Road Map (The Path To Ever Increasing Glory) by Apostle Selman

Road Map (The Path To Ever Increasing Glory) Matthew 7:14  by Apostle Selman

Road Map (The Path To Ever Increasing Glory) by Apostle Selman

Lift your hands to heaven and give God quality thanks for His manifold blessings and His good deeds upon your life. Thank Him for the months passed, thank Him for your family and business.

Count your blessings, name them before God: salvation, vision, purpose, liftings, wisdom, favour. Let them know Who showed you mercy.
Thank God for Koinonia, thank Him for His mercies, thank Him for your children, thank Him for your spouse, thank Him for your business, thank Him for November, give Him praise for the months past. He’s been faithful, He’s been kind.

“Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.”
John‬ ‭16‬:‭24‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

Pray: Father, all that is yet to be made manifest, let it come to pass in my life. I have heard You speak, let me see You perform.
The year is winding to an end but I still trust You.
Lord, the things I have heard You say about my destiny, even now, let me see a performance, in the name of Jesus.

Pray: You have spoken about my healing, my family, my finances, let me see it manifest.
Oh I trust You; You are a great God. If You’ve said it, You have the power to perform. Let my life capture the evidence of grace, mercy, goodness and all Your benefits.

You can give money and it blesses the receiver, but it will be temporal. You can give wise counsel and it can provide succour.
But when you teach, you truly empower, enlighten and set people on a course for eternal life, producing a sign and wonder out of anyone.

The beautiful thing about The Word of God is that it is an equaliser. The moment you introduce God’s Word into a person’s life, it neutralises every disadvantage, changing the person’s portrait from a failure to a victor.

The Word of God in a person’s life, sustains the ability to remove everything that would have being a barrier in the life of that individual.

You You measure progress, in the spirit realm by the amount of time spent in hearing God’s Word. It shortens the distance between your starting point and your moments of fruitfulness and victory. Your destiny may look small, but there is an ability acting on it.

The domain of satan ends in the Believer’s life, when ignorance has been eliminated from the life of the Believer.

There is nothing the devil can do about a Believer who has found the path to victory. As long as you are in darkness, satan has an advantage over you.
When you know the truth, the truth has within it, the power to make free.

Sustainable liberty is proof that you’ve found the truth, engaged the truth and you are now reaping the dividends of the truth.

No matter how anointed a man is, he cannot decide your destiny for you.
You must make a decision that determines either your failure or success.

You cannot improve in life and destiny until you become brutally honest with yourself.
The greatest form of deception is self-deception.

If you sell nonsense to your world, people have an unforgiving heart towards incompetence. It will take the grace of God to erode that memory from their minds.

I pray for you, may you not join the “nonsense” category in the minds of people; when you show up, you show up to bearing value to bless them.

Whether you’re making progress or not, your confidence should not be in your results, rather, knowing the path that leads to your results. It is a terrible thing to step into accidental success without the knowledge of how you attained your results.

Seek competence, before attaining visibility. Seeking visibility without competence will leave you having the testimony of the fig tree that Jesus Christ cursed.
When you spend time to build competence, you may not need to seek visibility, because everyone will naturally gravitate towards you.

You’re valuable to the degree to which you have earned the loyalty of people, by your depth of selflessness and value.

I pray for you, that everything which causes people to perceive you as a nuisance will be replaced with light, and that light will upgrade you.

It is pertinent that you know the real gift God has given you, find what really stands you out and stay there!

Every gift in it’s raw, unrefined state is undesirable. Every gift you see being efficiently utilized is a product of hardwork and constant priming of that gift.

You’re only rewarded to the degree to which people acknowledge your value as being useful to their lives, and most times, it might take a while before your value is recognized, so you need to keep serving your value with patience.

If you served your value and people rejected or ignored it does not necessarily mean that your value is useless. It takes grace to stay until your value is appreciated and rewarded.

When you find those who need what you carry, you will live a satisfied life.
I pray for you, those who need what you carry, those who will celebrate what you carry, and those who will reward what you carry, may my God gravitate them to your life in the name of Jesus Christ!

All men desire a life that is impactful. It is a terrible thing to live a life that does not count for something with humanity.

The only gift you can give yourself is fulfillment. It is a satisfaction that comes from knowing that you lived and are living your life well.
Many, though successful are not fulfilled, hence the reason why some commit suicide.

The Psychological Needs Of A Person:

1. Fulfillment
2. Variety
3. Growth
4. Significance
5. Impact

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

In the name of Jesus, the path only few have found in destiny and with it have commanded commendable results, I declare that it is your turn to see it!

There’s a path that leads to glory and grace, both in the spirit and in destiny.
There is also a path that leads to failure and defeat.

