Strategy For Consistency (Prophetic Charge) by Apostle Selman

Strategy For Consistency (Prophetic Charge) Philippians 3:13 || Covenant Nation || Lagos-Nigeria || Apostle Selman

Strategy For Consistency (Prophetic Charge) by Apostle Selman

Part 1: A Wise Master Builder (Pastors and Leaders Session) by Apostle Selman


Proverbs 4:18 KJV, Joshua 13:1 KJV, Hebrew 7:25 KJV, Philippians 3:12-15 KJV

I PRESS: Determination and Focus, the mindset of a winner and the mindset of a finisher. Philippians 3:13 KJV

You stop pressing when you get to the finish line

1. Over-dwelling on the past but negatively and positively can hinder advancement and progress.
When you over-dwell on a negative past, It creates:
1. Fear
2. Discouragement
3. Deflate your passion to press

Judges 6:12-13 KJV, John 5:7 KJV, Luke 5:5 KJV

When you over-dwell on a positive past, It creates:
1. Complacency
2. Pride
3. Overconfidence
4. Indiscipline

In Destiny, no one claps for you twice for the same level

2 Strategies For Consistency:

  1. Remain Humble and Broken regardless of what God does through your life. Psalm 51:17 KJV
    The Higher God lifts you, the more you remain on your knees is the safest position for any believer. John 3:27 KJV, James 4:6 KJV, Psalm 68:1 KJV, Proverbs 18:24 KJV
    Humility adds honor to your achievements. Genesis 50:20 KJV
    Pride is a destroyer.
    Run away from people who make crying before God look like an embarrassment because you are lifted.
    Proverbs 3:5-7 KJV, Romans 15:4, Philemon 1:6 KJV, Phippians 2:5-11 KJV, Psalm 24:1 KJV
  2. Never Stop Learning. Commit to Continuous Learning. John 1:5- KJV, Genesis 1:5 KJV, Psalm 30:5 KJV, Revelation 5 KJV, 1 Corinthians 8:2 KJV
    There is a standard of light (illumination that you must contend for) connected to every result you desire. There is a standard of illumination that you must contend for.
    Your Assignment is to search for light and NEVER STOP. Philippians 3:10 KJV.
    You must have the heart of a learner, you learn passionately while you serve. Eccelestaties 10:15 KJV, Ephesians 4:18 KJV
    Learn from the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Hebrews 6:12 KJV. Don’t leave what brought you where you are.

It is not all up to God and it is not all up to you. Proverbs 23:23 KJV


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