Re-Defining The Coming Revival by Apostle Joshua Selman
- The foundation for the believer’s experience is Jesus.
- The epicenter of any Christian activity in Church is the revelation of Jesus Christ.
- You gain stature in God’s Kingdom to the degree to which you subscribe to the dealings of the Holy Spirit.
- As a believer, you really cannot grow holistically in isolation.
God designed Christians to grow through a community of believers after they encounter Jesus Christ. - God’s authorised platform for the believer’s growth is that he/she is introduced to a larger community of believers that begin to help train and build them.
Transformation is very powerful if it’s done corporately; it will grant the individual the strength and courage to begin the journey of transformation. - Longevity in church does not automatically bring transformation.
- As a believer, your change is based on your hunger and the quality of spiritual vessels that feed and guide you.
- The cure for carnality is an immersion into a system that brings you under the governing authority of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
- It takes a long time for that transition to happen. There is no such thing as ‘instant maturity’ in God’s Kingdom.
- God’s structure of growth is to be embedded into a community of like-minded believers. Transformation is powerful when done corporately.
- When you encounter Jesus Christ, you are introduced to the Holy Spirit and then to the ministry of the Word. These are the principles responsible for your maturity. You gain stature to the degree to which you submit to these principles.
Encountering Jesus Christ brings about the believer’s growth and transformation through;
1). The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
2). The Ministry of the Word.
It is difficult to grow holistically in isolation.
- The cure for carnality is an immersion into a system that brings you under the governing authority of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
- When satan comes to attack you, he studies the pattern of your training for the principles and truths that are not captured in your experience and routes through that area of deficiency to launch his attack.
- God never designed believers in church to remain members forever. It is a risk to enlighten God’s people and leave them without purpose.
- When God comes through a revival, His emphasis is not to produce Preachers alone. God is looking out for witnesses and ambassadors of His Kingdom.
- When God’s revival comes, His emphasis is not to produce Preachers alone but also, to raise Witnesses and Ambassadors of Christ.
- In God’s Kingdom, the assignment of mentorship is to show you the various scriptural models in the Bible who you may have a similitude to.
- As a believer, do not be intimidated by the calling of another. Remain in your place of primary assignment.
- God is seeking for Ambassadors who would interact with stakeholders in secular spheres in order to reveal the purposes of God and advance the Kingdom
- In God’s Kingdom, the only factor that does not change is a revelation of Jesus Christ and His purposes. This is what changes “church members” from mere members to Kingdom ambassadors.
- As a believer, beyond the religious knowledge you gain from the church, it is pertinent to seek wisdom that would enable you stand out as an ambassador for Christ in your sphere of influence and territory.
- It is inaccurate to esteem only Ministers of God and downplay the role others play in Kingdom advancement.Serving God diligently in your sphere of influence and being diligent in your craft is Ministry too.
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Thank you Holy spirit for using your good servant apostle Joshua Selma waaawooo may GOD bless abundantly ????????