“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.” Jeremiah‬ ‭6‬:‭16‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

When people fail in their lives, most times, they settle in on blaming satan or the family they come from. Very few admit that the reason they failed is because they followed a wrong path consistently.
You must be obedient to certain things to produce failure. Failure is a programming; a cumulation or omission of certain steps.

Success, victory and greatness is our right and heritage in Christ Jesus.

Among the many benefits of redemption, is an opportunity to taste true success and attain a position of true greatness.

“and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)
When God was making the promise to Abraham, He wasn’t speaking about Isaac his son, rather, God was referring to Jesus Christ and by virtue of salvation, every Believer in Christ (Galatians 3:29).

“And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭3‬:‭29‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

“Thou shalt increase my greatness, And comfort me on every side.” Psalm‬ ‭71‬:‭21‬ ‭(KJV‬‬)

If the scope and the end point of your seeking God is to secure material things, then you have been misled.

When we discuss matters of consecration, surrender, holiness and devotion to The Lord, the intent is to prioritise Jesus above our jobs, finances and every other material thing.
Sometimes however, in a bid to help people stay in the reality and consciousness of holiness, a mistake is made of trivialising important things the human spirit was made to find fulfillment in, ultimately through your relationship with Jesus and also through the consolations that come with living a fulfilled life.
The side effect is that we present a lopsided view of God; failing to point out that we are in this earth and our lives must be useful.

If the Believer’s life does not make progress, it leads to the Believer having a lopsided Christian experience.

Many Believers are unable to reconcile their passion and consecration to God and yet, their inability to make progress in every other aspect of their lives.
Their families, companies, finances are asking them questions that they are unable to answer.

As powerful as God’s many dimensions are, when one dimension is cherry-picked in preference over another, it becomes poisonous and there is no balance to it.

Being successful on earth, does not mean you will end up in hell, in eternity.
Desiring greatness and acquiring the same in your life does not take you to hell. Infact, there is a dimension of God you cannot communicate to your world, when greatness and success are missing.

When you are taught about God through a lens of balance and accuracy, you will love God wholeheartedly by choice, and you will truly understand Him.
However, when a picture of God is presented through a lens of fanaticism, you may accept it at first. But eventually, you will be exposed to a harsh reality when those who once shielded you are long gone, leaving you to face a lopsided understanding of God.

The Christian experience of some Believers would have been richer and fuller, if they knew that there are some dimensions of God that should not have been ignored

I pray for you, may God open your eyes to see where you’ve been missing it.
May your children never ask you questions that you cannot answer.

You will never become successful, victorious or great, if you do not believe that it is meant to be in your destiny.

There is an element of success, victory and greatness, that only God can bring into your life, making your God-given success valuable to you and the Kingdom

God is glorified when we are successful. God is glorified when we bear fruits.
(Isaiah 61:3)

Every Believer is the planting of The Lord. That means God is a Sower and His seeds are men.
His soil represents the various regions of the earth. The harvest He gets is how He is glorified.

Jesus cursed the fig tree to show us a lesson: that He is very unapologetic about demanding fruitfulness (John 15:8)

Any result you get in your life that does not glorify God is a useless result.
For the unbeliever, his pursuit for success and greatness is self-centred. However for the Believer, the reason for every pursuit is for His name’s sake.
Declare: Be glorified, through my life!

What does it mean for God to be glorified?
God is only glorified to the degree to which every of your results reveals Him:
Jesus Revealed! Jesus glorified!

If you cannot answer the question of how God will be revealed and glorified through the blessings He brings into your life, the bargain for glorifying Him is absent.

The greatest satisfaction for every Believer should be seeing people know, encounter and glorify God.
The greatest thing to do is allow God take the stage, while you hide behind the cross.

The reason why people do not see results and success in their lives is because although they’re obeying the right principles that lead to success, their hearts are very corrupt; they’re are only waiting for their results to arrive and then they will show who they really are.

No matter what your territorial limitations are, you can trap it with the consciousness of your origin in Christ Jesus.

God’s greatest desire is that you become an active contributor bringing glory to Him through evangelism, the right use of your mind, helping the poor and the needy and through every facet of your results.

One of the ways Believers grow in the spirit is by using what God has given them. Don’t expect more when you haven’t maximised all God has currently given you.
One way to grow in the anointing is to use it effectively.

In the name of Jesus Christ, your life is the next to bring great glory to God.

Never leave your life for 24 hours without a direct imprint of your glorifying God. One way to know you are bringing glory to God is that there is always a witness on earth, a faithful testament of your consistent desire to glorify God.

