Rise Up And Walk by Apostle Joshua Selman

Rise Up And Walk by Apostle Joshua Selman

Pray in the spirit for a minute, receiving the blessings of God.

Declare that by The Spirit of God, you trample upon the enemy, that you are ever victorious, a living miracle.

Through my life, hands, and through wisdom at work in my life, glory must be to God.

Pray: Father, give me an encounter once again, even tonight.

Give me a life-transforming encounter by Your Spirit, that takes me to a higher level in the spirit, giving me the grace to excel, bringing glory to The King through my life.

It is important that your hunger for The Word of God never stops.

The victory of the Believer in this kingdom depends on knowledge and understanding. You’re at the mercy of what you know and what you don’t know.

Isaiah 60:1 KJV

Excelling in this kingdom is knowledge-dependent.

When knowledge comes, the potential for excellence and the platform for representing God at a higher level comes.

Your life is at risk when the measure of your knowledge is low. When it has to do with knowledge, there is a standard.
(1 Corinthians 8:2)

Dominion in the kingdom is a function of high-level spiritual illumination.

The Word of God not only sanctifies, it builds.
Acts 20:32 KJV, Hosea 4:6 KJV

There are spirits that distract people in the moment The Word of God is being taught.

It is pertinent that your heart is forever open to receive and engage The Word by faith so that it produces results for you.

It is possible for a man to camp around and remain at a position in life and destiny until their time comes.
Romans 15:4 KJV, Acts 3:1-8 KJV
In the name of Jesus, I declare that your time has come!

Knowledge is not revelation; revelation comes out of knowledge. The light that comes out of God’s Word is where revelation lies.

Prayer has several advantages; it is a premise upon which many things happen.

There are dimensions you must ascend to in prayer, for you to experience certain realities.

Certain spiritual realities like genuine encounters with God, will be foreign to you until you are given to the ministry of prayer.

An attack on your prayer life is an attack on your life.
(Luke 18:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Be consistent in your prayer venture. There is a discipline to prayer. A committal to remaining prayerful sustains The Spirit of prayer and revelation in a Believer’s life

Afflictions and calamities have a way of degrading a person. There is a degrading effect that calamities bring to humanity, such that the situation takes over a person’s actual name.
(John 9:1, Mark 5:25)

Anyone that has been connected to Ichabod, calamity, and shame, I decree, may my God give you a new name.
May God begin to do strange things in your life May The King of kings arise on your behalf and give you a new name.
May God give you a name that your children and grandchildren will be called by. May He give you a name connected to honor, speed, and restoration in the name of Jesus Christ!

There are situations where people are plagued with illnesses that are not their making. Their condition was not as a result of their carelessness or mistakes.

The origin of an affliction or a condition is not as important as the determination necessary to be free from it.

It is very important that we refrain from judging people’s situations carelessly. There are times people go through challenges, not as a result of their own actions.
Not all challenges in the lives of people are caused by sin or disobedience. We may never understand some situations, with regards to why they occur.

Knowing the root of a problem does not guarantee salvation or deliverance.

The afflicted must stop blaming situations and conditions; rather they must hate the unfortunate condition they’re in, enough to be determined to be free from it.

Many Believers focus more on identifying the root cause of their problem, than attaining the determination to overcome it.
Understanding the root cause of a problem will not automatically produce salvation or deliverance from it.

Points to Note from The Miracle of The Lame Man at the Beautiful Gate
(Acts 3:1-8)

1. *The timing of the miracle* – The time of the miracle happened at the hour of prayer and at the hour of faith.
(Acts 3:1, Philippians 4:6, Luke 9:29)
2. The degrading power of afflictions and calamities.
(Acts 3:2, Isaiah 62:2)
3. There are times people are plagued with calamities that are not as a result of their own carelessness or mistakes. Some people are simply victims of what they had no control over.
(Acts 3:2, John 9:1-3)
4. There are consequences to prolonged situations and conditions. A prolonged affliction has a way of making you doubt God’s faithfulness.
(Psalm 90:14)

5. Four miracles happened in the story, three were silent, but one was obvious. But the obvious miracle happened because of the three that happened.
(Acts 3:2)
6. There are two abilities in the lame man that he discovered and used: His ability to see (to correct His perception) and his ability to ask. (Matthew 7:7-8)
7. His remaining in that condition was no longer an issue of his foundation or upbringing, but a product of his in-moment mentality. (Jeremiah 33:3, James 4:3)
8. Seeing the right people was a God – factor in the story of the lame man. The mentality to rise up and walk is what attracts the ability to rise up and walk. (Acts 3:3-6)

Never downplay the effects of prolonged challenges. These effects include:
1. Low self-esteem
2. Anger
3. Resentment
4. Hatred
5. Wrong perceptions about God

There are many things about God you will never know, if you are not aware of those things and you look through the lens of your pain.

There are four kinds of destiny helpers:
1. Divine connectors
2. Men of influence
3. Gifted men
4. Burden bearers
These types of helpers were present in the story of the lame man.

Understanding The Four Kinds of Destiny Helpers:
1. Divine Connectors – They do not have the power to solve your problem, but they know people who can provide solutions to your problems.
2. Men of influence – They are great men who have credibility and track record; their endorsement of you can veto limitations and grant you access to open doors.
3. Gifted People – They will close leakages and protect you from wastages. One gifted man can have the strength of 50 people.
4. Burden Bearers – They may not have the ability to move you forward, their assignment is to stop you from going backward. These are people who love you sincerely and regardless of anything; not because of your status, crown, or title.

Never take the help of God and the help of men for granted. Always give thanks!
Do not forget your helpers; if they were only active in your yesterday, they still deserve your thank you today.

