Predestined Unto Glory by Apostle Joshua Selman

Predestined Unto Glory || Word Conference 2023 | Upper Room Cathedral || Yola-Nigeria

Predestined Unto Glory by Apostle Joshua Selman

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When God wants to lift a man he grants him access to His Word

When God wants to change a man, he grants him access to His Word

When God wants to heal a man, he grants him access to His Word

When God wants to deliver a man, he grants him access to His Word

John 17:3 KJV, 1 John 5: 11 -12 KJV

The foundation of any believer’s journey is an encounter with Jesus the Son of God.

You have not begun your faith journey if you have not encountered Jesus the Son of God.

The greatest need of an unbeliever in order of eternal priority is his salvation.

Strive to see believers said is because of

  1. Your genuine Love for Jesus
  2. Your Love for them
  3. Your desire to bring joy to The Father

Things you must believe to be saved:

  1. Believe in Jesus’ Substitutionary Sacrifice
  2. Believe that he didn’t die for himself

Romans 10:8-10 KJV

The gospel is the declaration of the love of the Father revealed in and through the Substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Jesus came as a revelation of the Father’s love. Philippians 2:5-10 KJV

When the Holy Spirit/Ghost comes, he will convict you of three things

  1. Sin
  2. Righteousness
  3. Judgment

If a believer wants to be mighty used by God, your believer’s journey is a genuine encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Encounter life is guaranteed for you when you confess Jesus Christ with your heart and your mouth.

See also  The Wisdom of Egypt by Apostle Joshua Selman

Immediately you get saved, the next thing you need in your life is

  1. The ministry of a teaching priest in partnership with
  2. The Word of God and in partnership with
  3. The Holy Spirit. Jeremiah 3:15 KJV

The journey of transformation is the longest journey in a believer’s life. Transformation also doubles as a process of training.

You then start to learn the following:

  1. The Ministry of Prayer
  2. The Supremacy of the Word of God
  3. Character and Consecration
  4. Learn the value of the House of God
  5. Learn the economic system of the kingdom
  6. Learn about demons and satan and how to manifest victory

The name that is given to the entire process that matures a believer from the point of being saved until his transformation is called discipleship.

A disciple is someone who is willing to learn and submit themselves to a mentor.

When Jesus calls you, the mission is to follow me not follow it.

Consecration is the process of discovering your destiny in Christ and remaining there.

Consecrate is:

  1. Abstinence (Getting away from)
  2. Devotion

Ephesians 2:10 KJV

Salvation then transformation then empowerment.

Transformation talks of consecration and destiny discovery.

It is from Jesus you find your destiny.

The price of all of God is all of you

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