Success is not vague. It is measured across 6 areas:

1. Spirituality: the extent of your spiritual vibrancy, the height you have attained as far as knowing and loving God is concerned.
2. Your degree of transformation: the degree to which The Word of God has designed a superior belief system beyond your cultural, sociological and geographical context. You have been able to adopt a Word-compliant mentality.
3. Your health and physical wellbeing: you are not successful if your health and physical wellbeing is failing.
4. Purpose/Assignment: If you cannot answer the question “why are you here” in your life, your purpose is questionable and you will never experience true satisfaction.
5. Financial wellbeing: being poor, broke, needy, helpless does not glorify God. Poverty is very dangerous. It affects the whole man – spirit, soul and body. Resources help you protect your integrity and honour.
6. The quality of relationships you have and keep: there are things money cannot do – it can buy a house but cannot give you a home; it can buy a bed but cannot give you sleep. Relationships are powerful; there are harder currencies than even money, and relationships is one of them.

Life is as useful as the definition you have of it.

Only purpose and divine assignment make life and living, useful.

I pray for you, the same way your life found meaning through the purpose of another, may others find purpose through your life in the name of Jesus Christ!

The right roadmap seeks to examine the principles you have been adhering to or neglecting on your path to becoming successful.

Principles that lead to True Spirituality:
1. Your hunger and passion for God
2. Your prayer life.
(Acts 6:4)
3. Your passion for The Word.
(Colossians 1:9)
4. Your passion for corporate fellowship.
5. Your service

For many, they only pray when troubles come and it is usually a biased self-centred prayer.
Many pray along the lines of “Oh God, turn my life around and I promise I will give you money”. This they say, instead of vowing their hearts.

Ignorance does not make you valuable. Spirituality and ignorance cannot go hand-in-glove.

Your passion for spiritual information that translates to knowledge, understanding and wisdom, is the true index of your passion for God’s Word.

Opening the gospels, epistles, acts is wonderful but is only the elementary part of spiritual growth.
It must translate to spiritual understanding; we must see the degree you understand and know God and His ways.

Light is revelation that comes out of knowledge. Knowledge is the raw material from which you draw light. (Ephesians 1:17)

Hunger is a general principle that drives you to pursue knowledge. However, your hunger for God should be the highest priority above every other type of hunger, above hunger for things or general advancement.

You know that you are successful spiritually if all the indices of success listed, are working in your life.
Your hunger for God must always be present, ever-increasing!
You must be able to spend time in the presence of The King, whose hands hold the hearts of kings; The Holder of every man’s life.
Many do not know what God can do and that is why they honour and respect humans over God. It is more profitable to “waste” your time in God’s presence than to keep gallivanting in the presence of people who cannot help you.

If anointing was stored in a library or bank, many will not be able to access it due to the wickedness of mankind.
But thanks be unto God, Who anoints people. You can cry before Him and He will lavishly endue you with great power.

Rising and falling alike are based on principles. People don’t just fall arbitrarily; their hunger, prayer-life, word-study life, overall appetite for spiritual things and service along the line, must have fallen or declined, leading to their spiritual fall.
Provided you keep the principles, there is nothing satan can do. The area declining is the area satan is attacking.

The secret to your transformation is your awareness/recognition of your current state mentally and your contribution to either your success or failure.

How to Contend for Transformation:
1. Have the awareness and recognition of your current level in terms of your belief systems.
(Philippians 2:5)
2. Go for structured knowledge enhanced through mentorship.
3. Meditate
(1Timothy 4:15-16)

Mentorship filters the sense from nonsense, removing the pain-factor and providing distilled knowledge, gleaning from those who command consistent results.

There is a hearing that brings awareness and there is a hearing that brings conviction. You need both.
The key to bringing conviction is through repetition; transporting it through to your spirit man, programming yourself to victory.

You know you are not transformed by observing the quality of your decisions; the happenings around you are a report card to your mindsets.
There is a mindset for every result you want to command. You must have the mindset of the result you desire.

Every level of possibility in the Kingdom require a certain kind of mindset for that possibility to be birthed.

Refuse to see failure, weakness and defeat. Look forward only; yesterday (the past) had its chance when it was your today (the present) and the tomorrow (future) it failed to deliver.
Transit yourself and have a mindset that takes you out of battles that are needless to fight.

Things that kill your health and vitality:
1. Gluttony.
2. ⁠Lack of proper eating. (Genesis 42:2)
3. Inactivity: Laziness is death calling your name.
(Psalm 34:20)

Everything taking bread from your table, I curse it this night, in the name of Jesus.

You must make up your mind, that your God-given body is going to host your spirit for a long time.

Declare: I will be healthy.

In the name of Jesus Christ, for anyone the devil has put a death sentence on, I pray for you, by the power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead, may the mercy of God bring resurrection to your organs.

You must discover your purpose and one way to do that is to:
1. Use your potentials as pointers.
2. Your prophetic confirmations.
3. Service.

Once your purpose has been discovered, it is important to refine and then deploy it.

