every evil speaking that is powered by demonic altars, I come against them by the blood of the eternal covenant. Altars, be silenced by the blood of Jesus Christ!

Pray: Lord, the grace to follow You daily, the grace to commit to a life of prayer, the grace to follow You diligently, and the grace to give, I obtain those graces now in the name of Jesus Christ!

Father in the name of Jesus, I pray over everyone under the sound of my voice: every altar speaking against your life, by the blood of the eternal covenant, those speakings come to an end now in the name of Jesus Christ!

I decree and declare by the power of The Holy Spirit, let a new altar speak increase, advancement, multiplication, favour and blessings upon your life in the name of Jesus Christ!

I decree over you, any evil altar that has spoken death over you, I speak life; where it has spoken poverty, I speak riches; where it has spoken curses; I speak blessings; where it has spoken delay, I decree go forward in the name of Jesus Christ!

By the blood of the eternal covenant and the rebuilding of God’s altar, I decree, may your wilderness become a fruitful field and your fruitful field becomes a forest in the name of Jesus Christ!
Declare: I am free!

Genuine peace and fulfillment stems from an encounter with your Creator.
Jesus is reaching out to you right now. He wants to give you a new beginning, regardless of your past or current situation.
Take the bold step to begin the journey of salvation by saying yes to Him.
With faith in your heart, declare this prayer of salvation to receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

If you just received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, we would love to read from you and become a part of your Christian journey.
Please use the link https://bit.ly/JESUSINMYHEART or send us an email via [email protected]



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