Four Miracles That Happened in The Story of The Lame Man:
First miracle: Certain men believed in him enough to carry and lay him daily at the gate called beautiful, refusing to be tired. This daily exercise altered the lame man’s perception and built his faith.
Second miracle: The ability of the lame man to look beyond his pain, legitimate resentment and to humble himself to be carried every day. (Luke 16:1-3 NIV)
Third Miracle: As he laid daily at the gate beautiful, something began to happen to his mind, because his faith was being built, he knew he could receive.
Fourth Miracle: His healing and rising up to walk.

Something happens when you come into the presence of the great.
It is a miracle when God brings you close enough to people, things, and situations that can change your mind.

The first miracle you need is not a change of condition but a change of perception. It is a change of perception that attracts the grace that changes your condition.
A change of perception always precedes a change of situation

From the day you discover that you can change your perception and understanding, and you possess the ability to ask both God and men, the calamity you are in becomes your responsibility.
(Jeremiah 33:3)

All things are yours in Jesus Christ, but you must ask by knowledge. It matters what you ask, and what you ask depends on what you know.

The prayer for light is a powerful prayer, because you only arise and shine in this kingdom when your light comes.

The conquering mentality produces the experiential ability.
When the mentality is intact, power will not be deficient.

Your asking is a product of your mentality. How long will you keep collecting silver and gold, when there is an ability to rise up and walk?

It is time to stop asking God for mundane things but begin asking for spiritual kingdom resources.
Champions in the spirit, ask for the capital that buys influence, time, the loyalty of men, and for superior graces.

Rise up and walk is better than begging for silver and gold.
But before you can walk, you must first rise up. Rise up and walk means to rise up from every limitation and challenge.
Another way of saying rise up and walk is to say “Lazarus, come forth’
(John 11:43-44)
It takes stamina and grace to rise up. Rise up and walk is an impartation; a release of grace.
(Ezekiel 2:1-2)

There are times when your helpers are only ushers, leading you to meet The Helper (God).

The name of Jesus without faith (obedience) on the part of the receiver, will fail to deliver results.

When men take steps of faith, the power of God will always be available to respond and back them up.

Every part of a man’s life can receive.
The name of Jesus without faith (obedience) on the part of the receiver will fail to deliver results.
The power of God only moved when the lame man moved.

God’s heart is hurt when Believers receive of the abundance of God, and that abundance draws them away from Him.

Peter and John in the midst of the applause saw an opportunity to reveal and glorify Jesus and they did not waste it.
It takes a lot of humility and deep reverence for God to point others to Jesus, in the midst of notable results.

Summary of The Entire Discourse: Rise up and Walk (Acts 3:1-18)

1. ‘Rise up and Walk’ is a prophetic call to partner with God and to step into seasons, opening up new chapters concerning your life and destiny. It is also a call to step into new horizons of kingdom exploits.
2. The mentality to rise up and walk is your responsibility, while the ability to rise up and walk is God’s own part.
3. Every manifestation of the hand of God upon your life should draw you closer to God, and not away from God.
4. For every manifestation of the hand of God upon your life and destiny, realize that you owe it to give Him thanks, praise, and glory.
5. Peter in the midst of the applause saw an opportunity to reveal and glorify Jesus and he did not waste it.
It takes a lot of humility and deep reverence for God to point others to Jesus in the midst of notable results.

Lay your hands on your head and decree and declare: It is time to rise up and walk!
To rise up and walk in ministry, operating faith for unusual and extraordinary dimensions and exploits: Exploits that dumfound principalities and powers, and reveal God in the world of men.

‘Rise up and walk’ can mean get back your prayer altar and your word – study life. ‘Rise up and walk’ is a call to do more for the kingdom.
The level of the apostolic, prophetic, and even wealth you have seen this far, are not all that there is
(Joshua 13:1, Deuteronomy 2:24-25)

In the name of Jesus, like fire from heaven, right now, upon as many that have the faith to receive, this grace that is higher than silver and gold, I stretch my hands, as God has granted the grace to bring these truths to you,
I pray for someone, the grace that causes men to rise up and walk, receive it right now!

Higher spiritual dimensions, receive it right now!
Higher prophetic dimensions, receive it right now!
The Spirit of revelation, at a higher dimension, receive it right now!
The grace for prayer and supplication, receive it right now!

I activate your prophetic encounters at a frequency you have never seen before!
I speak to you, spiritually, rise up and walk!
Financially, rise up and walk!
In your career, rise up and walk, in the name of Jesus!

Rise up and run!
Rise up and fly!
Rise up and soar!
Rise up and break limits!
Rise up and break boundaries!
Rise up and do what has never been done!
Rise up and surpass ordinary standards, in the mighty name of Jesus!

The Spirit, that comes into men, and causes them to rise and to fly in destiny, may that grace, unction, and anointing rest upon you, in the name of Jesus!
Everything keeping you down, I crush them for your sake forever, in the name of Jesus!

I declare over someone, I don’t know how long your challenges have lasted, I introduce into your life the word “immediately”. Let there be speedy manifestations!
Speedy manifestations of prophecy, grace, favor, lifting, new levels and of a new chapter, in the name of Jesus!

In the name of Jesus, now that you have arisen, be Peter and John to a family, business, and ministry.
Become agents of change and carriers of the anointing, conduits of spiritual possibilities, in the name of Jesus!

As you come for the Miracle Service next week, whole families will follow you! By reason of this grace, I forbid you from coming to the house of God alone. Your impact in the lives of families will be too significant for you to come to church alone, in the name of Jesus!

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