You prosper to the degree to which you are valuable and to the degree to which you are favoured.
The two principle keys: Value and favour through relationships.
You must serve people with solutions that are needed and useful.

If you are not valuable and do not refine and serve your gift with excellence, you will either be poor or not sustainably wealthy.
The degree to which you are able to serve products and services that are needed and useful is called “value”.

When God really wants to power your life, He grants you the access to do a particular thing: be valuable and favoured through relationships.

Relationships can get you financial rewards, but it is wisdom and learning how to transact your value that helps you maintain the financial resources.

If you’re only valuable to yourself, you’re flattering yourself.
Some people are valuable to be commended, not rewarded.

When troubleshooting your financial problems, you must first ask:
“Are you valuable and to what extent?“. Many people are valuable enough to be commended but not rewarded. Value translates to productivity.
If the answer to the above question is yes, you must ask “to who?”. You cannot be valuable ONLY to yourself.

When you are transformed, your relationships will rise to match your transformation. If everyone around is poor, it is a report card that shows you have not yet gotten to that realm of resources.

Pray for quality people established by the mercies of God, that will look upon you with kindness and bless you.
A poor man can help you, but cannot bless you financially.

There is a grace that prospers. There is an anointing that prospers.
The grace can come upon a person and redefine their financial possibilities.

I pray for you, provided you are hungry, this grace that helps people and accelerates them to their financial destinies, may that grace rest upon your life. May you become a financial wonder, in addition to your value and productivity, may that grace rest upon you, in the name of Jesus.

Knowing people alone does not benefit you relationally. You must learn how to connect, and the way to connect is by investing in people.
Relationships are investments; it is fraudulent to want returns on investments you did not make. You cannot show up and want a stake in the lives of people you did not invest in.

You can earn a living believing in people. Take a risk and believe in people.
Make up your mind that you will start believing in people. It is highly improbable to believe in people selflessly, and when God lifts them, they forget you.

Relationships are investments; don’t waste them.
Mutual respect is the way of the wise.

There are many destiny helpers around you that do not yet look like it. Disperse your seeds by investing in the lives of various people! (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2)

May your name be a key, and not a padlock!
I pray for you, whatever has made your name a padlock, may mercy destroy that padlock now, in the name of Jesus!

Bless the name of The Lord for all you have heard tonight. Thank Him for showing you the roadmap.
Pray for grace to be vibrant spiritually, to contend for transformation, to be healthy and physically vibrant, to walk in purpose and destiny, to excel financially and to invest in strategic relationships.

May your name be a key, and not a padlock!
I pray for you, whatever has made your name a padlock, may mercy destroy that padlock now, in the name of Jesus!

Father, thank You so much for The Word You have brought, in the name Jesus we receive this road map and with it, we declare that we war in prophecy and war with Your Word until destiny speaks and until we step into levels where we command enviable results.

I decree and declare over everyone under the sound of my voice, the grace to follow this roadmap until you are victorious, let that grace be released upon you!
The discipline by The Spirit to walk in keeping with these principles until the results speak in your life; I release that grace upon you now!

For those who have diligently followed this roadmap, I declare that your profiting appears speedily, in the name of Jesus!
For someone, this week’s beginning is your week of appearance; your week of manifestation; your week of favour.
All of these areas listed in the teaching, may you begin to excel in them.

Excel spiritually
Excel in the area of your mind
Excel in your health
Excel in your assignment
Excel in your finances
Excel in the area of relationships, in the name of Jesus!

I prophesy over you, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rises up against you will fall in judgement.

You are blessed in Jesus name.
You are favoured in Jesus name.
You will experience increase in Jesus name.
Helpers arise for your sake.
The Lord brings resources to you, in the name of Jesus Christ!
The wisdom needed for the next phase of your life, receive it!
The favour needed for the next phase of your life, receive it!
The anointing needed for the next phase of your life, receive it, in the name of Jesus Christ!

When men say there is a casting down, I speak over you, you will say there is a lifting up, in the name of Jesus!
For someone, from Sunday to next week Sunday, let it be testimonies everyday!
In the morning, testimonies!
At noon, testimonies!
In the evening, testimonies!
Even at night, testimonies!

Your going out is blessed.
Your coming in is blessed.
The mark of favour is upon you.
The mark of honour is upon you.
Go and excel!
You are an ambassador of the Kingdom!
May signs and wonders be wrought through your hands, in Jesus mighty name we pray!

Jesus loves you and desires that you be saved. He died on the cross for us and through His death, we have access to eternal life.
Say this prayer of salvation with faith in your heart, to accept Jesus as your Saviour.

If you just received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour tonight, we would love to read from you and become a part of your Christian journey.
Please use the link or send us an email via [email protected]


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